In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

OMG a Gawker link!


(Ok, fine, I’ll admit it: I emailed the post to Jessica and Jesse.)

It’s about Dawn “Copy Editor for Christ” Eden’s upcoming book, and her bizarre assertions about male TV characters. And like everything else on Gawker, it’s quite funny. However, the most hilarious moment may have come from Dawn herself, when she responds to the Gawker post by finger-wagging at Gawker co-editor Jessica, and then by snarking at Feministe (of course):

The Gawker post could have been written by co-editor Jesse Oxfeld, but I’m assuming it’s Coen’s work because it cites Feministe as a source, and no heterosexual man would dare read Feministe unless he were a masochist.

Because the opinion of heterosexual males, naturally, is paramount in Dawn’s world (remind me, why isn’t she married yet?).

I don’t know who wrote the Gawker post, but Jesse was the one who emailed me back. So take that, Dawn! Jesse emails feminists, OMG!

Of course, this probably just means that Jesse is a total homo*. And you know how we feel about homos.**

I won’t dare make assumptions about what kind of people read Dawn’s blog for anything other than shits and giggles. But really, read the post. It’s… something. And don’t miss out on the comments, particularly the one left by Jessica.

UPDATE: Looks like Dawn might have had a change of heart about her response to the Gawker piece (although my guess is that it’s only gonna get snarkier, and she’s changing it primarily because Jessica made her look stupid). If only I had copied her whole original post! Sorry folks, hope you saw the original. And while I’d love to stick around to see what the next one looks like, I’ve gotta go home and eat some dinner. Let me know how it is.

*We have confirmation.
**Two of us (and Dawn!) being good single New York gals, we love them. At least when they’re our friends on TV.

29 thoughts on OMG a Gawker link!

  1. You might think such a show doesn’t exist because such people don’t exist, or because it’s no fun to watch shows about men who will never, ever get laid.

    I’ll opt for b, since I’m pretty sure straight men actually do exist who routinely help their women friends out without expecting sexual favors in return.

  2. I don’t watch too much TV, but Frasier spends an awful lot of time hanging out with Roz, with no expectation or desire of sex in any episode I saw. He’s also not a blockhead by any stretch of the imagination.

  3. Straight dude who reads Feministe checking in here. Also, I’m not a masochist.
    Maybe I should have my self-esteem checked? 🙂

  4. Well, what Dawn thinks she has is plenty of Biblical and CCC basis to treat gay men as if they’re less human than straight men.

    You know, there are a lot of people who agree with the notion that serial casual sex is not healthy, emotionally or physically for anyone. But Dawn’s delivery and her assumptions and her blanket condemnations turn everyone off, and when she’s criticized for her tone and attitude, she makes the amazing leap to the conclusion that we’re all serving the god of cheap, sleazy one night stands. Huh?

    I couldn’t get past the “men in my life” bit, anyway, from that excerpt. What men in her life? Isn’t her raison d’etre NOT having men in her life, either because she’s too slutty or too chaste? Back when she was shallow and cheap, real men didn’t want her because she was, uh, shallow and cheap, and now, when she’s more chaste than the Pope, there are no real men left to be interested in her, just cheap, shallow men “conditioned” by evil feminists to treat women as objects…

    Also, this notion that chastity is a some kind of happiness miracle pill is weird. Chastity alone doesn’t make people happy. It’s not a magic bullet or a guarantee of some kind. Like if we were all “chaste” tomorrow, all the evils of the world would end. And what’s “happy”, anyway? Who’s walking around “happy” 24/7?

    If Ms. Eden was unhappy and depressed before and has made some changes in her life and is happier and less depressed now, that’s wonderful. But why assume that everyone else is unhappy and depressed just because they’re not exactly like her? Why all the assumptions and accusations and blanket stereotyping? Doesn’t sound like a happy, undepressed, content person to me.

  5. The Gawker post could have been written by co-editor Jesse Oxfeld, but I’m assuming it’s Coen’s work because it cites Feministe as a source, and no heterosexual man would dare read Feministe unless he were a masochist.

    Well, as a (mostly) heterosexual non-masochist (though slightly submissive) male, i stand (or sit) here as the (almost) proof that she’s full of shit.*

    But yeah, Dawn is quite full of the hate and anger. What did feminists and gay people ever do to her?

    *OK, maybe there are a couple too many caveats in that sentence for it to work very well. Oopsy.

  6. The Gawker post could have been written by co-editor Jesse Oxfeld, but I’m assuming it’s Coen’s work because it cites Feministe as a source, and no heterosexual man would dare read Feministe unless he were a masochist.

    Well, we have one of those, but not in the sense I think she means.

    I wonder what kind of data point I am.

  7. Ironically enough, lots of gay people complain because gay characters on television are too celibate–it’s not a mark of “character,” like DE seems to think. It’s the unwillingness on the part of the networks to intimate that gay characters actually get down. Look at Will Truman. It was what, three seasons before he got any action to speak of?

  8. Stereotypical malarky… Neckbent hatred… Souless bigotry… it’s all worthless. Unless you’re the president of the US and then it is great for solidifying your phobic base!

  9. “But why assume that everyone else is unhappy and depressed just because they’re not exactly like her?”

    This is precisely why people like Dawn Eden drive me fucking nuts.

    It seems like she went through a rough patch in her life, she felt like shit about herself, felt like a commondity, and was unhappy. She made changes and now she is happy. Yey Dawnie.

    But a lot of us don’t feel like shit about ourselves. Just because casual sex wasn’t doing it for HER doesn’t mean that it doesn’t do it for other people. Some of us fuck and have fucked and don’t feel like commondities at all. Some of us are very very slutty and have found wonderful caring partners who love us because they are good people. I’m sorry that her low self esteem attracted losers to her like a big freaky magnet, but why is that my problem exactly? I don’t attract losers. I don’t have low self esteem. I lived the life she did (lots of casual sex) for a while and had a great time. Yeah, it wasn’t perfect, but my 2 year solid committed relationship is not perfect either. My time spent slutting it up made me the strong beautiful wonderful and confident person I am. It deepened my spirituality, made me physically healthier, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Sorry it made Dawn into a neurotic shallow low self esteem type, but not my problem.

    Two people can go through very similar circumstances and come out with TOTALLY different results. It’s like she doesn’t get the concept of individualism or free will. Just because she was miserable doesn’t mean everyone else in the world is or was miserable.

  10. Straight guy. Abnormally vanilla.

    You’re being too modest. You dare to read Feministe!

    Feministe makes vanilla, straight guys X-Treme.

  11. At the party where Dawn Eden discovers a newfound excitement and love of men through chastity and gains the inspiration for her book:

    He smiles, talks of his wife, his new boat, his son’s baseball game. She looks at him with adoring worship and he notices a sort of far away look in her eyes. ‘Wow, kind of creepy’ he thinks, ‘seems like she’s not really listening’. Her face gets red and her mouth twists a little into a smile. He smiles back and moves on through the room away from her.

    She stands against the wall alone, bathing in orgasm elation. “Oh, men are wonderful like I never knew!” she gushes to herself.

  12. no heterosexual man would dare read Feministe unless he were a masochist.

    I can’t believe Dawn wrote that. I will chime in with the other dudes here… straight guy reader hear. Big fan too. And last I checked, not a masochist.

  13. You’re being too modest. You dare to read Feministe!

    Feministe makes vanilla, straight guys X-Treme.

    I don’t think I’m being modest when I claim to be Vanilla (in fact, I usually brag that I’m an abnormally pro-body well-read vanilla. A handmade French Vanilla with real beans, as opposed to a $6 a gallon generic.) but I take it as a vote fo confidence.

  14. Feministe makes vanilla, straight guys X-Treme.

    And to think, I’d almost given up on ever being X-anything. (sniffles) Thank you, Feministe, for doing what the Dew could never do…

  15. Seriously, has anyone ever held animosity towards anyone for being sexually inactive?

    I suspect that when Dawn was in her ‘I’m with the band’ phase of life, she mocked the less sexually adventurous as prudes and squares. She just seems like one of those officious people who are personally affronted by people who make different choices than themselves.

  16. Seriously, has anyone ever held animosity towards anyone for being sexually inactive? I mean, apart from their primary sex partner….

    Well, for some people, it’s not just their primary sex partnet who offends by being sexually inactive, but any woman they might want to fuck at the moment.

    One of my sadder memories is of being pursued by a drunk, at a friend’s apartment complex swimming pool, who called me a bitch for turning him down. That’s not the striking part; that’s the sadly all too normal part. No, the part that made it particularly sad was seeing his wife come out and apologize to me for her husband’s behavior. Not only did she have to watch her husband propositioning another woman right in front of her, she had to feel it was her job to try to smooth it over and make it right.

  17. Not only did she have to watch her husband propositioning another woman right in front of her, she had to feel it was her job to try to smooth it over and make it right.

    I see those women a lot, too much in fact. They need a serious feminist intervention.

    And apparantly Jill hates the chaste.

    Seriously, has anyone ever held animosity towards anyone for being sexually inactive? I mean, apart from their primary sex partner….

    In defense of Jill, Dawn Eden has a thing about making blanket statements about people and particularly for her weird women blaming/hating that seems to seep out of every word she writes.

    It isn’t her chastity, its her practice of using it to hump herself onto a pedestal and claim superiority over us dirty sexualized beings.

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