In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Register for YearlyKos!

I’m going, and so should you.

The convention is in Chicago this year, from Aug. 2-5th, which is also my birthday weekend (August 3rd), so I can promise a fantastic party with some of your favorite feminist bloggers — I don’t have a full list of who’s coming, but I know Amanda and Jessica will be there. The full line-up has yet to be announced, but so far it’s looking pretty good — Bill Richardson, John Edwards, and Barack Obama are all planning to come, and I’m sure more super-star politicians, journalists and bloggers will be announced as the convention approaches.

Plus, if you register before June 1st you’ll pay $225 for registration; after June 1st the price goes up to $275.

If you can’t make the conference but live in the Chicago area, we will most certainly plan some sort of meet-up that weekend.

Barack Obama is a smelly Black. No, a scary Arab. No, an uppity Negro.

Burt Prelutsky needs to pick a racial attack and stick to it.

Is it that, contrary to Joe Biden’s characterization of him as “clean,” Barack Obama is actually smelly?

B.O. for President?

Or is it that Obama has a scary Arab-sounding middle name and therefore supports the terrorists?

So the question that begs asking is whether Barack Hussein Obama would ever be in favor of taking any action, no matter the provocation to America, that would put Muslim lives at risk.

Or is he an uppity Negro, trying to pass as white in order to get votes and then shamelessly pandering to his own people at the same time?

Down deep, he’s just another megalomaniac who thinks he should be running the world. He’ll be black for black voters, white for white voters, and beige for Michael Jackson.

No, Obama’s problem is that he’s crazy enough to suggest that we should try and get along.

The cuckoo getting most of the media attention at the moment is Barack Obama. With all of his high-sounding blather about building bridges and bringing people together, you might get the idea that he wants to be America’s pastor, rather than its president.

Doesn’t that building bridges nonsense sound something like what President Bush said in his inaugural speech? But that wasn’t “high-sound blather,” I’m guessing because President Bush can barely string two words together, let alone multi-clause sentences. Plus, with his Andover-to-Yale education, he’s an Average American, not like Obama, who looks like a damn foreigner.

There is nothing liberals can do to please the far-right nutbags. Hillary is too aggressive and divisive. Obama is too nice. Edwards is too smarmy. While it’s understandable that Democratic presidential candidates would be trying to capture the middle, it doesn’t make any sense for them to cater to an out-of-touch right who will find fault in anything they do. And in the meantime, I hope conservatives do keep up their cheap, thinly-veiled racist and sexist attacks. Because I do have enough faith in the American people* that we won’t be swayed by “He’s too nice! And his middle name is HUSSEIN!”

*A lot of us, anyway.

Conservative Racism: A Story in Excerpts

1. Muslims are “different,” because they are anti-modern and they marry their cousins.

2. Barack Rodney King Obama. Yes, that is the headline. I don’t have to say anything else, but I will just point out that you know you’ve got nothin when you’re criticizing your opponent for attempts at consensus-building.

3. Yo, George, Wassup? Another actual headline. Summary: White dudes are teh rulez.

4. Obama is black and that’s why people like him. But is he too black?

About that conservative racism thing…

Yeah, I’m on a YouTube kick today (this is what happens when you live without a TV and are trying to avoid doing actual work), but it’s worth noting that the people who want white women to get breedin’ because the brownies are taking over are the same people who are grabbing at straws to make Barack Obama look bad — including seriously arguing that perhaps he’s not fit for the presidency because he smokes. The guy has been startlingly upfront with his flaws, including admitting to cocaine use — is a nicotine addiction really going to sink his campaign?

But my favorite part of the video has to be the Obama-as-Mammy comment. When I heard that, my facial expression probably looked something like Malia Lazu’s. I’m going to give the Fox commentator the benefit of the doubt and assume that he doesn’t know the history of the mammy, and doesn’t realize that it was a stereotype used to justify slavery and then segregation. But regardless… just, wow.

Conservatives: Still Not Funny


I also love the fact that conservative ire seems to boomerang back and forth between women and people of color. Who do we hate this week? Hillary! Obama! Nancy! Even when they want to go after the white dudes, they do it through their female/non-white staffers — see John Edwards and Marcotte/McEwan. But no racism or sexism here, no sir! Also, note the not-so-subtle homophobia, and the way that they portray Obama as an uppity Negro who had the audacity to go to Harvard (ever heard conservatives whine about Bush’s Andover-to-Yale path of privilege?).

So not only do conservatives again reveal themselves as racists, but they aren’t even creative or funny.

Am I surprised? No. But did I expect the “conservative Daily Show” to be this thoroughly embarrassing? Not in my wildest dreams. So thank you, Fox News, for making this more painful than I could have predicted.

Another incredibly pathetic clip below the fold.

Read More…Read More…

The Real Reason Illinois Senator Barack Obama is Considering a Bid for the Presidency….

Ever since his stirring 2004 Democratic National Convention address, folks have been suggesting that he would make a damn fine President. And ever since the 2004 Democratic presidential loss, this call for an Obama run has been getting louder, especially in Illinois. Practically every Illinois politico has been nudging him to go for broke and run for President in 2008—even his opponent in the primary for his Senate run, Dan Hynes (the Illinois Comptroller). But around Lubiddu’s house, there’s a different theory….

See, ’round about a coupla weeks ago, there was a rally in Illinois that Barack Obama attended. And Lubu’s mother, being a political animal, hungry for all forms of political activism after years of keeping quiet under the Hatch Act (she didn’t want to take any chances with her job, to the point of not even engaging in activity that was permitted. Put it this way, back in the day, my father was the only precinct committeeman with no yard signs!), well—she attended. Her purpose? To elbow her way to the front, so she could, “…shake the hand of a future President!”

He smiled, and said, “What’s your name?” So she told him. She also told him that she had cancer, but hoped to live long enough to see him get elected to the Presidency. And he told her he’d think about it.

My mother likes to think that’s what tipped the scales. Meanwhile, what do the rest of you think? Jill posed the question not long ago about sHillary (yes, I said that out loud); now let’s hear from the feministas on Obama—-should he run? What are his chances? What would you expect from him as President? Would he have your vote?

If he runs, he has my vote already. Along with the votes of literally every Democrat I know. But this is Illinois, so maybe my straw poll is a bit biased. I’d really like to hear what folks here have to say.

Take Back America

A fantastic conference in DC that you should go to, if you can. I was invited to speak, but couldn’t make it because of this whole summer abroad thing. However, many fantastic feminist bloggers will be there, including Liza Sabater and Susie Madrack. Several political notables will be there as well, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Cecile Richards, John Kerry, and Harry Reid. I’m truly disappointed that I won’t be able to make it. However, I have to extend my thanks and support to Christian Norton — he made sure to reach out to the feminist blogosphere, and went out of his way to accomodate the needs of unpaid bloggers like us. He’s fantastic. Ditto for Anasa of Progressive Majority. These two have really come out swinging for the feminist blogs, and are working to make sure that Take Back America has a strong feminist presence. So if you can go, I’d highly recommend it. I wish I could!

Looney Bin Round-Up

The craziest of the crazies. At least, the ones who are published today.

Sound the Alarm! screames Rebecca Hagelin. It’s time to intern the A-rabs!

Dennis Prager sez, “The Left is hysterical.” Example A: They said that Bush mislead the American public about reasons for the war in Iraq. Which, clearly, is crazy, given that the president told us from the get-go that we were going in because Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and we all now see that… oh wait.

Barack Obama is insane
for wanting poor people to not be poor.

Mike Adams says, “If you get a gun, it’ll make you feel like more of a man. It worked for me, at least.” And yes, he actually does end his column with the phrase, “Welcome to my world.”

Contrary to history and all evidence, the Republican party has never been racist. (Southern strategy, anyone?)

I’m sure there’s more out there, but it’s time for class.