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Tor-Knit-O plus Politicians

If you haven’t caught it in the news lately, Indiana has been having some severe, unseasonal tornadoes. When one tore through Southern Indiana earlier this month, razing several tiny towns in the south, tons of small businesses pulled together charity functions to help rebuild their downtown areas and raise money for local residents.

One example that I love is the Tor-Knit-O charity put together by The Village Knitter, located in the historic town of Newburgh, Indiana on the banks of the Ohio River, a few miles east of Evansville, Indiana. The coolest part is that two Indiana politicians, Senator Vaneta Becker and Representive Suzanne Crouch, showed up to try their hand at knitting.

Keeping this short, this is part of what I love about living in “fly-over country” — our state and local representatives often show up to support the community without public shilldom.*

In other news, I have gotten plenty of knitting done while laid up on the couch during my Thanksgiving vacation. For one, I knit up this lovely handspun sock yarn from Mac at Pesky Apostrophe for my own fingerless gloves.

Fingerless Gloves

I tried them out yesterday and they are amazingly warm despite the openwork. In addition, I finished up the boyfriend’s fingerless gloves. Yes, the left one is shorter than the right one, but hey, I tried.

Fingerless Gloves

Next up: A hat and scarf from ye olde yarn stash to match Ethan’s new winter coat (paid for with your donations — thank you!), and finishing the stupid Noro sweater I’ve been trying to knit for the last year and a half.
*Yes, I just made up that word.

3 thoughts on Tor-Knit-O plus Politicians

  1. Oooh, I LOVE those gloves! Seriously, you should sell this stuff. I’d buy.

    And you have pretty hands! I’m jealous. I bite my fingernails and have the ugliest hands ever. If teaching gets old, you could be a fingerless glove knitter / hand model.

  2. If you ever think about selling these babies, count me in. With average temps in MN in January being, oh, FRIGID!, and the projected rise in heating costs being somewhere just South of astronomical, I’m gonna be living in flannel and sweaters. This is not a problem. The *problem* is that I work with my hands all day, and when my hands get cold, I slow down WAAAY more than my clients appreciate. So — fingerless gloves might work….

    Seriously, even the cotton ones I cut the fingers off for a play in HS kept my hands warmish in college whilst teching shows. Now, if I could just FIND the bloody things….

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