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May 1st: March for Immigration Reform

Tomorrow is May Day, and Reform Immigration for America is marking the day by holding marches in support of progressive immigration reform all over the U.S. Tens of thousands of people are expected to march in almost 100 locations across the country:

On May Day, we’re telling the our elected leaders in Washington DC that we’re not going to wait any longer for them to act. They’ve made promises and pledges – now it’s time for them to keep them. Every day that they don’t pass comprehensive immigration reform, millions of families and communities suffer. Workers are exploited. Ordinary immigrants live in fear of raids. Families are torn apart.

Every day that our leaders don’t act, the dream that is America is tarnished. Our leaders can’t hide behind their rhetoric. It’s time for concrete action.

On May Day tens of thousands of people will attend hundreds of marches all across the country. We’ll stand together to show our leaders that we’re not going to wait any longer for them to fix our broken immigration system. All of us, immigrants and native-born citizens, will be united to show the world that this country needs comprehensive immigration reform now.

Click here to find a full list of the May 1st marches and see if there is one near you.

via abbyjean

8 thoughts on May 1st: March for Immigration Reform

  1. I’m going to the LA march on my own tomorrow but don’t really know the area, where to park, etc. Anyone who knows the Olympic/Broadway intersection have some advice from me? I’m driving in from Ventura County so the metro isn’t really an option.

  2. so… we should just chill until Obama announces that he wants to focus on it? No, we uses these marches and other means of political engagement to encourage him – and everyone else in the federal gov – to take it on sooner rather than later.

  3. The federal government is only interested in what is politically expedient. The border situation has been a disaster for years, and zippo gets done. I’d wager money that when immigration comes up again they’ll just put a band aid on the situation and move on.

    Marching for a good jobs bill is something that might make a difference. Perhaps then there might actually be (living wage) jobs for immigrants and native citizens alike to fill.

  4. The border is only a disaster in the sense that there are more than 60,000 federal law enforcement agents running around harassing and abusing the people who live there because 80% of the population is Hispanic.

    Also, the reason immigration is still on the table is because of the Reform Immigration for America campaign. If it wasn’t for all the stuff they’ve been doing, Senate would have dropped it long ago. But they haven’t, because immigrant communities and activists won’t let them. There’s no reason to give up now.

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