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Statues gone wild

Now that Ashcroft is gone, it’s a tittie-party at the DOJ.

via Mike.

7 thoughts on Statues gone wild

  1. no picture? c’mon! that Justice chick is hot!!! woof rowr! snortle! pant! pant! a-wooga!

    plus, you get a good shot of the old Anointed One himself in that photo, cuz we all miss him so…. such a tormented soul. you can see why he had the statue robed. he just couldn’t stop thinking about her &, frankly, it showed.

  2. Can’t find the acutal quote (Sam the American Eagle from the Muppets), but this is close:

    Did you know that underneath their clothing the entire population of the world is walking around absolutly NAKED!

    It’s not just humans, all those cute little puppies and kitties. Underneath their fur; absolutly NAKED!

    And it’s not just the quadrapeds either, underneath our fine feathers birds wear NOTHING. Absolutly noth…

    Um, could somebody please hand me a robe?

  3. Hey, the new AG has a full plate…Congressional inquiries to stonewall, “enemy combatants” to torture, civil rights to violate, etc., to worry about statues!

  4. Sigh…English is so hard…the last post should have read:

    Hey, the new AG has too much else on his plate…Congressional inquiries to stonewall, “enemy combatants” to torture, civil rights to violate, etc., to worry about statues!

    All that money spent on college apparently was wasted… 🙁

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