In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

FNTT Season 6: the Get Over It, Bitches edition

For this round of Feministe’s Next Top Troll, we have trolls who would like us all to move on with our lives and Stop Being So Upset About Everything. It’s because they care, you guys. Vote below the fold.


Get over it. Somebody missed the point of failblog. And isms (including feminism and sexism) are funny, as are people who take themselves too seriously. Has it crossed anyone’s mind that if you’re laughing at it, it’s because it’s stupid for someone to sincerely promote these kinds of attitudes towards women. Now you can get back to growing your armpit hair out.


Stop being so butthurt over everything, you sad lonely feminists.


Lighten up. Jeez.


Someone sounds intimidated by the prospect of men speaking about their experiences and feelings… Get used to it lady..

Sounds like you are intimidated by the prospect of men who are strong and independent from your dependency on men which will lead to female independence….What’s the matter, you don’t want to be independent from dependency on men???

Men are forming ranks to finish the job you started… Soon men won’t have anything to do with women and “their” children.

59 thoughts on FNTT Season 6: the Get Over It, Bitches edition

  1. It was a close race between Man and Ryan. Ryan has his own anti-feminist blog to enhance his “credibility”, but Man’s armpit hair crack (NOOOO, we’ve never heard that one before, har har har) won him my vote.

  2. I had to vote for Ryan because of the wtf-ness of the second paragraph. Especially since yes, I would like to be … independent from my dependency on men (?!).

  3. my daughter shaves her legs and armpits…should I give her to her deadbeat dad or not? I’m so confused……

  4. Ryan for the dependent/independent lesson. Glad he cleared that up for me: I realize now I’m trying to be independent from dependency on men. Thanks Ryan!

  5. ryan because I have no idea what he is trying to say. And this is the third time that he has been nominated, I think he deserves some kind of special award for that

  6. Independently speaking, I’m independently voting for Ryan’s Independence Post, independent of any other reason.

    Also, independence.

  7. Ryan, for the insight that independence from dependency leads to independence. Even though independence doesn’t *lead* to independence, it *is* independence.

    Ever notice how when you look at a word really long, it starts to look weird, like it’s spelled wrong? Happens to me, anyway. I had to look up dependency and independence to reassure myself.

  8. I did love Ryan’s “get used to it lady” 😀 and the completely pointless rambling about interdependent independence from dependent independency, but he’s too frequent of a troll to vote for him every time and he’s always promoting his ridiculous blog that no one cares about *yawn*.

    So I’ll go with Martin, because he starts off as someone who considers himself aloof from all the misogyny-silliness and wants tot spread the joy, and then has a total misogynistic break-down with the armpit-hair-“argument”… *Really*?!

  9. Ryan. Because that was a lot of words for something so nonsensical. Daaaamn. Men who are independent of my dependency on men. WHAT?

  10. I went with Man for trying to explain things, but Martin was a close second for the word “butthurt.”

  11. I had to go with Man. There was just a certain je ne sais quoi about saying “Chauvinism is so stupid, so don’t worry about it and grow that armpit hair!”

  12. I think I get it:
    We are afraid of men who are strong
    because it will make us independent of our dependency on men
    (we secretly want to be dependent on men).
    strong men are independent from us depending on them
    (they don’t need women to depend on them to reinforce their sense of manhood)
    B/c they don’t need a woman’s dependency on them, they will leave women independent.

    I am going to watch some Insane Clown Posse videos to clear my mind.

  13. Ryan’s only coming over in the hope that we’ll visit his blog, so no vote for that one.

    Man gets my vote because of the doublethink involved: “It’s funny! But I’m only laughing at it because it’s unacceptable! But if you’re not laughing, you’re taking it too seriously!”

  14. Ryan, because he seems to think that these nonsensical comment, “Sounds like you are intimidated by the prospect of men who are strong and independent from your dependency on men which will lead to female independence….,” was poignant. I’m surprised he didn’t follow it with, “I totes just blew your mind!”

  15. It was neck and neck: Man vs. Ryan.

    I voted for Ryan in the previous bracket because, well, a person whose blog is dedicated to “rebuking” feminism is just awesome in a macabre sort of way. And as other commenters have suggested, the “gotcha” logic of Ryan and his cronies “freeing” us feminist from our dependence through banning together, taking their toys and going home (raise your hand if you’ll miss them) totally lightened my Friday.

    In the end though, I went with Man. In part because of the hubris of naming yourself after a whole gender. But mostly because he pulls the classic anti-feminist gimmick of accusing people whose attitudes he doesn’t like of being “too serious” and not “getting” that it was a “joke” (so lighten up already!). As someone who has been told my whole life that I think too much and that earnestness is some sort of crime, I find this a particularly egregious kind of dismissal of another person’s experience.

  16. Ryan won with,

    “the prospect of men who are strong and independent from your dependency on men which will lead to female independence….What’s the matter, you don’t want to be independent from dependency on men???”

    [Insert clip from Scanners where the guy’s head explodes.]

  17. At this point I’ve read so many ridiculous things by Ryan that I fear I’ve developed a voting bias towards him.

  18. Ryan actually makes sense to me, as I’ve heard the same brofeminism in the wild. “Well, if women really want to be independent, that means they won’t be able to expect men to do/buy/whatever everything for them any more!” They seem to believe that feminism also condones women’s dependence on men for all their material needs. Obviously, everything bad that women do is feminist. I then have to step back and explain why the whole sugar-daddy setup is antifeminist to begin with, as well as the nasty conditions that keep it going strong. At that point, their rebuke is usually to change the topic.

  19. Oh noes, Ryan is right! Dudes won’t open doors for us anymore if our radical feminist ideas infiltrate society, and then how will us weak, noodle-armed ladies get into and out of rooms??

  20. Oh, Man gets it because not only is he MAN, but he states flatly that isms (feminism and sexism, but probably also racism, ableism, etc.) are funny. Bonus points for the armpit hair remark.

    Sorry Ryan, I feel like you’re actively trying to win this competition with your nonsense, and that irritates me.

    Rain: yes, that happens to me too. I remember once having trouble with the word “tomorrow” for most of a day.
    Chocolate Tort: “noodle-armed” made me giggle. Typing it makes me LOL. Maybe it’s just the caffeine I had at lunch, but thanks for the laugh.

  21. Ryan, but only because it was so easy to imagine him triumphantly typing all of that and then immediately pulling on a tinfoil hat and staring at the carpet for 15 minutes.

  22. @chocolate tort

    “noodle-armed” makes me think of whacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men.

  23. Man clearly has not read Susan Douglas’ “Enlightened Sexism,” which talks about using irony and “joking around” as a way to promote real sexist ideas. But, you know, since NO ONE would actually hold those views, it’s okay to joke about them. UGH

  24. Man, because sexism is so *pauses to brush armpit hair off of keyboard* fucking hilarious.

  25. I vote Ryan because if you reversed the sexes (male to female, female to male) … you’d pretty much have a militant feminist who can’t articulate that well. And that’s hilarious.

  26. Ryan, because he’s one of those people who think the aim of feminism is to rid the world of all men and probably throw the children into dungeons or something.

    Last time he was featured on FNTT I made the mistake of visiting hi blog out of curiosity. Bad idea.

  27. Man got points… he actively tries to intimidate women with implying they are ugly (you know, only ugly women have armpits and armpit hair so if you have. and of course only ugly women would use their brains and be critical, right?) and/or loneliness and therefore the insignificance of their words, thoughts or actions.

    I truly believe that many things are funny and this particular person trying to be witty, sarcastic and logical is one of them.

    But my winner is Ryan, he’s such a failure that he doesn’t even try to sound coherent. He just throws some pieces and hopes that something will hit the target or at least be in the relative direction of the target.
    What was that about the children? I really didn’t get it. A few days ago another loony troll explained how the world is doomed because giving birth isn’t the top priority of every living female, and now this sorry excuse of a human tries to imply that only women want kids and men doesn’t give a shit. 🙂

    Truly hilarious. 🙂

  28. “and now this sorry excuse of a human tries to imply that only women want kids and men doesn’t give a shit.”

    You could be right, of course, but…

    The reason Ryan got my vote was because I actually think he meant to say something to the effect that, maybe, men are going to start having children now? After forming ranks? Or something? Thus finishing the job that women started?

    It’s making my armpit hair hurt now, so I must stop… stop trying to decode Ryan.

  29. Man was good, but didn’t seem to realize that I can multi-task by having no sense of humor AND growing my armpit hair out at the same time.

    Ryan definitely wins though – mostly because I have no idea what he’s trying to say. He seems to think he’s making a good point. That amuses me.

  30. It’s Man, all the way! He uses the same argument as the antiabortionists who tell you, “your mother didn’t abort you…..but maybe she should’ve!”

    And he makes the tired old cliche of armpit hair sexy again!

    I dread the day the FNTT season is over. Are there reruns to tide us over till the next season???

  31. Ha! Butthurt. Hilarious, but not good enough for the vote. Went with our good friend Ryan. Mainly due to the incoherency of his comment and the fact that he has an equally incoherent anti-feminist personal website.

  32. I had to vote for Man because I literally got this thrown at me today in a discussion about objectifying language.

  33. “Butthurt” is indeed an awesome word, but Man compelled me to give up my lurker status because he managed to conflate feminism and sexism (bc they both have “ism” on the end? I guess?) as Things That Are Funny bc They are Stoopid, and then for wiping out his entire argument by suggesting the growth of armpit hair, an… attempt at comedy? Man, dude, maybe we aren’t too serious. Maybe you are just not that funny.

    Ryan was lol incoherent, but is a little too persistent. I have to go for the unfunny underdog.

  34. This. @rebekah “ryan … this is the third time that he has been nominated, I think he deserves some kind of special award for that”

  35. I like the line “Now you can get back to growing your armpit hair out.” It suggests that, for a while, the reader’s armpit hair had ceased to grow. That she could turn it off when she was reading a particularly challenging blog post, so as not to distract her (maybe it tickles), like a student might turn the radio volume down while studying a particularly tricky equation or syllogism.

    However, if you’re male, like I am, Ryan makes you flinch; thus, instant winner! “Men are forming ranks”?! Wait, you’re running around telling people that I too am a sign-waving member of the Tuff Guyz Girl-haters Club? Aaagh! Get away from me, you asshole!

  36. Ryan, for bringing that execrable “Rebuking Feminism” into the picture again, and for the magnificently incoherent “Sounds like you are intimidated by the prospect of men who are strong and independent from your dependency on men which will lead to female independence….What’s the matter, you don’t want to be independent from dependency on men???”

  37. Had to go with our boy Ryan.
    He’s getting strong and forming ranks. That’s all I need to know.

    The Chemist: Thanks. Laughed at Scanners!

  38. Man. Mostly just because he calls himself simply “Man.” Alright, dude, we get it.

    But the armpit hair thing was pretty awesome too.

  39. Ryan, by a long shot: he sounds like an mansplainer trying very hard to teach us something that will put us back in our place but he has such a fuzzy brain he can’t even articulate properly what he wants to say.
    I lke it when a stuttering idiot tries to assert the superiority of male intellect but fails pathetically.

  40. Ryan, because his website is deliciously idiotic. Thanks for making a straw man of anti-feminism…unlike people like Christina Hoff Summers, he doesn’t even have the common sense to make it sound like something other than a conspiracy theory. Yes, the feminists also killed JFK and are hiding Osama Bin Laden in their basements.

  41. It took me a bit to choose between Man and Ryan, but I couldn’t quite figure out what Ryan was saying, so Man won my vote.

  42. Man, for the execrable doublethink-itude. Ryan was second, but he was too ridiculously florid to get my gander up. The other two were just boring.

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