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One of my favorite bits from Sesame Street ever:

Thanks to Chris Clarke.

17 thoughts on Yipyipyipyipyip

  1. Can I put in a request for Put Down the Ducky? Oh, and Monster in the Mirror.

    I looooove Sesame Street. Twenty years of childrearing will do that to you.

  2. I think it speaks to the quality of the program at that time that I’m still amused by it almost 20 years later. Want good kids’ programming? Treat them like they have brains!

  3. THE YEPYEP ALIENS! EEEEE! I haven’t even watched the clip yet….

    KG, that was a Muppet Show feature, wasn’t it?

  4. I swear I remember another with one alien and a ringing phone in an apartment. I’ll have to go looking for it.

  5. Pingback: Sago Boulevard
  6. OMG that brings back memories! My favourite is Kermit the Roaming Reporter interviewing Old MacDonald in the cornfield.

    Kermit: I see by your accent that you’re from Scotland

    Old MacDonald: (with a thick brogue) Aye, Laddie, with a name like MacDonald you think I’m from Calcutta?!

    Some of this stuff was definitely put there for the adults.

  7. I made someone download this for me months ago, and burned it onto a disc so that I could keep it for all time. YIPYIPYIP!

  8. Wow, I have even talked to my kids about this one, having seen it so long ago. “Remember the one with the aliens and the phone?” it usually goes. Glad I’m not the only one who died laughing of that one when younger.

    Of course, I am old enough to remember in kindergarten everyone being huddled around a tube to watch a ‘new program’ and seeing Sesame Street the first time it aired.

    The old originals with Jim Henson, before he went all apeshit commercial were fantastic. Then of course the poor guy had to depart from us.

  9. I was at a work function this afternoon and someone was talking about rotary dial phones and how kids today have no clue about them – what they look like or how they look. It’s amazing sometimes the things we take for granted from our lives that our kids will never see or understand. Bert doing the Pigeon was my sister’s favorite. I was more of a Gumby fan myself.

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