In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

The Women of Gitmo

There are countless reasons to be outraged about the abuses of detainees at American military prisons. But there is one abuse about which there can surely be no debate, even among the die-hard supporters of President Bush: the exploitation and debasement of women serving in the United States military. This practice must come to an immediate end, and the Pentagon must make it clear that such things will never be tolerated again.

Surely no one can approve turning an American soldier into a pseudo-lap-dancer or having another smear fake menstrual blood on an Arab man. These practices are as degrading to the women as they are to the prisoners. They violate American moral values – and they seem pointless…

Religious conservatives have made their presence felt in so many other parts of the Bush administration, but they have been strangely quiet about these practices. And where are the members of Congress who wring their hands over the issue of women in combat? It’s obvious that the Bush administration will never offer a real reckoning on the prisoner abuse, or that the Republican Party will demand one. But surely the dehumanizing of America’s military women is a nonpartisan issue.

Yes, it is nonpartisan: For the most part nobody cares.

Read the rest, and accompanying commentary from Roxanne.

4 thoughts on The Women of Gitmo

  1. I think it is perhaps quite neccesary, in light of your commentary especially, to reconsider what “American moral values” really are. Hmm….. This country is not all that it is cracked up to be.

  2. “I think it is perhaps quite neccesary, in light of your commentary especially, to reconsider what “American moral values” really are. Hmm….. This country is not all that it is cracked up to be.”

    Okay. Fucking move to Cuba and see how you like it. On the way there, make sure to tell all the people on rafts heading in the opposite direction that their destination isn’t “all that it is cracked up to be.”

  3. ahhh. misdirection. pointing elsewhere. cuba is bad, we must be good. and don’t forget—we’re at WAR.

    maybe the hypocritical religious conservatives think it’s enough that these women aren’t in combat.

    the situation certainly seems to me a decline in the moral values of our country. let’s hear it from those who want their own mothers, wives, daughters, friends involved in such perversions.

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