In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Nanaca Crash

This is the weirdest game I have ever seen, maybe because I have no idea what’s going on. Despite the ridiculousness, it’s oddly violent.

Although it doesn’t look SFW, it is. Just turn off the sound.

6 thoughts on Nanaca Crash

  1. “Access to this page denied. Please consult your employee handbook for proper Internet usage guidelines.”

    Great … you just got me fired.


    Worst. IT department. Ever.

  2. That game has characters in it from an adult Japanese anime series. If you play it enough, you can get a feel for the characters’ personas and what’s going on… not that it’s coherent or anything.

    As for the violence in the game… I don’t know, I just think it’s silly and damn addictive. I started playing it back in march. Highest score I’ve ever gotten was like 4.5k. Screenshots available on request. 😉

  3. Oh…my. This is the strangest online game I’ve ever seen. How on Earth did you run across it?

    I was feeling pretty good about my 949.53m performance. Now, not so much. Fortunately, there’s hardly anyone here at work today.

  4. Pingback: Waveflux

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