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Newsflash: Abstinence-Only Ed Misleads

Thanks, WaPo, for this shocker:

A government Web site intended to help parents and teenagers make “smart choices about their health and future” includes inaccurate or misleading information that may alienate some families or prompt riskier behavior, according to a team of medical experts who reviewed the material.

Three physicians and a child psychologist analyzed the Bush administration’s Web site and concluded it made many incorrect assertions about condoms, sexual orientation, single-parent households and the dangers of oral sex.

My anger, of course, is not directed at the Washington Post, but at the cretins who continue to peddle this crap to kids. Abstinence-only education is packed with lies — isn’t this about the 10,000 article we’ve read about how it “misleads” young people? It’s about time we started giving young people accurate information about sex and health — you know, something akin to “education.”

2 thoughts on Newsflash: Abstinence-Only Ed Misleads

  1. What’s particularly stupid about these types of error-ridden promotional efforts is that they turn off those of us who don’t think abstinence in the strict sense is a bad idea. In the long run, it’s not going to be viewed as a legitimate option for some people, along with condoms or the pill; it’s going to be seen as this weird fundie thing promoted by idiots.

    I don’t have a problem with abstinence, which can indeed be the best choice for _some_ people; I have a problem with idiots who censor or distort important information.

  2. The right wing wants to educate youth, they have a great book too! It’s called the bible and has all kinds of cool stuff that was written by really wise men many years ago!

    *sarcasm off*

    If I were a doctor and told a patient that I was going to use medical practices that were use thousands of years ogo I am sure they would want me arrested.

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