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About that conservative racism thing…

Yeah, I’m on a YouTube kick today (this is what happens when you live without a TV and are trying to avoid doing actual work), but it’s worth noting that the people who want white women to get breedin’ because the brownies are taking over are the same people who are grabbing at straws to make Barack Obama look bad — including seriously arguing that perhaps he’s not fit for the presidency because he smokes. The guy has been startlingly upfront with his flaws, including admitting to cocaine use — is a nicotine addiction really going to sink his campaign?

But my favorite part of the video has to be the Obama-as-Mammy comment. When I heard that, my facial expression probably looked something like Malia Lazu’s. I’m going to give the Fox commentator the benefit of the doubt and assume that he doesn’t know the history of the mammy, and doesn’t realize that it was a stereotype used to justify slavery and then segregation. But regardless… just, wow.

25 thoughts on About that conservative racism thing…

  1. Maybe it’s just my monitor settings or my innate prejudices, but the racist Fox News commentator appears to be a black man.

  2. I was referring to this line:

    this is what happens when you live without a TV and are trying to avoid doing actual work

  3. this is what happens when you live without a TV and are trying to avoid doing actual work

    No TV? I’m so sorry, I didn’t know . . . Donna, didn’t mommy teach you not to make fun of the less fortunate?

  4. Thanks, Donna, that’s really sweet.

    For the record, the “real work” I was referring to was school — I’m a full-time law student, and sadly do not get paid for blogging. Luckily, blogging is fun. So it doesn’t feel like “work.”

    No TV? I’m so sorry, I didn’t know . . . Donna, didn’t mommy teach you not to make fun of the less fortunate?

    Ha. Actually, I consider my inability to watch Fox News to be quite a privilege.

  5. Is it just me, but does every liberal congressperson discussed on Fox News get referred to as having “one of if not the most liberal” voting records? They can’t *all* be the most liberal.

  6. Wow… if that’s the WORST they can find on Obama… I’m even MORE inclined to hope he wins the primary.

  7. I figured McWhorter for an idiot before the “mammy” remark. First he says smoking makes Obama “sexy” because he has fire in his hand (any women here turned on when your man carries fire?) then he says that Obama keeping it secret is even better. Given more time maybe he would have said Obama would be admired when seen putting out a cigarette because people would see that as a symbol of putting out the tobacco industry. Ay yi yi.

  8. Hey, I’m not here to deny that smoking makes you look cool. It’s the other problems that trouble me, but that’s Obama’s problem, not mine.

  9. FoxNews has been smearing Obama for months now. One minute they call him Osama and the next they are claiming he went to some Islamic extremist school. They never stop.

  10. I thought it was interesting how Obama’s admission that he smokes, though he doesn’t smoke in public or where cameras can see him all of a sudden becomes “Obama is obscuring his liberal voting record!” And count me in as curious about this most liberal voting record thing. Kerry only got to be the second most liberal senator, if I recall correctly. Suddenly Obama has leapfrogged over him AND Kennedy?! Fascinating.

  11. Obama smokes cigarettes and use to toot coke? Oh hell, I may vote for him now. The guy didn’t have a chance with me until you posted this.

  12. Ahh I smell the first whiffs of desperation. Fox has tried hit after hit on Obama and none of them have stuck. Conservatives are getting worried that he just might when the presidency. A black liberal as president has got to be close to the ultimate nightmare for them. Watching this sort of melt-down is going to be fun.

  13. Actually, that’s interesting. Even when smoking was extremely common, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of a President smoking a cigarette. There was apparently always something slightly louche about it.

  14. John McWorther knew what he was doing when he called obama “mammy.” It’s a racial slur against him and it doesn’t matter that McWorther’s black. It’s a form of racism; he can’t see past Obama’s color.

    To be fair, the same applies to julian bond’s reference to clarence thomas as “uncle tom” and Harry Belafonte’s shot at gen powell as a “house slave.” they dehumanize blacks by implying they should all think alike.

  15. I’m glad that Jill has chucked the tube as I have, it is indeed a relief to not have that box around to tempt me, lest I become tied up in knots like this brief bit did and I couldn’t even watch it all the way through!. Much less the money I save not paying for cable.

    The cigarette thing was carried far too long and the pundit’s comments about ‘sexy and cool’ made me cringe as of course — the allusions to the over-sexualized criminal black man. Making such statements was absolutely NOT an accident. They wish to appeal to deep seated doubts and fears among people (no matter what color their skin) most of whom are imbued with even subconscious racism.

    I’d be surprised if Obama isn’t peppered continously with questions about his basketball proclivities as well.

    In fact, not long ago I saw a mainstream political cartoon in my local daily propaganda sheet showing Obama and Hillary with some type of caption like , “All bases covered” or something of that nature. They aren’t even trying to hide their racism and sexism, which possibly is a sign of desperation — or being overwhelmed?

    As for smoking in public, hell I don’t even smoke in front of people and when I see clients I make sure I smoke after the meeting and not before (no smell). Smoking is considered lower class and disgusting by most people. And yes, I intend to quit someday, but I’m sure like Obama, high-stress times are not a good time.

    I hope this race turns Fox inside-out, but I highly doubt it.

  16. If Fox harps on Obama’s blackness it’ll be the biggest favor they can do him. Much more likely to resonate with black voters that way.

  17. I don’t see photos of Obama pooping or flossing his teeth, either, but I don’t think he’s obscuring the fact that he does those things. Fox is just trying to set him up as cagey and deceitful. It’s so obvious it makes my eyeballs bleed.

  18. I realize this is a late reply Kate, but wow! Get your T.V. back and you’ll save more money on a therapist…and I can understand you cringing over the “sexy but cool” comment given your erudite conclusion that Barack Obama projects the demeanor of a lower class black criminal with some ballin skills.
    Frankly… my first thought was, here’s a democrat with some balls, guess you’re right about the over-sexualizing.

    “if my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle”… me

    … there I go again.

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