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Help Me Find This Movie

I’m trying to find a movie that I cam across on the internet last year. It is by a European group, perhaps Sweden or Denmark.

The gist is that several burly men, bounty hunters of a sort, hunt down and capture wild Santa Clauses and tame them for Santa jobs in malls at Christmas time. The quality is of a major film and the editing is fantastic — Zefrank-esque but with more sophisticated equipment. Above all, the movie is absolutely hilarious. I’m pretty sure I came across it on a blog, but I can’t remember where.

If anyone has any clue of the movie I’m looking for, please drop me a line in the comments. If you have it saved, even better.

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8 thoughts on Help Me Find This Movie

  1. i know exactly what film you are talking about, but i can’t remember the name or find the link right now. i’m pretty sure someone emailed it to me at some point. when i get home tonight i will try to remember to search my email archives

  2. I found it here back in November:

    Unfortunately, though the link to the page still works, the film does not appear to be available there any more. It’s by a Finnish director called Jalmari Helander. I linked to it from my blog back in November last year but foolishly didn’t note the name of the film.

    Love the blog, by the way. Have been lurking for some time…

  3. I forgot to say thanks for turning me onto this short. I have already shared it a million times.

  4. Isn’t it the coolest?!?!? Thanks so much to everyone for seeking it out for me. For some reason my searches weren’t turning up a thing. Maybe I should push it up to the top so everyone can enjoy it.

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