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Killing the culture before it kills you (if only)

This was too ironic not to write about after my last post. Just watch this video, the relevant part is between 2:00 and 3:00. For background, conservative talk radio goon Laura Ingraham is substituting for Bill O’Reilly and going after Code Pink’s efforts to drive military recruitment out of Berkeley.

If you’re not familiar with Ingraham, she first gained notoriety in the mid-80s by attending Gay Student Association meetings at her college and then publishing the names of all the “sodomites” who attended. So here’s how she decided to go after Code Pink:

Ingraham: Do you think that people have a right to stop the transgender conference that’s happening next month at Berkeley? What if the push was to stop the transgender conference? Would you support that?

Benjamin: I don’t think that has anything to do with it, Laura…

Ingraham: Has nothing to do with the culture, or a divisive issue?

Benjamin: This is a war that the American people are against —

Ingraham: Whoa, whoa, whoa, let me get this straight. You think the majority of Americans would support a TRANSGENDER conference in their communities? Are you kidding me?

Benjamin: A transgender conference is not killing people, it’s people discussing–

Ingraham: Hah! It’s killing the culture, that’s all.

It’s nice to know that trans people are killing the culture too. After all, from all the incidents such as Sanesha Stewart being murdered just for being trans, I thought it was only the other way around.

22 thoughts on Killing the culture before it kills you (if only)

  1. Wow, that would be rad if discussions about being transgender WOULD in fact kill a culture of hate and hegemonic bigotry.

  2. Freakily enough, she went to my high school. As did Candace Bushnell and Amy Brenneman. None with me, though.

  3. Ah, FOX. Where they think putting forth a good counter argument is defined as speaking over and around their guest in a loud and mocking tone.

    And… going on a media blitz tour to Walter Reed doesn’t make you a mouthpiece for the troops.

    She embarrasses herself.

  4. Laura Ingraham is crazy. How is what Code Pink doing stopping “choice?” Someone can still join the Marines without a recruiting station nearby. It’s like saying I can never buy knives or vacuum cleaners again without some door to door salespeople.

    In fact, it would allow young men and women to come to the decision to join without the recruiting sales pitch, they’ll be even more committed!

    And also, Ingraham sounded like the worst concern troll ever. I mean, using the “you’re doing us conservatives a favor!” argument? Please. She was just totally rude and made Medea Benjamin look more sane and serene than anything.

  5. What a fucking bitch! I’m sorry but– GEEZ! Those arguments of …

    Do you know the troops like I do? I don’t think so? The troops told ME that you embarass them? The troops hang out with ME all the time? I’m the favorite? You’re not invitied to the big party the troops are throwing..”

    GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear to god it’s reminiscent of those fights I had in grade school where one girl was trying to steal my best friend or something stupid.

    “Nu uh, Sarah likes me way better. Sarah told me you smell bad. Sarah’s gonna hang out with ME after school and sit with ME at lunch and we hate you!— HMMMMPH!”

    Give me a fucking break.

    I love how she talks about all troops like they’re one cohesive unit with one thought: “I am conservative and I *heart* Laura Ingraham”— I’m sure….

  6. Plus, she’s conflating recruiting with conferencing which are two fundamentally different things. People go to conferences to speak amongst one another–a self-selected group of people–about the issues that are important to them. If there were a conference of Iraq war veterans or even military recruiters being held in Berkeley, then I doubt Code Pink would have an issue. It’s the recruiting they’re taking issue with.

  7. But Annajcook, don’t you know that the trans people are only conferencing so they can talk about their AGENDA of RECRUITING our CHILDREN?? /snark

    Good lord, that was not so much an interview as it was Laura Ingraham screaming “lalalalala I can’t hear you!” for three minutes. Apparently when she argues that people are going to laugh at Code Pink it doesn’t occur to her that liberals (and probably a few conservatives) are doing the same to her idiotic bloviating.

    Somehow I get the feeling that if Code Pink were picketing and occupying parking spaces at, say, a Planned Parenthood, Ingraham wouldn’t be shouting about people’s right to choose to go there and get information.

  8. I wonder if Ingraham still gets so drunk that she has to crawl out of the bar on her hands and knees. Bitter, nameless rage that requires self-medication and right-wing hatemongering: they go together like a horse and carriage …

    So Rush’s is Oxycodone, and Laura’s is alcohol … anyone know Coulter’s drug of choice?

  9. Wow. Ingrahm was too condescending for me to watch the entire thing. I love how she assumes that *everyone* is going to support her. And for the record, I wouldn’t mind having a transgender conference in my community. I wouldn’t have to attend it if I didn’t want to attend.

  10. What’s her problem? Transgender people are trying to fit in to the culture, if anything. But Ingraham’s obviously a Fascist, trying to impose her personal values on others.

  11. You know, Medea actually did a really excellent job at not taking the bait or getting defensive. She repeatedly reiterated the point that she loves the troops and therefore wants them out of Iraq–no matter how much Laura interrupted her (“hey, one at a time”) with the non-sequitur to the transgender conference. That may actually be the only way in which to go on Fox News and make your point heard: Tuning out the crap that the interviewer disguises as “questions” and repeating one’s main point.

    And they call that a discussion. Sad.

  12. If I were a right wing hate mongerer like this lady, I would be embarrassed by the way she represents her ideology. Although it really was quite classic how she would interrupt Medea’s very lucid and calm statements to yell at her saying “hey, one at a time.” I think they cast characters like her personality into films and tv shows as the bossy, arrogant mean teenage girl. She should look into a career change.

  13. Disgusting. Using transphobia to dismiss someone’s views on an unrelated political issue. Wack. And by the way Ingraham, whatever oppressed group a community supports or doesn’t support should NEVER be a barometer of how that group’s human rights are respected. Transgender people have rights, regardless of what the “community” around them has to say about it.

    Now, let’s deal with this:

    What a fucking bitch! I’m sorry but– GEEZ! Those arguments of …

    Tobes, calling a woman the b-word is never okay under any circumstances, whoever she is, regardless of what she does, and regardless of the gender of the person dehumanizing her with hate speech. And “bitch” is hate speech after all. Usually it’s the last word a woman hears just before she is raped, assaulted, or murdered.

  14. UHG! I can’t listen to that voice!

    Toss up who plays Cruella DeVille in the next dalmation movie…her or Coulter.
    Oh, wait, Coulter can’t go out in sunlight.

  15. Both AC and LI are women that I am unable to refer to decently; they are infections on the face of the world.

  16. If I were a right wing hate mongerer like this lady, I would be embarrassed by the way she represents her ideology.

    Heh! Being a transgendered woman…and a Republican(!)…has been interesting. I stick around in the party as a protest, but I have found that most Republicans really don’t care that much about this (at least outside of the wacko religious group). Frankly, many Republicans are embarrased and annoyed by Ingrahms’ brand of incoherent chicanery.

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