In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

14 thoughts on Doing My Part For Sex Education

  1. I’m hep B too. There is no cure for me but fortunately I can be vaccinated against. (Seriously, hep B is carried only by humans. This is one we can make go extinct like small pox if enough people get vaccinated.)

  2. Pingback: The Republic of T.
  3. I’m crabs too. Neat. Robert, Mark, we’ve now passed up HepB Chlamydia on this thread! Woohoo! Go Crabs Go!

  4. I’m Chlamydia. Not too happy about it. There’s something insidous about this std which likes to pretend it isn’t there when it is. I’d rather be something dramatic, like syphillus.

  5. Crabs! I laughed my ass off when I saw the result and the description. Great blog you have here, btw.

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