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Hip 2 B anti-choice

Both pro- and anti-choice groups are vying for the youth of America — and some of the rhetoric and tactics on the anti side are pretty scary.

The Genocide Awareness Project, part of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, based in Santa Fe Springs, travels to public universities for two-day “shows” that feature huge full-color signboards and banners depicting aborted fetuses.

Over the last five years, it has appeared at about 60 universities, said Gregg Cunningham, the center’s executive director.

Private universities, unlike public ones, have the right to ban organizations from their campuses. In the near future, Cunningham said, if school officials deny the project access, “they will be punished.”

Cunningham said schools that turn the group down could face having an airplane fly overhead — for days — towing a 50-by-100-foot banner depicting bloody fetuses.

“The airplanes will give us the opportunity to reach the elite, sectarian universities that have been pretty smug in thinking they can have a debate-free zone,” he said. “We will use these pictures like a cudgel.”

The pro-choice advocates, on the other hand, focus on a broad range of issues and try to encourage already pro-choice people (or marginally pro-choice people) to become more active; they don’t seem quite as arrogant as some of the anti’s, who say that they will focus on blue states, and “We will go after student opinion, and the pro-abortion states will become considerably less pro-abortion.”

The anti’s are also trying to take over the “MTV culture” — “The pro-life movement has been portrayed as out of sync and curmudgeonly old white men. By embracing newer design techniques, the MTV mentality — if that makes us hip, so be it,” Jones said. (That’s Derrick Jones, by the way — I suspect that he may be male.)

And what totally hip bands are playing at Rock for Life? I could just be really uncool, but I’ve never heard of any of them , except for MC Hammer and Mike Devine, formerly of 2 Live Crew (yes, you read that right — 2 Live Crew, as in “Me So Horny.” Strange bedfellows, indeed).

The pro-choice bands, on the other hand, boast a few more familiar names — Bikini Kill, Jackson Browne, Mary J. Blige, Bruce Springteen, Tracy Bonham, Dave Matthews, Babyface, Fugazi, Ben Harper, Joan Jett, Jurassic5, Le Tigre, Madonna, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Liz Phair, Pavement, the Ramones, Bonnie Raitt, Santana, Matthew Sweet, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Tom Waits… and those are just the bands that I like.

But, to be fair, I hear that “pro-life” rockers Infant Discarded are really the cat’s pajamas.

19 thoughts on Hip 2 B anti-choice

  1. These guys do realize that the bands Nirvana, The Ramones, and Toad the Wet Sprocket no longer exist, right?

  2. “debate-free zone”? what total nonsense.

    my grad school campus had a gigantic, mangled, bloody fetus banner in front of the library for a week, with “lifers” standing in front of it handing out anti-choice literature. if you walked by the library (which everyone does at some point during the day) you saw it.

  3. Yeah, my university had those protestors out too. The mistake they made was that my campus is very liberal, so if you’re going to hang these awful posters and pass out literature you damm well better be able to defend your points. These anti-choicers weren’t able to take the heat steadily applied on them by several different students and were pretty much laughed off the steps of the grad library.

    But what really pisses me off though is that when this group came, the local “you’re going to hell club” came out as well and they brought these young kids (couldn’t be more than 7 or 8 years old) and you had these kids passing you literature and asking you why you supported killing babies. Classy huh?

  4. Somebody ought to give them a dictionary, so they can find out what “genocide” actually means.

    Be funny to ask the little kids they have asking why we support killing babies, why they want to make women slaves. Then ask them, if they don’t want to kill babies, why the grown-ups they’re working with try to make more women be pregnant when they don’t want to be.

    Somehow I think I’ll enjoy fighting with these people if they ever show up at my university.

  5. The most offensive thing about those posters is that they are god damned lies. If they showed a photo of of an average abortion (not a stillborn baby) you would still have a repugnant poster of gore, but it wouldn’t look anything like a person.

  6. Maybe someone can clue me in on this. I just read about the organization called “Rock for Life” and they are obviously a pro-life group. They say they spread the truth about “abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia to America’s youth through music and ministry.” So why would they be listing pro-choice bands? Is this some sort of sick propaganda that makes kids sign on and see what bands they should stop listening to?

    Also, I recognized a lot of names on the pro-life list and most, if not all are Christian bands.

  7. I am ashamed to say that I have heard of (not actually heared) 2 more of the anti-shoice bands, P.O.D. and Switchfoot. My favorite name on the list? Christafari.

    There was a similar demonstration at my school for a few days but it may not have been the same people. I believe in free speech, but I don’t like to be verbally and visually assaulted on the way to class.

  8. ““The pro-life movement has been portrayed as out of sync and curmudgeonly old white men.”

    That is how I describe the right wing christian movement. They must have looked in a mirror.

  9. Yeah, that group or a similar one infected the University of Washington campus a couple of years ago. Ugh. (Asserting hipness is sort of like asserting that you’re a “nice guy,” though–if you have to declare it, you’re not.)

  10. ummm…interesting that they list bikini kill. Perhaps they should ask Le Tigre about that.

  11. A lot of the bands on there are no more. But yeah, that made me laugh. One band is dead so the other is risen but to puff up their enemies list, they have both. But they can rest assured that anyone who falls for this is not even remotely hip, so they’ll never know.

  12. The most offensive thing about those posters is that they are god damned lies. If they showed a photo of of an average abortion (not a stillborn baby) you would still have a repugnant poster of gore, but it wouldn’t look anything like a person.

    Oh my goodness! I can’t believe those dirty pro-lifers are trying to pass off what is CLEARLY a 12 week old aborted fetus for a 10 week old fetus!!! Unfreakingbelievable.

    Don’t you know that makes all the difference in the world to whether or not it’s “genocide” or just a simple choice???

    And clearly if it doesn’t LOOK like a person then it’s NOT a person. Because any idiot knows that personhood is determined by physical appearance alone. That’s SCIENCE. And if there’s any doubt whether it’s a person or not, that makes it A-okay to abort under any circumstances.

    And don’t those stupid pro-lifers know that those “ugly” late-term abortions where the fetus actually looks like a baby are very RARE? And that if it’s rare then there’s really no problem so they should just shut up? They lie when they say that it’s happened hundreds of thousands of times since Roe v. Wade. LIARS. It’s only happened tens of thousands of times. That’s a whole ORDER OF MAGNITUDE difference. LIARS.

    I’m so glad that there are people out there who care about choice enough to show what REAL aborted fetuses look like. Because once people see what they really look like then nobody will have a problem with it anymore and then we can finally live in peace in a society that cares about women and cares about choice.

    I tried to do a google for “real abortion photos” so I could post a few links here to set the record straight for some wandering pro-lifers who might be reading this blog, but I keep getting the same old anti-choice FAKES on every single page. It looks like those fundagelicals have been pretty successful at spreading their lies and misinformation. Argh! The vast right-wing conspiracy has complete control of the media, including the internet! Double argh! I’m sure Karl Rove is behind this hideous evil somehow.

    Can anybody here do me a favor and post a few links to the vast catalogues of real abortion photos that pro-choicers have posted on the internet to counteract the falsehoods of the anti-choicers? Lauren…Jill…other Ryan…anyone? I know I can count on enlightened, honest indivuals like yourself (who are totally against genocide in all its forms) and others in the pro-choice movement to show me what an abortion really looks like (and not those photo-FAKES of the jeebus-lovers).

    Thanks a bunch!


  13. Um, Joseph, what’s the point of flashing nasty photos of surgical procedures? Shock value? Sick fetish?

    This is more of a public service than passing around misinformation to well-meaning folks, upon which they build their entire understanding of the abortion issue. Read it and see why we think anti-abortion pictures are bullshit. You might learn something.

  14. The point of showing disgusting photos is to shock, horrify and anger people, NOT to get them thinking. It’s a purely emotional tactic which seems to be thought up by people who obviously don’t want a debate, they just want to stop all abortions now. The hell with nuance, shades of gray and compromise! Nope, certainly to much of the anti-choice, um, excuse me, pro-life leadership, it’s good old black and white, Good and Evil, Us and Them. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

  15. if you walked by the library

    That’ll teach you for going to the library. Nothing there but books, logic, learning and facts.

    a repugnant poster of gore

    Wouldn’t this be true of any 4′ x 6′ of a surgical procedure? Watch Discovery-health channel for a while.

  16. Bikini Kill don’t exist either do they? I thought Kathleen Hanna had moved onto Le Tigre, who of course are also in the list.

    As for pictures of fetuses – I guess if you look at medical textbooks you could find pictures of fetuses at various stages of development. Also I think the Bodyworlds Exhibition actually included real fetuses, I think there was an exhibition where he had several fetuses of different sizes from extremely small right up to birth size.

    But I do struggle to understand why fetus pictures are particularly relevant to whether you support or oppose choice. After all, most people know already what a fetus looks like, more or less, and that it looks more and more like a baby the closer you get to birth. But I don’t see that what it looks like is relevant to whether or not a woman should be forced by law to donate her body for its life support.

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