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Forty-Four Categorized (But Difficult to Read) Links For Your Perusal

Men with uppity wives make less money. Why? Because women are naturally suited to housework. No surprise to find that the man conducting this survey is also “very concerned” with “family values,” i.e. subjugation of an entire gender for the children. The children!

Were you wondering where the male bloggers were during our latest dicussion on rape? Ross says it loud and proud: “I am not my cock.” And as a follow up, Ross offers more cock fun.

Comprehensive feminist theory based on the Smurfs. No, really. Can sexism be maintained in an asexual system?

Bitch Ph.D. discusses the political aspects of her home-work divide with her stay-at-home husband.

Patriarchy Blaming Q&A: Why do you want to ban porn? Also, although we (can) wear short shorts, your liberty is not what it seems.

You aren’t a real man unless you make fun of drag queens.

Some people are feminists and they don’t even know it.

Ginmar does a privilege check on gender, sexuality, rape, and gatekeeping.

Mythago writes on the “not my boyfriend/husband/father/friend” phenomenon, feminist protectors of sexism.

Rivka adds her wonderful voice to the discussions of rape:

It’s a classic anti-feminist double-bind. Women are supposed to believe that men’s sexuality is so powerfully animalistic that they can’t be expected not to attack women, and we’re supposed to believe that men are good guys. We’re supposed to teach our daughters never to be alone with a boy, and yet we’re not supposed to embitter them against men. We’re supposed to constrict our lives so extremely that no man could ever perceive even the slightest hint of a sexual invitation, and we’re supposed to be okay with it.

No thanks.

Ol’ Cranky reports on the AMA setting rules for pharmacists who opt to opt out of their job descriptions. In another post, she reveals how the “what she was wearing” rape argument is a translation for “we rape you as a service to inform you your stylist sucks.”

Media Girl’s mystery of the day: Mysogynist Women.

Violence is power — Becky on depictions of “powerful” women in fiction.

Bitch Ph.D. talks about abortion, abortion procedures, and moral agency. At dKos, StormComing writes on abortion as well, saying, “Abortion is about autonomy. Abortion is a core value.”

At Preposterous Universe, Sean makes a compelling argument against Kos in the now infamous “pie fight.”

If you don’t know already, Amanda is a pornographer because she loves sex. She is also part of the female supremacist plot to control television.

Culture Kitchen wages a 4th of July challenge: write a new Declaration of Independence.

The Other Dark Meat details advertising for a “non-tribally owned” casino. In other words, this casino is for those who prefer their vices white.

Chad tells the story of race and class privilege among colleagues in academia during a posh night out for dinner.

Noli Irritare Leones follows up on the Lost Boys of Sudan with many compelling links.

A horrible “go back to your own country” kind of story in which rednecks ignore that brown people are Americans too.

PLS at Whirled View details how she is “overpaying” for her “free” knee repair.

My Other Boyfriend sounds off on Terri Schiavo.

Mac-a-ronies weighs in on Jeb Bush and the never-ending Schiavo case.

From the Dept. of Important Shit, Media Girl takes on why women’s issues are a core Democratic issue.

County unemployment rates, voting statistics, and military deaths are, not surprisingly, related. But not how you think.

Loaded Mouth: Snowflakes or Genocide?

The Internets
.xxx marks the wet spot.

Net-oriety,” fame through blogging.

What She Said! on blogging, bloggers and sex.

At the Booman Tribune, a writer writes why Kos is not worth fighting for.

A review of Eyes Wide Shut complete with accompanying moral lessons on TomTom and Kubrick.

When They Were Young: A photographic retrospective on childhood. Beautiful pictures of children from the past in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Lovely stuff.

Check out the ASL browser. This American Sign Language dictionary, the best internet-based dictionary I’ve seen, features short videos for every word.

Jesse tells a rightfully embittered story about his father on Father’s Day. The comments in this thread are equally heartbreaking.

Dr. Charles tells the story of an elderly woman attacked by her vicious Maine Coon cat. Pablo? What are you doing?

The Sarcastic Journalist recounts her horrible pregnancy-related constipation. There is nothing better than being told to lay cable in the shower by your freakin’ doctor.

Two Rings: Another (cute) side to the wedding ring debate.

Cops sure know how to party. At a sex toy party.

8 thoughts on Forty-Four Categorized (But Difficult to Read) Links For Your Perusal

  1. re: the first link.
    the man may make 3% more, but the family makes 97% less.

    if both parents worked, the family would get 100% more than the male’s salary (in an ideal world, of course). since the man only makes 3% more when little-miss-bought stays home, they lose 97%.

    not to say i won’t be bought when it comes time to reproduce, of course. birthin’s hard.

  2. Pingback: feministing

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