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The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease

Because Magnus Malmborn spoke up and reminded me that I need to get off my commodious ass and post the damn cat pictures I requested weeks ago, his cat will be first in our series of guest cats for Friday Cat Blogging. And since I’m in charge of this, it will no doubt usually run on Saturday.

Say hello to Tindra, which means “Twinkle.” In what language, Magnus did not specify. I’m guessing something Scandihoovian.

4 thoughts on The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease

  1. Love. It.
    (Did you get the Sebastian pic? Only asking b/c the site bonked back a wierd email.)

    Yawn or meow? Must be a yawn….it’s making me yawn….
    Thank you, Magnus! Thank you, zuzu!

  2. Dear Zuzu,

    Reason #8394378 that you rock: Scandihoovian! Are we secretly related? I had no idea that anyone outside of my family ever said that!

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