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Barack Obama is a smelly Black. No, a scary Arab. No, an uppity Negro.

Burt Prelutsky needs to pick a racial attack and stick to it.

Is it that, contrary to Joe Biden’s characterization of him as “clean,” Barack Obama is actually smelly?

B.O. for President?

Or is it that Obama has a scary Arab-sounding middle name and therefore supports the terrorists?

So the question that begs asking is whether Barack Hussein Obama would ever be in favor of taking any action, no matter the provocation to America, that would put Muslim lives at risk.

Or is he an uppity Negro, trying to pass as white in order to get votes and then shamelessly pandering to his own people at the same time?

Down deep, he’s just another megalomaniac who thinks he should be running the world. He’ll be black for black voters, white for white voters, and beige for Michael Jackson.

No, Obama’s problem is that he’s crazy enough to suggest that we should try and get along.

The cuckoo getting most of the media attention at the moment is Barack Obama. With all of his high-sounding blather about building bridges and bringing people together, you might get the idea that he wants to be America’s pastor, rather than its president.

Doesn’t that building bridges nonsense sound something like what President Bush said in his inaugural speech? But that wasn’t “high-sound blather,” I’m guessing because President Bush can barely string two words together, let alone multi-clause sentences. Plus, with his Andover-to-Yale education, he’s an Average American, not like Obama, who looks like a damn foreigner.

There is nothing liberals can do to please the far-right nutbags. Hillary is too aggressive and divisive. Obama is too nice. Edwards is too smarmy. While it’s understandable that Democratic presidential candidates would be trying to capture the middle, it doesn’t make any sense for them to cater to an out-of-touch right who will find fault in anything they do. And in the meantime, I hope conservatives do keep up their cheap, thinly-veiled racist and sexist attacks. Because I do have enough faith in the American people* that we won’t be swayed by “He’s too nice! And his middle name is HUSSEIN!”

*A lot of us, anyway.

17 thoughts on Barack Obama is a smelly Black. No, a scary Arab. No, an uppity Negro.

  1. What’s with this guy, anyway? I thought Townhall was the home of blustering, dishonest ideologues, but not a place where people said things so racist they would make the average Grand Dragon blush. I mean, much as I despite today’s “conservatives,” isn’t this Burt guy even too, too bad for them?

  2. What an ass. You read his piece and its like watching some fool in the kitchen trying to make biscuits out of dust and spit. They’ll keep trying to hit their target and eventually I guess they’ll get something to stick — in someone’s fetid mind that is.

  3. Hey, they are just trying to find a smear that will stick. Maybe they should just accuse him of being a scrotum.

  4. I like kate’s biscuit metaphor.

    How long before the right-wing noise machine starts to suggest Obama is a follower of the Nation of Islam? OMG BLACK MUSLIMZ!!!11!!!

  5. My position on this issue is unchanged. The Republicans are trying to recover from the spectacular failure of Rovism by using campaign tactics from the 1970s and 80s. It could work, too, if Americans hadn’t made 20-30 years of progress on racial issues. The racial group it’s okay to hate, Muslims (as in “put Muslim lives at risk,” as if that’s the purpose of foreign policy), is impossible to bring up without mentioning the war that everyone but the Republican base is tired of.

  6. I once had a teacher whose name was Mrs. Ordubadi. Odor body! Body odor! Ahahaha, that one was super clever.

    I was in the 4th grade.

  7. Down deep, he’s just another megalomaniac who thinks he should be running the world. He’ll be black for black voters, white for white voters, and beige for Michael Jackson.

    What…the…fuck?! First of all, if this idiot knew anything about Obama and did some actual research on him (ie: oh, I don’t know, how about reading his book The Audacity of Hope, which I just finished), he would know that Obama is actually a Christian, albeit an open-minded, progressive Christian (except when it comes to same-sex marriage), who has studied other religions and mythologies. Well, at least according to his book, so who really knows.

    Obama is too nice.

    Personally, being the cynic and misanthrope that I am, I did squirm a bit as I read his book, because of the idealistic and optimistic vibe coming from his words– hence the title of his book. Shudders. Pfft, happy people. But that wouldn’t stop me from voting for him. So long as he stays pro-choice (and doesn’t cave into the “I’m pro-choice, but…” nonsense), doesn’t hump the religious-right’s leg too much, and remains at least pro-civil unions for same-sex couples (it would be oh so nice if he were pro-same-sex marriage, but good luck finding a front-running, American politician who openly supports it), he’s got my vote.

    The point is, Obama isn’t a WASP and that’s why they’re pissed. And *gasp* he has the “nerve” to believe that he has the right to run for president of the U.S.?! Why that uppity negro!…whose probably in bed with the Islamofascist A-rabs and the brown people who are taking our jobs, and out-breeding us!!!

  8. You know… most people stop playing word games with peoples names and intials when we leave elementary school… I guess some people never grow up.

  9. Alon Levy, I doubt we have made 30 years of progress on racial issues in the last 30 years. But maybe the 5-10 years we’ve managed will be enough to make the difference.

  10. Well, obviously there’s been less progress than there should’ve been. But in 2006 the Republicans actually lost the Senate because one of their incumbents called an Indian guy a macaca. So I suppose there’s hope.

    On another note, it’s as adivsable for the Republicans to hurl shallow insults as it is for people who live in glass houses to throw stones. Mitt Romney looks like a child molester, John McCain is a geezer, and Rudy Giuliani looks almost exactly like a stereotypical fat cat.

  11. I’m in my mid-twenties, I’ve been around a bit, and one of the most reassuring things that happened to me in the last year was that I didn’t know what ‘macaca’ was supposed to mean. I’m not meaning to say “Problem fixed!” or asking for a definition, either, but there’s hope for progress yet.

  12. I agree with PseudoAdrienne. I’m not completely enamored of Obama, but I like him and I’d vote for him over most of the others.

    And Jill, I have much, much less faith in the American voters than you do. Call me cynical, but I do think a lot could be swayed by that very argument.

  13. So long as he stays pro-choice (and doesn’t cave into the “I’m pro-choice, but…” nonsense), doesn’t hump the religious-right’s leg too much, and remains at least pro-civil unions for same-sex couples (it would be oh so nice if he were pro-same-sex marriage, but good luck finding a front-running, American politician who openly supports it), he’s got my vote.

    Ah. You’ve forgotten about his Letter to DKos after the roberts confirmation I take it? For all his optimism he’s shit scared of actually fighting for what he wants to achieve.

    You see, that’s the problem with these primaries, it doesn’t matter if they’re white, black, male female, catholic, christian, muslim, athiest, ex-army or conscientious objector – the only thing that matters is; do they have a spine?

    If the current lot of dems were austrian nuns in the sound of music, they would give up little jewish children to the nazis and waffle some repug doubletalk about “bipartisanship” to justify it.

    I would vote for any democrat who has the genitalia orbs to hold fast for progressive politics, not to mince nad whine about keeping the fucking powder dry, actually take a freaking stand for what’s right and have the political stones to freaking well take criticism and to actually get off the defensive for once.

    I don’t care if Obama is a woman or if Hillary is black, they’re both DLC brownnosing wankers, and that’s what’s really important.

  14. the only thing that matters is; do they have a spine?

    Pfft! No! Gee, has anyone been keeping track of how long the Dems have been running around like cowardly, whimpering puppies? “Um, oh dear me, we should stop the Dubya’s war over in Iraq, but oh, I don’t like confrontations–they’re too icky!!!

    I honestly believe the Dems need to start reading Machiavelli and Sun’Tzu.

  15. I don’t care if Obama is a woman or if Hillary is black, they’re both DLC brownnosing wankers, and that’s what’s really important.

    Yeah, I can’t argue with that.

    But even if Obama wont get my vote, I won’t sit by and let people like Prelutsky pull this racist bullshit. Props to Jill for pointing this out.

    if Americans hadn’t made 20-30 years of progress on racial issues.


    That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve read since Prelutsky’s recent article. Color me cynical, but I’m not seeing it.

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