In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Boobquakes and Brainquakes to Fight Oppression

Boobquake 2010 is here! Along with its challenger, Brainquake!

Background info for those who don’t know… An Iranian cleric said that slutty women cause earthquakes, so Jen McCreight from Blag Hag declared a Boobquake: a day when you wear revealing garb to “fight supernatural thinking and the oppression of women.” Over on Facebook, a Brainquake was proposed, saying that women should be flaunting their intelligence and accomplishments rather than boobs. They said:

We […] are saddened that […] thousands of women have responded by committing to show off “some cleavage for ‘Boobquake’ this Monday”. This campaign has aroused the evidently insatiable enthusiasm of the web community, male supporters in particular who can’t wait to see “regular” girls and women, many their direct friends to “showing off their tits”.

Personally, I think both ideas are great. While the Brainquake’s got some slut-shaming going on, I don’t see why we can’t also brag about our accomplishments on a day when we fight oppression. I have read about the “show me your tits” responses, but I think it’s crap to use that as a reason not to partake in Boobquake. If you’re not comfortable with it, then fine, but don’t slut shame other women for it.

That said, I completely forgot about Boobquake and am wearing an outfit that reveals absolutely nothing – Boobfail.

You can participate in either of these events on Facebook or on Twitter with the hashtags #boobquake and #brainquake.

Bits and Pieces

(image via)

“It needs to said, and it needs to be repeated–the first president to be murdered in this country’s history was murdered by a white supremacist. We have to say this. It’s not enough to think about what white racism costs black people, we have to think about what white racism costs white people.”

Copy-editing Tea Party protest signs.

Over at Feministing, a community member takes Mother Jones to task for blaming pollution and food and water insecurity on “the teeming Third World masses,” and says that we should promote education, female empowerment and health care for their own sake, not because they counter the “population bomb.” It’s a good read. I would just avoid the comments, which are an exercise in Not Getting It.

Mexican authorities block abortion for a ten-year-old girl who was raped by her stepfather. Again, the big take-away is that “pro-lifers” seem to care a lot more about fetal life than about the lives of actual born children.

Happy 50th, Pill. The Women’s Media Center points out that even after 50 years of FDA approval — which is what we’re celebrating, not the 50th anniversary of the Pill being invented — there are still serious access issues when it comes to contraception.

Apparently there’s some sort of debate as to who is The Most Important Journalist in Washington. Guess what all the nominees have in common?

There are a lot of things to dislike about this article, but Timothy Egan has a point: Why is Nike still sponsoring Ben Roethlisberger?

If you based your understanding of American fashion on What Not To Wear slideshows, it would appear that, for example, 80% of pants are worn by women. I am sure this has nothing at all to do with the greater cultural comfort in policing women’s bodies and fashion choices. I am also sure that leaving off bedazzled Ed Hardy men’s jeans was just some sort of oversight. Oh also I like a well-fitting romper and ill-fitting cut-off denim shorts, so there.

So I’m not a huge South Park fan (it’s funny sometimes, but I don’t really watch it), but Comedy Central really handled this latest controversy poorly. Air the damn show, investigate any threats, move on. Censoring it has only made it a bigger deal than it needs to be, and has led to the predictable “Muslims are threatening free speech” nonsense, when what we’re really talking about it one fringe group.

Dudes in rock music, and how privilege works.

A mother who lost her daughter to bulimia is making a documentary on the disease, and her daughter’s life.

Times Square offers the worst food in New York City; the Village Voice rounds up the worst of the worst.

The Question: Which of 2010’s Identical-Seeming Mercenary Movies Is Right for You?

An interesting-sounding event in Brooklyn on Sunday:

Black Lesbian Herstory in the 70s -An At Home and Tour
Saturday, April 24, 2010
3:00pm – 6:00pm
LHA -484 14th Street, Brooklyn, NY

FREE!!! and Open to the public!

A Tour and Guide to the Black Lesbian Herstory of Our Collections, focusing on the 1970s. Moderated by Shawnta Smith, Lesbian Librarian & Archivette of the Lesbian Herstory Archives.

We will dig into select Black Lesbian artifacts from the Archives’ collections, specific to the lives of Black Lesbians in the 1970s including a black-lesbian-specific reading of unpublished papers, a slide show of images and short excerpts of documentary film. A guided tour specific to the black-lesbian-herstorical aspects of our collections will also allow time for discussion. Black Lesbians present in the 70s are encouraged to attend and bring items to donate to the Archives’ collections.

Includes our Players:
Arianne Benford, Poet and Producer of Rivers of Honey
Olive Demetrius, Director and Producer
Tanika Harbor, Part Actress/Part Goddess/Healer/Poet/Activist
KAZ, Comedian/Dancer and Community Activist

Curated by Shawn(ta) Smith, Your Lesbian Librarian; Hosted by the Lesbian Herstory Archives
Part of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) Series, In Amerika they Call us DYKES: Lesbians Lives in the 70s

FNTT Season 6: the Intersectionality edition

Background on Feministe’s Next Top Troll is here. Today we offer trolls who are very interested in the intersections of race, class, and gender. And you guys, some of these are seriously racist and some use, um, strong language. So please be forewarned. Vote below.

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The Name’s Benz… Sally Benz.

A friend of mine sent me a link saying this is what she wants for her bachelorette party – Stiletto Spy School.

My reaction:
What weirdness is this?? Martini mixing? *intrigued* MacGuyver survival skills? *hmm* Stunt driving?! *whoa* Samurai sword fighting?! *omg*

I quickly checked out the about page to see what was going on with this hodgepodge of skills training. I mean, what does flirtation have to do with knife fighting? It seems these ladies want us to become the next generation of awesome spy girls!

What?! Being a spy girl is, like, my life-long dream! I loved Charlie’s Angels, the Bond girls are beyond awesome and I still wish I could be as cool as Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. I watch movies like Bourne Identity and pretend the guy is me.

I was still skeptical, so I looked through the calendar of events here in NYC to see if this was legit. I mean, such awesomeness cannot be real! Yet, it is! They even have a special mother/aunt/daughter event coming up. Adorable! I could do without the name, though I guess I’m glad they don’t call it Sexy Spy School, but whatevs.

Where do I sign up and who’s coming with me?! Any aspiring spy girls out there?

Posted in Fun

Any Project Runway Fans Out There?!

Is anybody else totally excited for the Project Runway finale tonight?!

I haven’t watched a full season in a really long time and, I admit, I didn’t watch this season in full either. But I started watching the episodes a few weeks back (thanks, Lifetime on demand!), and this cast of characters got me hooked again.

I have to admit that a small part of the appeal is the fact that I love Emilio Sosa! He’s a great designer, I find his cockiness amusing, and he’s Dominican! Which is incredibly awesome because, hello, Dominicans rock! (Completely biased there, but whatevs…)

I also really like Seth Aaron. His designs are great and I really enjoyed seeing him interact with his family. Anybody who owns a trampoline wins instant cool points.

I’d really like to see one of these guys win tonight. I’m not the biggest fan of Mila, mostly because I like color and she likes black and white, and also because some of the big, drapey stuff leaves me feeling bored. Don’t get me wrong, some of her pieces have knocked it out of the park, but others, meh.

Does anybody out there still watch Project Runway? I know that’s, like, so 5 years ago but there must be somebody out there who shares in my excitement… right?!

WARNING: There are now spoilers in the comments! SPOILERS IN COMMENTS!

Events in Remebrance of Amanda González-Andújar

You may have heard of the recent murder of Amanda González-Andújar. A man has been taken into custody in connection with her murder, which is undoubtedly good news, but González-Andújar is still gone, and hers is sadly yet another name to add to this year’s Transgender Day of Remembrance list of the dead.

This Saturday, April 24, there will be both a memorial and vigil in NYC to honor and remember her.

For those who can’t read the flyer, it’s transcribed below the jump.

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Thursday LOST Roundtable: The Last Recruit

Spoilers below!

A still from LOST: Lapidus, Sun, Hurley, Kate, Claire, and Sawyer stand in the ocean while wearing wet clothes.

This week on LOST, most of our Losties try to leave the island, while Jack just wants to stay. In the sideways world, our characters are finding themselves either drawn or forced together.

Check out our reactions below and leave your own in the comments, while remembering no spoilers for unaired episodes.

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FNTT Season 6: the Feminism 201 edition

Background on Feministe’s Next Top Troll is here. Today we bring you the Ivy Leaguers of the troll ecosystem — those brilliant beacons of superior troll intellect, who have kindly stopped by the blog to school all of us little ladies in the ways of the world. So click “more,” girls, you just might learn something:

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