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Having Her Cake and Eating it too

I’m with Arianna — Sen. Clinton needs to decide what she really believes and stick to it.

2 thoughts on Having Her Cake and Eating it too

  1. Hillary. I’ll be honest. I don’t know HOW I feel. On the one hand, I don’t want to bash her, because, c’mon, she’s a Dem, plus she’s a strong-willed female leader, and I’m always cautious about people who seem to bash her just based on that set of qualifications alone. I wonder how much of the Hillary-baiting is really just disguised gender bias.

    On the other though, she’s an easy target for the GOP. She strikes me as kind of a political opportunist, and sometimes I’m honestly afraid that her candidacy will motivate more Republicans to vote AGAINST her than it will Democrats to vote FOR her. It’s a tough issue. How much of it is simply me swallowing the talking-points I get force-fed by the media?

  2. My brother said he’d like to beat Hillary to death using Condeleeza Rice, thus taking care of two birds with one stone. My brother’s a wingnut, but I see where he’s coming from on this one. I don’t care that Hillary is a woman or a democrat, she’s a racist.

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