In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Have We Learned Nothing From Our Previous Conversations?

Kevin. Kevin! No you didn’t! Are you serious?

Don’t tell a woman she has no sense of humor if she responds to a post that isn’t funny. Your post was not funny! It might be real cool that you’re going to a tech conference that focuses on women, but try not to insult us before you even get there. No excuse, man!

It’s not about feminism, per se, until you smack feminists with stereotypes we don’t embody.

Sunday Must-Reads

The Plame Story: Sources point to Karl Rove.

Straight, Gay, or Lying? The Alley Rat picks apart the newest study that says bisexuality is a sham. Don’t trust science that tries to narrow the range of “normal” sexuality. It’s called an agenda. Say it with me now, A-G-E-N-D-A.

Rape in India and Pakistan, Codes of Dishonor
And an analysis with accompanying thoughts at Culture Kitchen.

Don’t you love it when right-wing dudes try to explain feminism to women? Me too! And so does the Twisty Faster.

Here’s another secret: prettiness is directly correlational to your ability to do math. Don’t you love it when you’re told that you’re genetically predisposed to change diapers and mop floors? Me too! And so does PandAmanda.

Feminist Men

Jim of Feminist Men emailed me a few questions about my views of male feminists, which I found to be very interesting. He’s looking for even more viewpoints, so if you have some spare time, answer away:

1. What can men do to end sexism?

2. Do men have a place in the feminist movement? If
so, how do they fit in? If not, why?

3. Should men be leaders in feminist organizations?

4. Can a man be a “feminist”?

5. Please add any other thoughts or comments you have
about the the subject of men and feminism.

Interview on Feminism with Bob Hayes

Over this next week or so I will be in the midst of an email-based conversation with Bob Hayes quite like the one that Ampersand did last month on progressivism. Bob seems like a nice guy and has set the terms of the interview in my favor. I’m looking forward to reading the range of responses the interview will provoke.

I just got my first set of questions. We’re underway! Anyone have anything specific about feminism or feminist theory you’d like me to needle in?

Feminists Hate Sex

Can a bitch get a break?

Why do so many women not want to call themselves feminists? I sincerely think it’s because the word carries the stigma that feminists don’t like bonking — least of all bonking guys.

If feminism wants its good name back, it will have to come up with a pro-sex, highly bonkable feminist spokeswoman, who is seen to screw guys, and to like screwing them. Often. A feminist who digs cock.

Ahem. Well, I can think of a few “bonkable” feminists who “dig cock.” But most of us sex-obsessed feminists have moved far beyond the heteronormative memes and refuse to play nice with the PR machine.

Adam Ash needs to pick up BUST’s One-Handed Read, among other feminist erotica, and rethink his thesis.

via Archaeopteryx, a brand new, kickass, feminist-minded blog by a grad student in the sciences.

Feminisms: A Survey

Bitch Ph.D. recently wrote a piece on feminisms, but as a favor to a friend, I’d like to comb your brains for some additional definitions. She is doing a paper on feminism and nomothetic identity traits and wants some personal opinions from a feminist audience.

1. What do you consider a feminist?
2. What is a feminist not?
3. What traits (physical, social, intellectual, behavioral etc.) do you ascribe to feminism? What traits have been ascribed to you as a feminist?
4. What traits are explicitly unfeminist?
5. Are there people out there who cannot be feminists or claim feminism as we know it?

All answers, even the unpopular ones, are appreciated. Comment anonymously if you wish.

Two Things

1) Josh, one of my real life friends, has a conversation with an objectivist on the subjects of Ayn Rand and feminism. It would be disparaging if it weren’t so funny. Jim at Patriside has a recent post on the bullshit of Ayn Rand. Good stuff.

2) I just got a phone call from a friend to inform me not to go to campus. The “abortion people” are here, she said, with their big placards of Photoshop-mangled fetuses, anti-birth control fliers, and a loud, obnoxious minister exclaiming that STDs are for sinners.

I’m so going to campus.

Weekend Reads

UnSpecified Chatter: The Truth About Men
SistersTalk: No Gay Bishops Means No Bishops at All
Frogs and Ravens: Trying Again
Pharyngula: Subversion and Evolution of the X Chromosome (related: X Marks The Chromosome)
Whirled View: Look In The Mirror, Karen
Folkbum: Disclaimer Time (from a high school English teacher to his students)
Bitch Ph.D.: Argumentative Women
Pesky Apostrophe: You Can Go Your Own Way
Black Feminism: Porn & Prejudice

Also, I’m overwhemingly tempted to sprout my own sod couch in the backyard.

The moron’s guide to feminism

Hello, flute here, not Lauren. Forget the sexes for a moment. Imagine a society split down the middle for another reason. One half more opportunity than the other. One half has more control in the way “things are”. By doing this, the potential of half the population is unrealised and society as a whole is not acheiving what it could, either culturally or economically. In cold terms, talent is being picked from a smaller pool. In the long run everyone is worse off than if the opportunity is given to all. The haves will continue to bias the system against the have nots. After hundreds of years of this the haves no longer consciously realise there is a problem. Now somehow this has fallen on lines of gender. It is deeply entrenched. The change starts when it becomes accepted by the mainstream that there is an imbalance. The mainstream happens to be controlled by men. So instead of getting defensive about the issue, open your eyes and make a difference. For men with daughters, do you really want your children to grow up facing barriers that you never ever faced just because of their gender? Or have you cast them already in the mould of “homemaker” before seeing what they could achieve? The first stage is acceptance of the problem, and in that we have a long long way to go.

Cats later.

Emma Goldman Collective

Tonight is my first meeting with the Emma Goldman Collective, a local group that seeks to extend community works and consciousness-raising in the name of progressivism (and obviously, anarchism). After a long conversation with Anne this afternoon on the topics of exceeding feminism, embracing various forms of progressive living, and the need for an active local movement, I’m itching for some way to actually enact my goals and ideals in the community.

Updates if anything good happens.