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Battlestar Galactica to end after 4th season.

Well, at least this is a creative decision, not a budgetary one, so it will have an ending.


29 thoughts on Crap.

  1. Honestly, they are starting to lose their edge and it is probably a good idea to end it.

    Now, when they get to earth, they could begin a new program about that as long as they took some novel approach to it.

    I would give it a look anyway.

  2. Well, it’s not like we couldn’t see it coming.

    Is there any truth to the rumor that they’re planning a prequel? One that would explain the origins/history of the cylons?

  3. I pretty much agree with what j swift said above. As much as I hate it when smart, well written television shows end, I hate it even more when they go on season after season, until they totally suck. Especially when they are then abruptly cancelled, leaving all sorts of loose ends.

  4. Maybe this time around they won’t blow their special effects budget on a couple of episodes and turn the rest into Battlesoap Operatica…

  5. This is what you get for not believing Edward James Olmos, who had the scoop months ago.

    I too wonder about the chronology of the Cylons. They had a war. 40 years of nothing, then boom. They must have been planning something from the very outset in order to plant human Cylons in the general population who were 20- and 30-somethings, but the jump from toaster to something nearly indistinguishable from a human should have taken a bit longer, even if they don’t have to sleep.

  6. spyderkl: My understanding is that they definitely were planning such a thing, but that at some point the idea was axed.

  7. Ron Moore has been saying for a while that he only wanted to do 4 seasons, so I’m okay with it. Like j swift said, better to end on a high note than to drag things out until people come to hate the show and forget how good it once was.

  8. Don’t you mean Frak?

    As much as I love the show, I would much rather have a reasoned dramatic planned conclusion than have it drone on or be cancelled.

  9. It’s totally a budgetary decision–Those pay-raises kick in starting with a 5th season!

    To answer some of the questions here:

    1. There’s a straight-to-DVD movie about the Pegasus come out late summer/early fall.

    2. They did plan an origin series called “Caprica” but also described it as a Dynasty-style soap/family drama. It appears to be dead-in-the-water at this point and no complaints here.

  10. :::deep sigh:::

    Which isn’t to say that I’m surprised per se. After all, Ron has been telegraphing this one for months now. Still, I couldn’t help but hope against hope that he would be able to make it for five years.

    Ah well, better to go out on top, as everyone else has noted. Now I just need to figure out if, once this all winds down, if there’s any point remaining to my keeping a television in the house.

  11. I’m not too sad that it will end there. Better have a resolution while it’s still good, instead of stretching it thin and then get cancelled. Or even worst, continue getting better but then get cancelled for a lack of viewers.

  12. Woo hoo!

    I’ve been saying for months this is the only way to save it. 4 Seasons, he KNOWS he has to end it, and can focus it clean on a story that wraps up solidly.

    I applaud the decision and hope it will stop the mediocrity of season 3 and give us a taut, solid run to an end that explains some of it… including the damn Cylon plan they have in every opening sequence.

  13. Better have a resolution while it’s still good

    I think it might be too late for that. I found season three disappointing, nowhere near the quality of the first two..

  14. Yeah, I was at a con with Aaron Douglas (Chief) back in April and when he wasn’t blathering about how Starbuck (the character) has no redeeming qualities (*eyebrow raise*), he did mention that Ron had pretty much decided he only wanted to do another season.

  15. I think it might be too late for that. I found season three disappointing, nowhere near the quality of the first two..

    I don’t know. It definitely had a major lull during the mid-season oneoffs. FWIU, Moore/Eick were under pressure from the network to have more one offs so the show could get a better run in syndication, though.

    Still, it is hard to say much bad about this last season for me; certainly the first and last 3 episodes of the season were amazing. I just think if Moore had any real balls about it, he would have left Starbuck dead. For a show that has prided itself on not doing the TV-cliche, bringing Kara back just seemed like such a cop out to me.

  16. but will Kara and Lee finally get together for real, now?

    Ah, screw Kara and Lee, I’m rooting for Kara and Athena (Boomer)!!


    I thought the third season didn’t quite have the power of the first two. Still excellent mind you, and better than 99.9% of the dreck on the telli, so I too agree that this is the best thing for the series. Not to ‘save’ it or anything like that, as it certainly does not need saving in ay way at all, but rather to ensure it remains one of the best scifi series of all time.

  17. Le frak! lol.

    I’ve literally just started watching this show from the beginning over on Space Channel (due to a professor of mine’s obsession with the show). I’m totally in love with it too. And now its ending.

    First Veronica Mars now Battlestar.

    It seems to be a growing trend for tv shows to start planning an end date (see ‘Lost’ and a few others that escape me at the moment).

    And while I agree that its good for the shows to end on a high note, we will deeply miss the characters. Or I will at least.

    And holly r, thanks for the heads up that the chemistry between Lee and Kara does get some airtime *wink*.

  18. My hope is that there is that they jump close enough to Earth so it’s beautiful blue and white orb fills the screen…

    then roll credits …

  19. I don’t know Sarah IC- a friend of mine has a thing for Tricia Helfner with her glasses on and her hair less blonde. I was doubtful, and then decided, ” You know, H—-R is kinda right.” And Number 6 is becoming more human in attitude. Maybe a more-brunette, bespectacled, Number Six and Katee?

    Okay, so I’m not outing anyone, anyway, so: My friend Heather was given a tee that a special someone created for her “Number Six is a CILF”. It’s a hot pale-heather green ringer.

    Roxanne- Neither gratutious explosions, nor bad Bob Dylan covers could kill Starbuck- so my boyfriend says. Maybe he’s just trying to comfort me. I mean, to be robbed of my ideal woman so soon?

  20. Helfer. Argh. But that reminded the boyfriend that he sent pics of Tricia Helfer to our friend Heather, from Playboy. He’s the “special someone”. So, anyway, I was all, just now: PLAYBOY?! And he shrugged and said they were on an RPG site. He’s such an enabler.
    I suppose there aren’t any of a short-haired (heck I’d take the long-haired version) Katee floating around.

  21. Yeah, I’m just catching up too. So far only watched the first three/four eps of season three; sorry to hear it gets more mediocre after that, because there was some powerful shit in those.

    I think, you know, besides everything else, it’s a very “now” show, so, I am hoping that the end of the series heralds a change in the zeitgeist as well, you know, for the better, I mean. ’cause damn, both are depressing.

  22. and yeah, i want to know what the plan was, too. i’m already having a bad feeling that it’s going to sound like the wrapup speech in “Clue” or something, though.

    “We meant to do that.”

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