In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

An Announcement

I’ll be gone all weekend and I won’t have internet access, which means that comment moderation will not be very good. Please be patient. I promise you are not being censored.

Friday Random Ten – the Rained Out edition

1. Girl Talk – Once Again
2. The Pogues – The Sick Bed Of Cuchulainn
3. Tom Waits – Johnsburg, Illinois [Live]
4. Kenny Lattimore – Can’t Get Enough
5. MC Solaar – Caroline
6. Des Ark – Yes Sir, Yes Way
7. Band of Horses – The Great Salt Lake
8. Chick Corea – Where Are You Now
9. Bob Dylan – I Want You
10. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Wanted Man

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Hello Birmingham

In 1998, Eric Rudolph bombed an Alabama women’s health clinic, killing one man and almost killing a nurse. This month, a “pro-life” organization will celebrate the anniversary of Rudolph’s sentencing by assaulting the same clinic that he bombed fewer than 10 years ago. Andrea at RH Reality Check has a must-read post on the clinic siege, where she points out:

But if you call volunteers to the very same clinic where one person was murdered and another was seriously injured by an anti-abortion extremist less than 10 years ago, and ask them to join you as you “storm the gates of Hell” and “push what is left of the abortion industry into a deep grave” on the front page of your website, can you really said to be distancing yourself from the culture of anti-abortion violence, hatred, and terrorism? Who exactly are you hoping to recruit? And furthermore, can you seriously go on to compare yourself to Martin Luther King on your own website?

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Take Action for Women’s Health

Sign the petition to push President Bush to restore funding to the UNFPA. The UNFPA funding cuts are part of the global gag rule, which cuts off funding to any organization that is even nominally pro-choice. From the site:

Since 2002, the Bush Administration has withheld over $161 million from the world’s women. This money could provide for safe motherhood programs including midwife training, contraceptives, HIV prevention, gender-based violence prevention and advocacy initiatives to protect the rights of women everywhere.

Amie at RH Reality Check has more on why this petition is important.

It takes two minutes. Go sign it.

Thanks to Sarah for the link.

Eight Pointless Things About Me

MaryAnn tagged me with a meme, so let’s play:

1. All right, here are the rules.
2. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
3. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
4. People who are tagged write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
5. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight pointless things about me:

1. I am very sneezy — as in, I sneeze all the time. And I almost always sneeze at least three times in a row. Sometimes, I can make myself sneeze silently.

2. I think I’m going to die by falling. I’m relatively certain I’ll either be in an elevator when the cord snaps, or in a plane crash. Not surprisingly, I am a little uneasy riding in elevators and flying.

3. I have a terrible habit of pulling on and playing with my nose ring. This makes me look like I’m constantly picking my nose in public (when, in fact, I only pick my nose in private).

4. My mom wanted to spell my name Jyl or Jil. Thank God my dad shut that idea down.

5. I have a major lingerie fetish — some women loves shoes, some women love bags, I can’t stop buying underwear. I have two drawers and several storage bags full of it. I have books about it. I have to plan out my route in certain neighborhoods to avoid my favorite stores, because I am unable to walk by without going in and buying something. And while I’ll spend stupid amounts of money on fancy underwear, I almost never wear it — I go with basic cotton boy-shorts almost every single day.

6. I love the smell of ballpoint pen ink.

7. I am very klutzy, and I injure myself a lot. Yesterday I banged my head on the freezer door (it was open, and I was standing up after having kneeled down to put something in the fridge), banged my shin on a crate (wasn’t watching where I was going in a deli), hit my elbow or something or other, and tripped at least twice.

8. I cannot stand nail clippers. I have never clipped my own nails, and cannot have my nails clipped at the manicurist. Occasionally they will clip my toenails during a pedicure, and it makes me feel like I’m biting down on a metal spoon while listening to finger nails drag across a chalkboard. The feeling — but especially the sound — of nail clippers gives me the shivers. My room mate clips her nails when I’m not home, or does it in her room with the door shut. I invest in nail files.

I tag:

1. Trailer Park Feminist
2. Magniloquence
3. Kactus
4. A.H.M.K.
5. All of you!

So, indulge me…

I am working on something(s) of more substance, which I hope to have completed before my stint is up.


well, see, I just finished season three of BSG, and…look, I know y’all have done this to death and it’s so six months ago, but o, you of all people do understand, don’t you? o please say yes. I’m DYING. (not till JANUARY?!?)

–Okay. Well. Look. Just two things.

1) Trying to not give away spoilers here, but um didn’t that last, or rather the second-to-last…revelation sort of freak people out, I don’t just mean in terms of character or plot, I mean, y’know, existentially? Because (no, I have not had any spliff, shut up), if you think about it. Nobody really knows who or what we are, or where we came from, or whether there really is a neon pinkish light that glows at the base of our spine when we’re really excited. Because, even if there is, apparently no one tells us these things.

2) On a more serious note:

Where’s all the booze coming from?

No, seriously. They kind of sort of explained the Incredible Replenishing Food Supply, at least when it wasn’t anymore, and then they all had to harvest a shitload of algae, and now all they’re eating is algae loaf and algae soup and algae in the basket with algae sauce. Okay.

But, they NEVER run out of booze. Apparently.

Where’s it coming from? Are they all just drinking algae beer and algae martinis now? But even -before- that.

Sorry to go all Althousian on y’all, but. I’m asking you, cause you know about these things…

On Hating Rakhi Sawant

I first saw Rakhi Sawant in an awful music video a few years ago, in which she played the bespectacled-but-miniskirted secretary to an improbably attractive boss.I don’t think she was particularly well known back then (I’d certainly never heard of her). Now she’s famous and practically everyone I know hates her.

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“Nudity is not a solution”

Via India Uncut, this story about a woman in Gujarat who protested against dowry harrasment by walking along a road in her underwear, carrying bangles (an important part of marriage in many parts of India) and a baseball bat.

The protest (especially the baseball bat) made me smile a little, till I read the comments. These fall into two groups, broadly. The first group is of the opinion that while dowry is bad, her “nudity” is far more shocking and she should have found a more socially acceptable way of protesting (because that would’ve gotten her media attention, heh) instead of resorting to “indecent ways”. A subset of this group believes that someone daring enough to do this cannot have been harrassed and is far more likely to be the harrasser, because “ultra-modern girls” in India are regularly filing false charges against their husbands and in-laws, and all the laws are biased and won’t somebody think about the men? (quote: “Time has come where media (like CNN-IBN) should take up a debate on such emerging issues, else if the emerging menace of the wife’s torture on men is not capped, BOYS WILL STOP MARRYING BECAUSE OF FEAR OF HARRASEMENT.”)

The second group are more supportive (as in, they think dowry is an awful thing and she was right to protest) but most of their comments go on and on about the terrible, shameful thing the poor woman has been forced to do, the awful depths to which she has had to sink, etc.

Oh, and? The police are planning to arrest the protester. For indecent behaviour.
The news can be terribly depressing.


The Sicko trailer

I saw it yesterday. And it is good. You should see it too. Thoughts (including spoilers) below the fold.

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