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Leaving soon…

Some reading material from Salon:

A feminist sorority? Is it possible? Apparently. And hey, why not? If sororities are founded on the concept of sisterhood and supporting other women, it seems like a no-brainer.

Reading Lolita in Alabama

I survived the transit strike, for the most part — although I did suffer debilitating injuries. Witness totally gross foot pictures below the fold (seriously, don’t look at these while you’re eating):



31 thoughts on Leaving soon…

  1. Crikes!

    Did you wear comfy sneakers or leather?? My sneakers and thick socks preserved my feet pretty well, luckily.

    I get those blisters in the summertime a lot, when I walk in sandals just to keep cool. I had them after the blackout (walked from 42nd St. to Waverly).

  2. I was wearing converse, which are usually pretty comfortable… they just weren’t prepared to walk for two hours, I guess, since they rubbed my heels off.

  3. Ugh…I WAS eating! …nah, just kidding.

    Do yourself a favor and keep walking. A mild callous will form and you’ll be able to make future walks (or runs considering you’re in New York) that won’t irritate your wittle feeties as bad in the future.
    Start with a 1/4 mile, then up it to at least 3 miles. Your feet and your figure will thank you. And wear socks for chrissakes.
    …man, you can dress these kids up but you can’t take ’em nowheres without a first aid kit.

  4. I was wearing socks, I swear!

    And what’s confusing is that I walk a lot… it’s not like I never move my ass. I just think the two hours of straight walking did it. Rubbed right through brand new white socks, too.

    p.s. I cannot believe I put disgusting pictures of my feet on the internet. Will this come back to haunt me later? Will I ever get a date again?

  5. Your feet and your figure will thank you.

    Feminists aren’t even allowed to have figures. Dumbass.

    I was wearing converse, which are usually pretty comfortable.

    There’s a difference between shoes that are comfortable for 1500 yards and 15,000 yards of walking.

    p.s. I cannot believe I put disgusting pictures of my feet on the internet. Will this come back to haunt me later? Will I ever get a date again?

    No, you will never date again.

  6. One wonders what Jill’s feet may have looked like if the strike started at the beginning of the semester and went on for a month-and-a-half.


    And there was a nice couple handing out deli hot chocolates tonight, at the Queensboro bridge. A cup of hot chocolate was just right at the mid-span when the wind came into scour off the ears with WITCH-TIT COLD ASS AIR!!!

  8. Jill, it’s all about the liquid skin stuff. You put it on in advance. Much better than bandaids.

    I think you’ve ruled out the foot fetishists in terms of dating, but otherwise, still good.

  9. About the feminist sorority, I think it’s a great idea, and I’d been half-thinking about the idea of starting a political (gay-friendly, pro-feminist, veg-friendly) frat/sorority for a bit. But frats and sororities aren’t a big thing in Canada at all, and the frat-house (which in this case would be like a house full of the most respectable anarchists you’ve ever met) thing it pretty rare here. It’s a neat idea, though. I hope it works out.

  10. Dog Blogging? Dogs are all the trouble of children without the satisfaction of passing on your superior genes.

  11. But on the plus side, it seems you have managed, at long last, to repel David Thompson.

    Wrong. I can simply imagine that Lauren knitted her a pair of exciting socks.

  12. Soak your feet in salt water. It’ll hurt like hell but it’ll toughen your feet up and make the callus form faster—-old ballet dancer’s trick.

  13. Ew.

    I stayed home during the strike, living 11 miles away from work as I do. I did the walk home once, during the blackout, and could not imagine doing that twice a day in the cold.

    And Converse shoes have no padding for that kind of walking.

  14. Zuzu, during the blackout, I walked down from another firm’s 49th floor office, was refused entry to my office building, and slept outside Grand Central until the trains started running at dawn. Fun fun.

  15. Oh, that’s ugly. I had to get down 15 flights of stairs in the dark (emergency lighting? what emergency lighting?), but because I had sneakers, a backpack and a big bottle of water in my office, I was okay for the walk home. Still got blisters, and my legs hurt like hell the next day.

  16. Since they’re working without a contract instead of having resolved the strike, I suggest a bicycle. They start off very inexpensive and make 4 miles seem like 1. (In time and effort.)

    Swift recovery to you.

  17. but because I had sneakers, a backpack and a big bottle of water in my office, I was okay for the walk home.

    You’re smart.

    My biggest problem during the blackout was dehydration. I had been celebrating my last day of summer classes by tanning all afternoon at Battery Park, bringing only sandals, a water bottle, and a book. I planned to do my usual routine of as soon as I get too hot/burnt/thirsty and/or run out of water in my bottle, it’s time to head home.

    Then discovered that the subway wasn’t functioning and I was nowhere near close to home.

    Called my husband (then b/f) in Cherry Hill, NJ where he was working. He informs me that there’s power in Jersey. Little did I know that meant SOUTH jersey (Philadelphia parking lot, not NY parking lot). Ignorant me hops a ferry to Hoboken, where it turns out there is no power either. Finally found some water at one of the only open bars, then hopped another ferry BACK to NY to hoof it home. Damn.

    A lot of folks were drinking during the night of the blackout, but I think it damn near would have killed me. I did have a beer at 7 a.m. though because Apple Bombar was open.

  18. I’ve worn Chuck Hi-Tops almost exclusively for 30 years.

    I have:

    Achilles tendonitis in my right ankle.
    Plantar fasciitis in both feet.
    Heel spurs.
    Corns on the inside of my left pinkie toe.

    The price I pay for fashion.

  19. I can walk all day in converse, but a) I were Chucks hightops, b) I lace them to suit my feet, and c) if my feet feel anything but fine, I pad them immediately from my small, but always with me, first aid supply. Use bandaids, or “moleskin” but start before it rubs.

  20. Sadly, Friday Dog Blogging may have to turn into Saturday Dog Blogging. I’ll let y’all know tomorrow. But thankfully, I got back safely, and now it’s time for a bottle of red wine.

  21. never been all that impressed with the old All-Stars.

    of course, now, I’ve got Merrell shoes. possibly the most comfortable article of clothing ever invented by mankind.

    they are now, and possibly will be forever, part of my uniform. I owe my sister the highest order of props for pointing them out to me.

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