In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Two Things

1) Josh, one of my real life friends, has a conversation with an objectivist on the subjects of Ayn Rand and feminism. It would be disparaging if it weren’t so funny. Jim at Patriside has a recent post on the bullshit of Ayn Rand. Good stuff.

2) I just got a phone call from a friend to inform me not to go to campus. The “abortion people” are here, she said, with their big placards of Photoshop-mangled fetuses, anti-birth control fliers, and a loud, obnoxious minister exclaiming that STDs are for sinners.

I’m so going to campus.

5 thoughts on Two Things

  1. Lauren, welcome back! I don’t know if you got to campus in time to see the douchebags or not, but they clearly have no concept of what sort of hours college kids keep. It ain’t God’s time, that’s for sure, becuase God and his minstrels closed up shop by 2:30 today.

    It was really even more disgusting than ever to me, and I don’t know why. I thought about standing in front of one of the posters with my back to it, but then I realized that would only piss me off if someone ruined my protest that way.

    So I started thinking about like big fucking interest group posters, and why, for example, people don’t spend an hour or two on the lawn on random days with signs like “Women are people too” or “Your skin looks fine to me” or “My womb is not your nation-state” or “Midwestern hospitality: Come in the back door!”

    But seriously. I just didn’t know what to do. I walked past this lady who tried to hand me a pamphlet, and I wanted so much to take it, but I knew it would infuriate me so much it would burn in my hands. So, I just glared. I just glared at that woman, becuase I didn’t know what else to do.

    Then it hit me. What could cause more of a stir on campus than oversized photos of fetuses? Next time, I want a big gay-ass kiss in when this happens. I want homos out in force just making the fuck out. I want big silhouetted pictures of gay sex. And if we do this every time they come, eventually they will come no more.

    Ah, but a boy can dream, huh?

  2. On the bus I noticed a guy using a dollar bill for a bookmark. Then when he got off I saw that he was reading Atlas Shrugged. Go figure.

  3. “So I started thinking about like big fucking interest group posters, and why, for example, people don’t spend an hour or two on the lawn on random days with signs like “Women are people too” or “Your skin looks fine to me” or “My womb is not your nation-state” or “Midwestern hospitality: Come in the back door!””

    Chuck, we should get together sometime. (Email me or contact me through Lauren.) We can certainly get something together, and we don’t have to wait for the god freaks to come.

    I like your idea of just hanging out some day with posters and signs (and some people making out here and there). We have plenty of poster boards, markers, and paint here at my place. My partner and I are down with that. I know we could also get a couple of our neighbours, and Ms Lauren can get some people together, you can get some folks…and before you know it we’ll have ourselves a nice little group of radicals ready to storm the campus.

    Why dream when you can do it?

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