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Saturday Stupid Shit

Did partisan politics deny The Boss rightful recognition? Sure sounds like it when American Idol Carrie Underwood gets a Congressional resolution in her honor, and Bruce’s proposed resolution gets voted down.

Using your celebrity status to promote condom use to prevent the spread of HIV in Africa is a good thing, right? The Catholic Church doesn’t think so.

A schoolteacher is fired for being pregnant and unwed. Big surprise here: she worked at a Catholic school. And this is what I love about the “pro-life” view embodied by this school and the Catholic church: They’ll talk about how women who face unintended or unwanted pregnancies should be brave, good religious followers and carry the pregnancy to term, and then they punish them for choosing to do so.

“I don’t understand how a religion that prides itself on being forgiving and on valuing life could terminate me because I’m pregnant and am choosing to have this baby,” said McCusker, who was fired last month. “I held the Catholic religion to a higher standard.”

But it’s all about morals:

The key issue in McCusker’s case, McCaffrey said, is that Catholic-school teachers don’t simply teach subjects like math and history. They are also expected to teach morals and must lead by example.

“It’s not like we’re saying that she is a sinner and can’t be a role model,” McCaffrey said. “But there’s a visible sign. She’s pregnant. To have children looking at that, and say it’s OK, is not the example the church wants to set.”

McCusker’s supporters, however, assert that the church is being hypocritical.

“Had she been a student in a Catholic institution, and a pregnant single woman, church authorities would have counseled her — indeed, may have even pressured her — to continue her pregnancy,” Eileen Moran, a member of Catholics for a Free Choice, said at the news conference. “Yet, as her employer, in spite of all the official pronouncements of being pro-child, pro-parent and pro-family, St. Rose fired her.”

12 thoughts on Saturday Stupid Shit

  1. I read this in the paper a couple of days ago. It’s such hypocritical bullshit. Yeah, they claim they would fire a male teacher who knocked up his GF, but how would they ever find out about it if he didn’t want them to know? And if they did find out, he could theoretically deny the kid to keep his job.

    The Church should really think about why they’re losing so many of their formerly faithful.

    (And if McCusker had aborted and the school somehow found out, I’m betting that would have also resulted in a firing.)

  2. I don’t have a link handy – I may even have originally seen it here, for that matter – but there was another story recently about a Catholic school teacher being fired for not setting a proper example. Someone knew that she had done pro-choice work in the past, and passed the information on with the intent of getting her fired. Note: she didn’t have to have an abortion herself for this to happen to her, just help other women who were getting them. And if I recall correctly, it had predated her working at the Catholic school. So despite her being a popular teacher, she got fired for not setting a proper example. Ugh.

  3. The school was a Catholic all-girls school in Sacramento called Loretto.

    The drama teacher, Marie Bain had previously volunteered as an escort at Planned Parenthood and also had a letter to the editor published that was “pro-choice”

    She was found out because a mother of one of the girls, is a protester at PP and had the teacher’s photo on file and showed that to the leadership at the school and then it went to the Archbishop.

    Try Sacramento Bee for various articles – just search Loretto in the top right hand corner.

    The daughter whose mother made Bain’s ‘past’ known was expelled from Loretto and also has a blog

  4. “It’s not like we’re saying that she is a sinner and can’t be a role model,” McCaffrey said. “But there’s a visible sign. She’s pregnant. To have children looking at that, and say it’s OK, is not the example the church wants to set.”

    The idiocy of this is complete. We can’t have the children see a pregnant, single woman. That would be bad. They would think single parenthood would be OK.

    But wait, if single parenthood isn’t OK, doesn’t that make the girls run for abortion? Doesn’t the school show them that their lives would be ruined by a pregnancy?

    The only conclusion is that they are more concerned about sex.

  5. Mother Avenger was performing the title role in Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You at a local community playhouse, and she was going to do it in a small town nearby as a one-night benefit performance.

    A Catholic laywoman with money got a priest there to use his influence to deny my mother the venue(Mom was a Catholic, non-practicing).

    She ended up doing the play at the county seat, which meant a bigger audience, and an interview in the paper there, where she talked about her Catholic education(Notre Dame High, class of ’54) and the ‘contraversy’ over the play itself.

    The Church is just as intolerant of dissent as they were in the days of the Spanish Inquisition, they just don’t have the ability to have the stated imprison and execute ‘heretics’..

  6. Thanks for the VD, Tanooki Joe. I feel so very dirty now.

    Seriously, that guy is a tool. That whole thread was utterly chilling.

  7. The daughter’s blog is frightening. (Granted, it’s recommended by Instapundit, which is indicative of a lot.) At least her admission to Liberty University or similar is assured…

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