In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Porn Hound, Meet Feminist Website

Robin Herman of Girl in the Locker Room was presented with this hilarious tanka by her 16-year-old son on her birthday:

Looking for porno
He types, “girl in locker room”
And finds my mom’s blog.
Nope, no naked pictures here…
Au contraire: feminism.

Feminist bloggers are evil like you wouldn’t believe, thwarting masturbatory fantasies all over the world. All hail Dworkin!

15 thoughts on Porn Hound, Meet Feminist Website

  1. Mmmm…. naked sex-positive feminists engaged in respectful sexual contact with attention everybody’s needs and desires…..

  2. We Love The Internet! 🙂 because … as with various aspects of life, be careful what you ‘ask’ for … Learn to define those ‘search’ parameters of most importance to your life.

    Given the Goggle return, what more can i say? … Oh wait!

    Porn + Femisim = Feminism

    Now THOSE are some fun mathmatical odds. God Bless the Net.

  3. What if your masturbatory fantasies involve feminism?

    Yep, nothing like some hot fish-on-bicycle action to get the ol’ motor running.

  4. heh. I just analyzed my favorite search engine phrases, some of which were very amusing, “my c*** needs to grow bigger and for free”. And who knew my riff on Cat blogging as a form of pr0n would lure people in. And the name of the blog, where I frequently type “Bitch’s” speaking about myself in the third person? Oh lord, what that brings in.

    I’ll need to track conversion rates.

    The post in question is bigger and 4 free

    I decided to leave unspoken any analysis of the fantasy life of searchers when it comes to deploying the word bitch. I think I’ll do that at a 6 month anniversay of the blog’s name change.

  5. I’m not sure… would a fantasy that involves a a fat, middle aged guy with a high school education living out by proxy a handsome-but-shy fellow who is swept away by a globe-trotting professional woman be a feminist fantasy? you know, like a gender reversed romance novel.

    fuck! I wish I thought of that at the beginning of NaNoWriMo.

    question two: Lauren, will you sweep me away? I’ve actually got a college education, but I gotta admit, I’d much rather hang out with the female Fabio and… I dunno, go on archeology digs and fight pirates or something?

  6. ok fine, we don’t have to fight pirates. it can be Nazi Ninjas or Undead Thugees or people we don’t politically enjoy.

    and I’d repeatedly get captured, and you’d have to save me and stuff. because that’s how it works, I think.

    also, I think we have to get our names legally changed to have double entendres.

  7. as am I.


    instead of sleeping, like I should, or writing my papers, like I have to eventually, I’m toying around with this nonsense.
    stupid male romance novel. it’s gonna make me fail History of American Journalism. and Conspiracy Theories in American History.

    “We didn’t fuck, or have sex, or make love, or any other euphamism you’re used to. we played. We played like children would, if parents would let them get naked and play with each other the way god intended. (four and a half pages of mechanical and anatomical descriptions, using very pretty words like “velvet,” “stately” and “glorious”)
    But I really should have learned some self control. if Calcutta tought me nothing else, it’s that the second you drop your guard, the Undead Thugees show up. and here we were again, dropping our guard on the flight away from that hellhole.
    and again at Toronto’s Pearson Airport.
    and again on the cab ride to the hotel.
    and one more in the- HOLY FUCK, ZOMBIES!”

    not bad for about 40 seconds worth of work.

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