In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

FNTT Season 6: the Intersectionality edition

Background on Feministe’s Next Top Troll is here. Today we offer trolls who are very interested in the intersections of race, class, and gender. And you guys, some of these are seriously racist and some use, um, strong language. So please be forewarned. Vote below.

Mitsy, from a post titled “GOP Activist Compares Michelle Obama to a Gorilla”:

Oh, so you mean she doesn’t resemble a gorilla? News to me. At least a gorilla would have better fashion sense than mrs. Obongo does. What a train wreck. Where were you dames when her curious george-looking husband compared sarah palin to a pig? Blowing George tiller?

Shawn, from a post titled “Asher Roth is everything that is wrong with the world, take two”:

I’m not going to read LATOYA’s post, but I’m going to assume that her view as an African American women on the topic of a young 20something year old Caucasian male is somewhat biased.

Of all the things for you Fem’s to get riled up over you missed this, funny and true to the point;

…I am back to where I began, chilling watching CNN
Thinking damn, we are damned, not again
How is George Bush not in jail for treason
But Clinton gets impeached for busting semen…

Give the kid a break and let your kid listen to him already, you suburban mothers.

Unfortunately Male:

Why would any man want to date someone who espouses a philosophy that hates him? That’d be like a black woman dating a Klansman. And if you’re a feminist, what do you want a man for anyway, except as a pet you can complain to and kick around? A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. So go back to your job and continue changing the world.

Robbins Mitchell:

You really need to clean the shit out of your racist reactionary pussy,Cara…not only is it detrimental to free and open discussion here,but it’s stinking up the air being breathed by America’s children…now be a good girl and go buy yourself a new douche bag before I report you to the EPA for air pollution as a public nuisance


I am glad Male Studies is being created it is obvious this website Feministe is run by a bunch of WHITE BITCHES this is obvious. Since white women have white skin privilege they have the ability to divorce themselves from white men. However, women of colour and open minded white women are a lot smarter than the man hating BITCHES on this website. If women want sexism to end men and women have to WORK TOGETHER. However, it is obvious reading the articles and comments on this website that these stupid WHITE BITCHES live a cave somewhere and not in the REAL WORLD. Thank goodness, feminists of colours see through the bullshit of you man hating anti people of colour white bitches motherfuckers!

69 thoughts on FNTT Season 6: the Intersectionality edition

  1. Orville: the proper way of saying white bitches motherfuckers is to say motherfucking white bitches.

    It almost seems like Mitsy is trying way to hard, almost like sarcasm. Surely, Mitsy can not be serious. And bringing up George Tiller? Well that is just cruel and maks me think they really are serious.

    But Orville, oh Orville. Somehow I get the strangest feeling Orville is not advocating Womanism or providing a nuanced sincere critique of mainstream feminism. Can’t put my finger on it but think Orville may be a bit unconcerned with the equality of women. And I’m not sure how Male Studies (not Men’s Studies) would be at all helpful to men and women WORKING TOGETHER. Soo Orville.

    Cara: have you met John Meyer? I think you two may find yourselves compatiable.

    1. Cara: have you met John Meyer? I think you two may find yourselves compatiable.

      Bwahaha. Thankfully, we would not! While John Mayer’s sex organs are white supremacist, mine are actually “reverse racist” against white people. (In context, the comment was left because I was deleting comments that wanted to argue anti-immigrant sentiment is not based in racism and xenophobia.) So I don’t think we’d go together at all. Dodged a bullet there!

  2. Orville: Gained points for SPORADIC use of CAPITALIZATION to make very IMPORTANT points. However, he did have a point that men and women do have to work together to end sexism, so I can give him full trolling kudos.

    Robbins Mitchell: Came out strong with the adjective “racist reactionary,” but totally blew it by modifying “pussy.” He would have made the leaderboard had he come up with a synonym for vagina that began with an R. Rajayjay? Runt? Roochie? We needed more creativity.

    Unfortunately Male: Good attempt by comparing feminists to white supremisists, but ultimately the cliché about a fish and a bicycle knocked him out of the running.

    Shawn: He could have almost not been a troll, so close did he tread to making a point…but alas…super troll points for starting it off by stating he’s not even going to read the post before he “refuted” it.

    Mitsy: But I have to give it to Mitsy because she’s not only racist, she wants us all to subscribe to society’s definition of “beautiful.” Mrs. Obongo, indeed.

  3. i, uh, wow… that was seriously disturbing! i’m afraid that i can’t decide who’s the worst this time. although i’d say that “mitsy” sounds like a raging racist troll that copied and pasted that comment every chance s/he got… and robbins mitchell, wow – i am very sorry, cara, that is just beyond every form of bad… i’ll be curious who will win this round, but i simply cannot pick one of this bunch of people who i sincerely hope to lead a very isolated life… i have loads of respect for every person who needs to weed out these sort of comments on their threads…

  4. U.M. FTW! Starts out strongly insulting, then veers towards encouragement, kinda?

    “So go back to your job and continue changing the world.”

    Um . . . thanks, I will?

  5. Oooh, tough choice! I’m torn between Unfortunately Male and Orville.
    Unfortunately Male has the “you don’t like men!!!” whining going on, whereas Orville just went ahead and dropped “bitch”. Not to mention ALL CAPS!!!! and the assumption that all the contributors and commenters are white.

    Yeah, I might have to go with Orville. Incorrect assumptions for the lose!

  6. The racist trolls are always the most disturbing. Renee at Womanist Musings posted some troll comments the other day and they were awful.

    I picked Orville though because he really hates WHITE BITCHES. I like how he imagines the POC and the white men are gonna stand up against the WHITE BITCHES. WHITE BITCHES are the true oppressors in this society.

  7. Orville was so close to winning it, but Robbins Mitchell is one of my favorite trolls of all time. I cannot get enough of the description of my racist reactionary pussy (that really, really hates all those poor oppressed white people).

  8. Wow…they’re ALL horrible. I mean really, really bad….

    It was a toss up between Orville and Robbins Mitchell….but Orville won…

    Man, those were all horrible. Nastiest comments I’ve seen in a long time. All the other troll threads pale in comparison….

  9. I almost went with Robbins Mitchell because I lol-WTF’ed at the whole “racist reactionary pussy” bit. I went with Orville for the sheer logic fail.

  10. BTW I’m really fucking tired of people who think you have to be a white straight cis male in order to have a valid opinion. And if you’re a POC or a woman or LBGTQ then you’re too biased so your opinion shouldn’t count.

  11. Shawn almost won me over with the beguiling admission that he wasn’t going to read the post on which he then proceeded to comment, based on what he ASSUMED would be written.

    But in the end, I voted for Robbins Mitchell for coining the intersectionally bigoted phrase “racist reactionary pussy.”

  12. Robbins Mitchell for total biology fail. That comment about the EPA just made me laugh.

  13. I was going to vote for Shawn for breaking into rhyme until I realized it wasn’t original. Then I was going to vote for Unfortunately Male for basically assuming the primary purpose of this blog is for you to attract teh mens. But, in the end, I had to go for Robbins Mitchell, who went straight to the genitals. If his comment didn’t scream “sexual repression” I don’t know what does.

  14. Aww man, no love for Shawn? He definitely got me with “you suburban mothers.” Yeah, take that??

  15. These were some really horrible trolls and it was hard to decide. I’m finally choosing Unfortunately Male because I like the idea that a philosophy can hate a man. I also love his uplifting message of changing the world. Who knew a troll could end a post with a compliment?

  16. Mitsy, for resurrecting the “Obama called Palin a pig” myth. I didn’t think that one was still around, but I guess it’s one of those right-wing zombie lies that won’t die.

    Also, I suspect this is a man-posing-as-a-woman letter. The aggressive writing style and choice of insults are very “male”, and “Mitsy” sounds like a made-up name–possibly a sexist man’s stereotype of a “bimbo” name.

  17. Orville’s use of caps for emphasis was hilarious but I had to go with Mitsy due to his/her instinctive grasp of 2010 republican strategy

  18. Mitsy, for being the only one to make my skin truly crawl. The others just weren’t trying hard enough.

  19. @Boiling Frog

    I suspected the same thing, but mostly from the use of “you dames”. Not that it matters, really.

  20. “Mitsy” for being an obnoxious racist and proclaiming that black women are ugly by default. Michelle is attractive thank you very much.

  21. “Also, I suspect this is a man-posing-as-a-woman letter. The aggressive writing style and choice of insults are very “male”, and “Mitsy” sounds like a made-up name–possibly a sexist man’s stereotype of a “bimbo” name.”

    I have an aunt named Xena and knew/know a few women by the names of Candy, Mercedes, Misty, et cetera, and that’s just living in a small town. Names are far from a ‘giveaway’, ‘Mitsy’ isn’t ringing any alarm bells from where I’m at. I’d also like to say that the ‘aggressive writing style’ and ‘choice of insults’ aren’t very male. I’ve seen that shit from every gender, and it isn’t uncommon in the least. Unfortunately.

    Incidentally, the “You’re really a woman/man” is a common trope aimed at people others don’t like, usually based on ‘writing style’ and ‘aggressiveness/lack of’ and “They’re opinions aren’t Mine” and yes, ‘names on the internet’. Can’t believe I’m down to defending a troll’s gender presentation, ugh. Now I need another shower.

  22. “They’re really a —-” is also aimed at trans people. Frequently. I’m loath to see it used for – anything -.

  23. “I have an aunt named Xena and knew/know a few women by the names of Candy, Mercedes, Misty, et cetera, and that’s just living in a small town. Names are far from a ‘giveaway’, ‘Mitsy’ isn’t ringing any alarm bells from where I’m at”

    Agreed. I know a Barbie. Not a nick for Barbara, it’s just Barbie.

  24. Heh, one of cousin’s are named Barbie. We call her Barb for short, though. Haven’t seen her in a few years, should look her up. Hell, she might even have that vhs tape I lent her a while back, come to think of it…

  25. “and go buy yourself a new douche bag”

    Who needs to go out a buy a douche bag when Robbins Mitchell is around? Douche bag shortage solved!

  26. I realize I could be wrong and Mitsy could be female. When I said the comments seemed “aggressive” and “male”, I was referring to the part about agreeing that Michelle Obama looks like a gorilla. In my experience, most female trolls don’t go that far; they’re more the concern-troll type. Viciously insulting a woman’s personal appearance in an attempt to discredit her, and expressing real hatred for any woman not deemed attractive, seems more typical of male trolls (see the fat-hating guys who regularly troll the articles at Salon’s Broadsheet). The Obama-hating PUMAs regularly take cheap shots at Michelle’s wardrobe choices and “big butt”, but they don’t go so far as to say she looks like a gorilla or call her by a blatantly racist name like “Mrs. Obongo.” (Unfortunately, they’re so far in the tank for Palin that they do regularly repeat the “he called her a pig” lie, and believe it.)

  27. Robbins Mitchell, hands down.

    Can we stop gendering writing? The whole concept is silly. Even if it is a cis-dude posting as a cis-woman, who cares?

  28. I had to vote for Shawn because of his beautiful use of irony. As a black female Latoya had no right to comment on the behavior or ideas of a white male but since white and male are the default race and gender, he totally had the right to comment on her lack of right to comment. Or maybe Shawn is a black woman who has no opinion about anything besides other black women? Brilliant nonsense either way.

  29. It was between Misty and Robbins for me. Eventually I decided on Robbins. I think the, “You really need to clean the shit out of your racist reactionary pussy,Cara” was too creative to ignore.

  30. Robbins Mitchell for assuming that Cara stores her shit, and racist reactionary shit, no less, in her pussy. Because where else is a lady supposed to put her things? And also, throwing the EPA in there at the end, which I just DID NOT see coming.

  31. FWIW, I didn’t read Mitsy as a woman’s name–more gender-neutral. Misty comes across to me as female, but Mitsy reminded me of Mitt Romney. It could have been a typo too: dude posing as a woman but not paying attention.

    It’s an excellent field. I endorse ORVILLE for the capitalization and his pious solidarity with POC. Trolls who reach out to include groups of which they’re not members are going the extra mile.

  32. Mitsy, for being so darn classic. “Gorilla” AND “Obongo”? Really? She just jumped in there with the pure, unashamed racism without even attempting to cloak it under some sort of bullshit excuse (“common sense,” affirmative action gone too far, SCIENCE!) Nope…just went straight for the mythical jungle. Bleh.

    Cara, I’m so sorry you got a comment like the one from Robbins Mitchell. I’m sure all of you get comments like that from time to time, but that doesn’t make it any less creepy and disturbing.

  33. Robbins because of the clear confusion about where poop comes from. Hint: It’s not the vagina.

  34. Wow that’s a strong field for this one. Some vile stuff here, but I am going with so many others and giving it to “You really need to clean the shit out of your racist reactionary pussy,Cara” by Robbins. That’s just gold.

  35. I went with Orville, but I like Robbins Mitchell, too. Won’t someone PLEASE think of the children!?

  36. Robbins Mitchell gets it for replacing “Legitimate, Well Thought Out Argument” with “HAW HAW HAW UR VAGINA IS NASTY” and then throwing danger to children in there for good measure. An altruist in the truest form.

  37. “He would have made the leaderboard had he come up with a synonym for vagina that began with an R. Rajayjay? Runt? Roochie? We needed more creativity.”
    I can’t unhear Scooby-Doo talking about vaginas.

    And now, neither can you.

  38. I chose Robbins Mitchell because when I read:
    “now be a good girl and go buy yourself a new douche bag before I report you to the EPA for air pollution as a public nuisance”
    … I actually said “eerrrggghhh” outloud.

  39. this is the hardest one yet – these are some High Level trolls. i thought mitsy was going to take it until i got down to robbins mitchell and his wildly creepy extended metaphor about vaginal hygiene.

  40. Dude. I hadn’t even heard of the “Palin is a pig” thing until this post. Where have I been? And what ELSE have I missed?

    Anyway, Misty takes it for obvious, blatant racism. I have to agree with Skateaway about not even trying to cover it up with “science” or something.

    As a side note, the fish/bicycle thing IS a cliche… that’s something I HAVE heard. I’m not TOTALLY out of the loop.


  41. I must confess none of the other competitors could even remotely stand up to this line of Shawn’s:

    “I’m going to assume that her view as an African American women on the topic of a young 20something year old Caucasian male is somewhat biased”

    I just loved it. That bitch! She’s not like X group! So she must hate them!

  42. Definitely Mitsy, for the racist + Democrats-did-it-first + feminists-are-sluts + George-Tiller-namechecking combo.

  43. Definitely Mitsy, for blaring racism and helping Fox prolong that stupid pig crap. I had actually sort of forgotten about that, due to the fact I thought it was dumb to start with.
    Yep, I have to go with Mitsy.

  44. Hmmm.Very tough call between Mitsy and Orville, but I think I’m going to have to give it to Mitsy.

  45. I was leaning towards Mitsy, but having read Orville’s… “offering” I can’t in good conscience say that he is slacking in the sexism AND racism department. That is someone in need of schooling, right there.

  46. Very powerful selection here. If ignorance caused earthquakes, we’d all be wobbling right now.

    I went for Robbin Mitchell, in the end, because of the personal hatred for Cara he shared. The others have a good strong general hatred for women going, and some classic phrasing: but Robbin stands out for calling a feminist a reactionary. (I’m still trying to work out what he thinks feminism is taking us back to.) Also, after the faint nausea his loathing caused passed, I was struck by the irony of saying hateful shit to someone whose name means “beloved.” Juxtaposition! Bingo!

  47. I voted Mitsy, but it was a tough pick between him and Orville. Cloaking obvious misogyny in some blatantly disingenuous critique of white racism is an instant lolcannon.

  48. I chose Robbins Mitchell for having the audacity not only to claim that Cara’s racist reactionary pussy is detrimental to open dialogue on this blog but also to implicate that the quality of air consumed by America’s children is dependent upon the cleanness of said genitals.

    Although, Shawn and Orville get points for writing the more racist/sexist of their comments in all-caps for easy identification.

  49. Project Runway has nothing on this place! I stumbled upon FNTT the night of Project Runway’s finale, and I was enthralled. I even went back and read last season’s FNTT posts! The comments just slay me.

    Anyway, each successive troll in this running had me convinced it was the winner, but I settled on Orville, even though Robbins was hands down the most vile. Orville’s posturing was just so charming, with Male Studies importantly Capitalized, and his chivalrous allowance that there exist at least some “open minded white women” —while the rest of us WHITE BITCHES are consigned to living in a cave somewhere because we just won’t WORK TOGETHER to end sexism! The little flourishes, such as the British spelling of color added to Orville’s adopted high(brow) ground and just really escalated in the OTT finish: “Thank goodness, feminists of colours see through the bullshit…”

    Thank goodness indeed for peoples of colors!

  50. prowlerzee, or maybe Orville *is* just British. Not everyone on the internet is American or uses American spelling, so assuming he’s adopted British spelling for high-brow purposes is rather insulting to all those who spell the British way due to country of origin.

  51. Jemima, I know it’s an assumption on my part. He could be Australian, too. But his “Male Studies,” complete with capitalization, and his use of WHITE BITCHES just struck me as American.

    I should’ve just highlighted the plural use of “colours” which was funny enough, even if he wasn’t hijacking the spelling to appear more….continental!

  52. None of these trolls really did it for me, but the WHITE BITCHES made me laugh, so Orville got my vote.

  53. Mitsy almost had me with “you dames”. Shawn almost got it for stating that he had no plan to read what he was commenting on. Unfortunately Male thinks that being a feminist means you don’t want/need men (yawn). Robbins Mitchell was just too nasty, in a playground sort of way. But Orville, if read in a Cartman voice, makes me LOL. Wait! I want to do that one again. “You man hating anti people of colour white bitches motherfuckers!”

  54. I voted for Robbins Mitchell…

    I actually feel a little jealous. I want my vagina to have a cool description (with a little alliteration, do you think that was on purpose?)

  55. Okay, I’ve got to say that Orville really did a number…so that post wins. However, Tiktaalik pushed me over the edge with the Scooby Doo comment. Now poor Scooby will forever be talking lady parts in my head.

  56. Orville! No contest! The white bitches just gotta work with everybody else, see? Everybody’s gotta learn to respect each other– especially you white bitches.

    I really enjoyed that one.

    What’s not to love?

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