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All of my wildest dreams have come true.


I saw the Silver Fox at my favorite bar last night, sitting approximately six feet away from me. We made eye contact. His blue eyes are even more amazing in person, and he’s also surprisingly built. I know he’s supposedly dating this “Julio” character, but I’m pretty sure he felt our connection.

So now, having met Lauren’s boyfriend and seen mine in public, I can say with some authority that the Fox is way finer. And has better muscles.

Don’t worry, Lauren, Keith is really tall and stuff, and he was dressed better in a well-tailored suit. Anderson was wearing some sort of fitted dark blue v-neck t-shirt, and one of his friends was in cargo shorts. So, you know, Keith scores major points on his fashion choices. But even so, nobody beats the coif of steel.

I am forever indebted to Mr. Melber for pointing him out to me. I can now die happy.

18 thoughts on All of my wildest dreams have come true.

  1. he is rather delicious. and posesses some very nice arms.

    have you noticed that they don’t make dreamy republicans? they are all kind of smarmy, with over-produced hair.

  2. I, too, have heard rumors of Julio. I still maintain, however, that when I met him a year or two ago he checked me out.

    To this day it’s one of the highlights of my life.

  3. I took note of him a while back, in the early part of this new century when he was hosting World News Now or whatever that was on the late late late night ABC TV. He’s matured nicely.

    But then again, I’d mature nicely too if I had his money.

  4. I was going to write that I think he’s still pretty young, and then I wikipedia’ed him: He turns 40 today. Happy birthday, Anderson!

  5. I just took a look at his wiki page.

    “He was Number 3 on Playgirl magazine’s Sexiest Newscasters List in 2004. In second place was Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity and in first place was MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann.”

    I just lost all respect for playgirl magazine.

    Sean Hannity??

    Do Republican women really like that clown?

    This is probably the wrong blog to ask something like that…

  6. So, did you make any conversation with him? Seems a shame to waste an opportunity.

    have you noticed that they don’t make dreamy republicans?

    Well you know, a lot of us are undercover. I know I don’t ever talk politics when I’m home in Philly.

  7. I LIKE fitted v-neck t-shirts. They off the torso to nice effect. Mmm. Anderson Cooper. Mmm.

  8. Yeah, I like them too, when they’re thin and cotton. But this one was thick, navy blue, with piping around the sleeves and collar. It was very mid-90s preppy.

  9. My husband was a TV newsman at Ft Hood before we married 15 years ago and PROMISED ME he would also turn prematurely grey like this before he hit 40. Bastard is almost 48 and while similarly built, still has barely 20 grey hairs.

    MEN LIE…

  10. “have you noticed that they don’t make dreamy republicans?”

    That Bill Hemmer guy who left CNN for FOX some years ago isn’t difficult to look at. Admittedly though I’m only assuming he’s a Republican because he works for FOX.

  11. Oh gosh, you are sooo lucky. The Silver Fox is such an appropriate name. My bf and I both adore him. I hope he comes and speaks in our area sometime.

  12. Oh, btw, Jill: OMG OMG did you touch him?!?!

    I wish! Under most other circumstances I’d have at least talked to him, but this is the kind of bar where that really wouldn’t be ok. It’s speakeasy-style, and everyone is sitting down — they don’t let in any more people than there are chairs, so it’s very private and not particularly conducive to approaching strangers and chatting them up. Normally I wouldn’t care about that either, but they’re pretty tight on the rules, and I probably would have gotten kicked out — and being that it’s my favorite bar and I’m there almost every weekend, that would have been tragic.

  13. Not only is he the sexiest man ever created, he’s also someone that inspires me.

    I’ve wanted to be a writer/journalist for as long as I could remember, but for a while I wasn’t sure if I should go with it. I have Asperger’s Syndrome, and that makes a lot of things difficult. How often do you hear of autistic journalists?

    For years, I have followed Anderson’s career. I’ve watched his stories, read his book, and realized, “THAT is what I want. And dammit, I’m doing anything I can to get it.”

    I got my chance to thank him. My stepmom and I went from Boston to New York just to attend his book signing last month. I was a nervous wreck – I’m not always that good with speaking, so I was deathly afraid of a sudden onset of verbal diarrhea. “Hi, Anderson, I blugga gooby siff dap fu.”

    Finally, it was my turn. Somehow, I didn’t feel terrified, and I spoke so eloquently and honestly. And he looked me in the eye the entire time – even more surprising was that I could do the same (one of my Aspie problems is acting like I’m not paying attention). His smile grew, and he gave me a second, and longer, handshake, and thanked me. And before he let go, he said, “Stay strong”.

    When I finally found my stepmom, she said, “You touched him. I could tell”.

    The possibility that, for even just one moment, the person that inspires me believed in me, it gives a feeling that cannot be explained.

    I still weep a little out of joy when I watch him.

  14. Good for you, Scamps!!! As the mom of an autistic daughter, I would love to read the thoughts, interviews and perspectives of an Aspie journalist. Go for it- you may someday inspire someone as Anderson inspired you- and that would be the highest compliment you can pay the man and the greatest thanks you can give.

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