In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

So if a man gets married, can we now say that he’s a property owner?

via Punkass Marc (originally from Echidne) comes this gem from the adorable “Prairie Muffin” set:

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt and politics, what would you do? Hoo-boy, this is where I get in trouble, and that starts with “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for “pool.” I’d like to jump in a pool right now. Some may tell me to jump in a river for this one: I would remove women’s suffrage, and I might even consider making voting rights tied to property ownership.

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Trivial Blogging

(I am blogging light today; this should not be confused with a real post. Also, it contains a spoiler.)

I saw Match Point the other day. It feels ungrateful to complain about any movie that involves Jonathan Rhys Meyers blindfolded–and soaking wet, albeit not at the same time–but did Woody Allen just forget that he’d already made Crimes and Misdemeanors? Because this is the exact same movie.

It’s the Birth Control, Stupid

Give women the tools to prevent unintended pregnancy and they will. The problem is, a lot of women aren’t getting those tools.

A new statistical analysis, published this month, shows that poor and uneducated women have fallen farther behind their more affluent peers in their ability to control fertility and plan childbearing.

The nation’s overall rate of unintended pregnancies held steady from the mid-1990s through 2001, the most recent year such data is available. But that stability masked huge disparities between demographic groups, according to the new analysis by the Guttmacher Institute, a research group affiliated with Planned Parenthood.

Teenagers, college graduates and women in the middle or upper class dramatically reduced unintended pregnancy and abortion rates. Among poor women, though, the unplanned pregnancy rate jumped nearly 30%.

As a result, poor women are now four times more likely to face an unintended pregnancy than those who are better off. They’re also three times more likely to get an abortion.

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Peter Daou is Clinton’s New Blog Advisor

Congrats to Peter, one of my favorite bloggers (and just a really nice guy) on his new position with Sen. Clinton.

But don’t worry, Peter will still be hanging around at the Daou Report, although he won’t be posting as much of his own stuff. I’m glad that he’s sticking around — Peter’s one of those “big bloggers” who makes a sincere effort to link to a wide variety of blogs, big and small, from all different political perspectives.

Lots of progressives take issue with Sen. Clinton, particularly with regard to her position on the Iraq war. But I hope we can all agree that it’s a good thing for politicians of all stripes to reach out to bloggers and blog readers. To paraphrase something that Kos said on Keith Olbermann’s show the other day (Hillary and Kos in one post, I know, I know…), bloggers and people who read blogs are regular people. We aren’t media elite, we aren’t politicians, we aren’t hired strategists — at least, not for the most part. But we are citizens who have strong opinions and a passion for politics, and we’re worth reaching out to.

So I’m glad to see that Sen. Clinton is making an effort to connect with bloggers and readers. And I’m glad she’s hired Peter to spearhead that effort. She couldn’t have picked a better person for the job.

L.A. Cancels Bikini Contest for the Kitties

What a stupid idea.

Since taking office last summer, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has urged his employees to be creative and think outside the box.

Taking that advice to heart, the chief of the Los Angeles Animal Services Department paired with a Hooters restaurant in Hollywood for a bikini contest to raise money for city neutering and spaying programs.

But the howls of protests that greeted animal services chief Ed Boks’ fundraising plan forced him to reconsider. On Tuesday afternoon, he canceled the city’s role in the contest.

LA does have a problem with animals — they euthanize about 19,500 animals a year. That number would be much, much lower if people spayed and neutered their pets. But using half-naked chicks as bait to promote an otherwise worth-while cause? No thanks.

As a disgusting side note (stop reading now if you’d prefer to remain in the dark about the meat you eat — really), a few days ago I was watching a show on Greek TV about the American meat and fast food industry, and they showed all the stuff that U.S. television typically won’t — slaughterhouses, pigs twitching as they bled to death, the horrendous conditions that these animals live in, etc. It was sort of like a PETA brochure in motion, except even more disgusting. I had to turn the channel after a few minutes, but I did catch a piece where they interviewed a former cattle rancher about beef industry practices. He was talking about how they feed cattle all kinds of antibiotics to increase their growth, and how they also feed them all kinds of animal by-products, because meat fattens up the cows faster than grass. In addition to other cows, he casually mentioned that they also feed the cattle ground-up dogs, cats, roadkill, etc — and that euthanized animals from Los Angeles contribute quite a bit to the cows’ diet, because they’re plentiful and cheap.

I almost puked, too, and I’m seriously considering a return to vegetarianism — and barring that, I am now only buying beef from free-range cattle who only ate grass. Bon apetit.