In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

The Great Veterinary Debacle of 2005

I took the cats to the vet this week and spent an extraordinary amount of money getting the kitties fixed up.

Doug wants to go again,

Doug Loves the Vet

while Pablo is planning his escape.


Long story short, Pablo curled up like a pill bug and refused to let the vet look at him, while Doug turned into a whirling dervish and knocked over anything in the room that wasn’t bolted down. I don’t think the vet office will want to see us again for a very long time (until they cash my check).

Leaving soon…

Some reading material from Salon:

A feminist sorority? Is it possible? Apparently. And hey, why not? If sororities are founded on the concept of sisterhood and supporting other women, it seems like a no-brainer.

Reading Lolita in Alabama

I survived the transit strike, for the most part — although I did suffer debilitating injuries. Witness totally gross foot pictures below the fold (seriously, don’t look at these while you’re eating):

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Done and Done.

As of about two minutes ago, my finals are over. WOOHOO! Now, it’s time to bust out the good bottle of red wine I’ve been saving since I brought it back from Sardinia this summer. Then at 3:45 am tomorrow morning, I depart for the airport and head home to Seattle for the holidays. Perhaps there will be some drunk posting, along with drunk packing and drunk cleaning, later this evening.

Nanaca Crash

This is the weirdest game I have ever seen, maybe because I have no idea what’s going on. Despite the ridiculousness, it’s oddly violent.

Although it doesn’t look SFW, it is. Just turn off the sound.

I Heart PowWeb

I do love my host. I’ve been with PowWeb ever since I moved off of Blogspot, and aside from the Great Movable Type Debacle, I haven’t had any troubles with PowWeb at all.

After using MT for two years the blog got too big to handle and it had to be redone. With the help of two awesome people I was able to make the switch to WordPress rather smoothly.

Until today. *

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Day-Before-Finals Good Stuff

Ah, civil procedure. The Erie doctrine. Impleader, interpleader, and intervention. Joinder and supplemental jurisdiction. Yay!

In the meantime, some thoughts.

1. What the fuck Johnny Damon. What the fuck.

2. Perhaps I spoke too soon on the transit strike. Is the MTA negotiating in bath faith? (via Majikthise and Haley PC’s away message).

3. If you get fat, only black men will want you — so says one doctor. Well, if that’s what it takes to land Mos Def or Morris Chestnut, I’ll do what I have to.

4. Federal judge resigns in protest of the Bush administration’s spying. Woah. (Yes, that’s the sound of shit about to hit the fan).

5. Thanks, EPA! Clean air is overrated anyway.

6. Intelligent design is a crock. What’s up next from the anti-science godbag crowd??

7. Love him or hate him, no one damns Christmas better than Christopher Hitchens.

8. Is anorexia genetic?

And now, back to the books.

The CHS Canon

As requested on the wishlist, Jeff Goldstein sent me the Christina Hoff Sommers canon for Xmas. I am now under the charge of reading Who Stole Feminism? and The War Against Boys over my Xmas vacation.

If I don’t get so angry that I throw the books in the driveway and back over them four or five times in the Jeep, I’ll likely do a brief series on my reactions to the books. I don’t have the time for hard research into her claims, but after ripping on CHS for being one of the primary sources for the public outcry against feminism, I think it’s only fair that I read her work instead of relying on secondary documents.

The plan is to start with WAB, as I’ve been thinking about boys and the educational process due to my time in the classroom.

UPDATE: Read the first question and answer.