In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Love, CWA-style

Thanks to World o’ Crap for directing me to this poignant piece from Concerned Women for America. Here’s the premise: Janice is pissed because she realizes that she’s been mopping with a foam mop for 20 years when, really, she prefers a string mop. So she yells and screams in the kitchen about her deep desire for a string mop. And then…

I opened the door and there stood a delivery boy from the local florist –– holding a brand new string mop with a dozen beautiful red roses artistically arranged up and down the handle!

I stepped back, stunned! Then, I burst into laughter, reached for the bouquet and read the card.

A warm glow welled up inside of me. Gil, Sr. had not dismissed my “insight” as irrelevant after all!

How much did he understand?

The card in his handwriting stated simply, “I don’t care what mop you use, as long as it is our floor you’re mopping! Love, Gil.”

With tears streaming down my face, I saw clearly in that gesture Gil’s love and unconditional acceptance of me.

Aww… thanks, Gil! As WOC says, “Now wasn’t that nice? He lets her use any kind of mop she wants, as long as she mops their floor, instead of, say, letting it stay dirty until he takes his turn at it.”

Decision 2005

Who is the hottest not-Obama senator? (Obama is disqualified for his overwhelming hotness, which would surely scorch all the competition). It’s down to just four. Cast your vote now.

They clearly made a few oversights (Hello, Thad Cochran). But I think Wonkette speaks for all of us when she writes, “Gee, three out of for from the left side of the aisle, eh? And we thought coming out against ass-fucking just made women seem less hot.”


When I was a young teen my best friend had a scooter. We rode it all over town before we were old enough to get a real driver’s license, and Miss Fartblossom always me wear the stupid-looking helmet so it wouldn’t mess up her hair. We called it the Razz, a likely name considering it was the model of the scooter and painted directly on the front.

One day we were riding around town in the moped and got the bright idea that we needed to graffiti something in a campus parking garage. We drove back to Kmart and picked up two cans of spraypaint. On the way back we tried to decide what we would write. She decided to write “The Razz is the shit.” I can’t remember what I had planned on.

Miss Fartblossom was paranoid that we would get caught, so the plan was to do it as quickly as possible, ride away before we got caught, and come back later to survey our work.

The plan unfolded as follows: We got to the top of the garage, whipped out the spraypaint, she squealed wtih glee as she wrote, I kicked my can because it wouldn’t work, and we scurried back onto the scooter and rode away, little rebels that we were. It took all of thirty seconds.

Later we returned to admire her artwork. We took one look and I threw back my head in laughter. It read, “The is th sht.”

The important lesson learned: If you’re going to graffiti something in a public place, make sure you spell it correctly.

Rare Exports, Inc.

Thanks to everyone for helping me locate this movie. If you want a good irreverent laugh this Friday, give it a whirl.

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Help Me Find This Movie

I’m trying to find a movie that I cam across on the internet last year. It is by a European group, perhaps Sweden or Denmark.

The gist is that several burly men, bounty hunters of a sort, hunt down and capture wild Santa Clauses and tame them for Santa jobs in malls at Christmas time. The quality is of a major film and the editing is fantastic — Zefrank-esque but with more sophisticated equipment. Above all, the movie is absolutely hilarious. I’m pretty sure I came across it on a blog, but I can’t remember where.

If anyone has any clue of the movie I’m looking for, please drop me a line in the comments. If you have it saved, even better.

Posted in Uncategorized


Link to me, or the Bible gets it!

Alright, people, I’m gonna get tough. You know what I want, and you’d better give it to me.

I’ve got a bible here, and a 44oz. Diet Coke…lots of liquid containing a diuretic, to boot. In about an hour, I figure my bladder is going to be pretty full. You know what could happen.