In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

In The Books

It seems there’s been a bit of an uptick lately in musings on either side of the internet-is-destroying-our-attention-spans vs. internet-is-changing-our-consciousness-for-the-better debate.

I don’t know which point of view has the right of it, even if I do think I read a lot of edifying and interesting things on the ‘tubes. But what I do know is that, once upon a time, I loved to read books so much that I got myself into trouble for goofing off reading at least once a day.

I got in trouble for reading when I was supposed to be doing homework, cleaning my room, listening to my teacher, studying for church, anything. It made my 5th grade teacher so mad, all that reading stories all the time, she forbade me from picking up a book that wasn’t a textbook or assigned all year, even during recess and lunch when she said I ought to be playing with the other kids. Since I spent more time with books than people in the 5th grade, that was exactly the kind of disaster you can imagine it was likely to be.

It would have ticked of my 5th grade self so much if I’d known I was going to even get to go to college where you’re supposed to read all the time and then practically stop touching books from then on. Oh sure, you know, maybe a couple novels a year, a few non-fiction books for reference (and you don’t necessarily read those through like a novel, anyway,) magazines for planes and trains, that sort of thing.

But no more reading books like a chain smoker, barely finishing one before picking up another one and lighting in. No.

So anyhow, I’ve been reading more books lately to correct this terrible situation. Below the fold, I’m including favorite excerpts from recent reads that I haven’t already loaned out to someone else.

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Tuesday True Blood Roundtable: I Smell a Rat

Spoilers below!

Screenshot from True Blood. Sookie is wearing a white top and pressed against a wall by Eric who is wearing a black leather jacket.

This week on True Blood, everything was just one reveal after the other: we found out what Sookie and Crystal are, we got a slice of Sam’s past, we uncovered (part of?) what’s up with Holly, and we learned about Jesus and Lafayette’s ancestry.

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Sydney feminist blogger meet-up update!

This coming Sunday, 29 August, we’re having a meet-up in Sydney! You do not need to be a blogger or a regular commenter or anything to come, you just need to want to come hang out with some like-minded folks for a few hours. You can check out the full details in my announcement post. A quick summary of the details: We’re meeting at 11am on the 29th, in Victoria Park (which in the grounds of the University of Sydney) on Parramatta Rd. As to where precisely: there’s a big bridge across the lake; we’ll be meeting to the right of that. (That is, the right as you face Parramatta Rd, but don’t worry, we’ll be next to the bridge and pretty conspicuous.) As to how to get there and accessibility details, see the previous post.

We’re going to be sitting around and chatting, picnic-style! So bring some blankets/chairs and your own food to eat as these things will not be supplied. Well, I’ll be making a gluten-free cheesecake to share, but you yourself are definitely not obliged to share food.

But what, you say, of a wet weather plan? It does not look as though it will be raining. In the event that it does rain, we will not be meeting in Victoria Park but at a cafe called Deus. It’s at 98-104 Parramatta Rd, Camperdown, which is not far at all from Victoria Park (here’s a Google Map). It’s on the corner of Parramatta and Lyons Rd, and the entrance – which is wheelchair accessible – is on the Lyons side. If you need any more specific directions or need to know bus routes or anything, let me know. Again, I doubt we will be heading here, but if the weather report changes, I will send an email round to everyone who has RSVPed on early Saturday evening. Obviously, if you wake up Sunday morning and it is pouring, we’re going to the cafe instead of the park! Sound good?

If you get super confused or lost on the way there, I’m going to try and keep an eye on comments here, so don’t worry too much. Any last minute RSVPs? Drop a note in comments or email me at chally [dot] zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com. Family and friends are most welcome. I am so looking forward to seeing you all!

SYTYCD Season 7 Top 4

Spoilers below!

This week on SYTYCD: I was so overjoyed about last week’s results, that I didn’t mind the forgettable dancing so much. Jump over to the recap and discuss with me.

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Sydney, Australia feminist blogger meet-up on 29 August!

Announcing a meet-up for feminist blog folk in the Sydney region. You don’t need to write a blog yourself or be a regular commenter or anything, it’s just an invitation to come and hang out with some like-minded folk for a couple of hours.

Here are the details:

When? Sunday, 29 August, at 11am.
Where? Victoria Park, in the grounds of the University of Sydney, on Parramatta Rd. It’s just opposite Broadway shopping center and the start of Glebe Point Rd. As to where precisely: there’s a big bridge across the lake; we’ll be meeting to the right of that. (That is, the right as you face Parramatta Rd, but don’t worry, we’ll be next to the bridge and pretty conspicuous.) As to how to get there, see below.
What are we doing? We’re going to hang out an have a chat and, for those who are inclined, a picnic! So bring some blankets/chairs and your own food to eat as these things will not be supplied!
Wet weather plan? Well, that really depends on how many people come, so I will let you know for sure when we have the numbers down. It doesn’t look like it will be raining on that day.
Accessibility: There are wide bitumen pathways and a few benches in the Park. Our wet weather plan will definitely be wheelchair accessible. If you are concerned about how to get there, find a route by calling 131500 or on and clicking the ‘easy access only’ button when the results of your search come up. If you have any accessibility concerns at all, please do not hesitate to email me at chally [dot] zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com.

So, in order to secure that wet weather plan, I need you to RSVP very promptly so I can gauge numbers. Please respond by 14 August to say if you (and anyone you’re bringing with you) will be coming. (If you’re really not sure if you can make it, please leave a comment saying so and let me know as soon as you possibly can.) Sooner is better than later, and I’d like to get most responses within the week, please!

This meet-up was the idea of Chloe from Feministing, who’s coming back to Aus for a bit, so you have her to thank for the suggestion!

So, how to get there: You can take most buses from outside Town Hall Station and they leave frequently from Central Station. The bus will have “P’matta Rd” on its electronic display sign. It’s a big park so it’s hard to miss, but just ask someone if you’re worried!

Leave RSVPs in comments or email me: again, my email is chally [dot] zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com. Don’t forget to specify if you’re bringing anyone else along; family and friends are definitely welcome!

[Cross-posted at Zero at the Bone]

Jane Austen’s Fight Club

This is possibly the greatest YouTube video I have ever seen. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a faux trailer for a film about a fight club consisting of Jane Austen characters. There’s a transcript below the cut. You absolutely have my permission to repost the transcript, and please do, but I would appreciate a note and link of credit and if you’d let me know!

I’m so pleased to see people who aren’t white in a video like this, and every time I watch this anew I am more and more impressed by the high production values of a video obviously done on quite a small scale! They have to produce the film the “trailer” is for, don’t you think?

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Posted in Fun