In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Good News

Female inmates in Missouri don’t give up all of their rights to sexual privacy when they enter prison.

Missouri inmates have the right to obtain elective abortions, a federal appeals court said Tuesday.

The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals came on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. It throws out a policy by Gov. Matt Blunt’s administration and the Missouri Department of Corrections that restricted an inmate’s access to abortion.

Thomas M. Blumenthal, the St. Louis lawyer who brought the suit on behalf of an anonymous “Jane Roe” inmate, applauded the decision.

“This (abortion) is not a right that is lost at the jailhouse door,” he said.

Personally, I think too many white are blogging

Oh honey, you are pretty:

I’ve known this since freshman year of college when, for a class, I read an interview with her in which she lamented that too many black were going to school, but I’ve never said it here: Toni Morrison is a racist dumbass of monumental proportions. If you combined the worst condescending attitudes towards black people of a white liberal with an actual black person who thus has no fear of saying whatever she wants about blacks, you get Toni Morrison.

I remember in that college class I had a choice between getting an A or saying exactly what I thought of Toni Morrison in my final paper. It was an easy choice.

BTW, I learned from that same class by reading Beloved that a novel has to be some pretty atrocious crap to win both the Pulitzer and the Nobel Prize. Man did I need a Tom Clancy novel as a palate cleanser after that.

Am I the only one who has a really hard time believing that getting an A on a written assignment was ever an option for this dude? My favorite response was when a commenter corrected his use of the word “pallet”:

[No what you can do? You can shut up. It’s not the most common word. -Ed.]

Not like “know.”

Of course, if your education consists of studying the fine literature of Tom Clancy, I suppose we can’t really blame you for… that.

I am the strongest man alive.

Comic by Natalie Dee.

Today, I built a headboard. A big one. With shelves. That may sound like a minimal accomplishment, but it was quite possibly the most difficult thing I’ve done all year — and I’m not totally helpless when it comes to building things. I can wield a hammer like a pro. I have decorated and painted my entire apartment. I have lugged huge pieces of furniture up my fifth-floor walk-up. I have successfully put together desks, couches, chairs, tables, chests of drawers, and pretty much any piece of furniture imaginable — and I’ve done most of it halfway into a bottle of red wine. I even have my very own pink tool kit.

But this headboard was a real trial. It was the most cumbersome, difficult asshole of a headboard possibly in the history of the world. However, three hours, lots of cursing, a bruised foot (headboards are heavy), calloused hands and some serious elbow-grease later, the headboard is built. And in case you were wondering, I am amazing.

What did you do today?

Why should a white feminist remain Muslim?

Muslim Hedonist has thoughts.

The North American Muslim version of an identity crisis has been raging online for some time now, especially after 9/11. Being a Muslim is regarded by many, probably most immigrant Muslims here, as primarily the result of being born into a Muslim family. A Muslim child is (usually) assumed to become a Muslim adult, unless he/she either publicly converts to another religion.

I take the main concern underlying Sana’s comments to be something like this: ‘You’re white; you weren’t born in a so-called terrorist-producing country, or to a Muslim family. As a woman, you’re not even circumcised (unlike born Muslim men). In other words, you can hide, unlike us. In today’s political climate, we are stuck with being Muslim whatever we personally happen to believe, but you aren’t.

Not only that, but you, who exercised a privilege which we never had—the freedom to choose to be Muslim, as opposed to having it forced on you—have the gall to turn around and complain about how oppressive Islam is to women. What, didn’t you do any research before deciding to convert? And since you now see the light, why do you persist in hanging around?’

Read it all.


I spent a good part of today refinishing my sad, sad bathtub.

Whee! Paint fumes!

It looks *fabulous* now, though. Even though I’m still lightheaded from the vapors.

No more ugly burgundy tub!