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Can’t NYC do better than this?

While New York City is generally pretty good with reproductive-health issues, and in particular using taxpayer funding for stuff like NYC Condoms without anybody throwing a clot about it, a new report by the Public Advocate raises some distressing questions about how much commitment the City really has to providing teens with access to Plan B and other reproductive-health services.

Only 15 of 38 teen health clinics operated by the New York City Health & Hospitals Corp. have emergency contraception available for same-day pickup, Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum said.

“Here is the reality: Emergency contraception prevents unintended pregnancies,” Gotbaum said in a statement containing figures collected by her office. “Women shouldn’t be forced to scramble in the case of an emergency. We have the tools to stop unplanned pregnancies before they occur.”

HHC disputes the results of the report, saying that emergency contraception is readily available at the city’s hospitals and at the adolescent health centers run by HHC (which provide reproductive health services, rather than the basic pediatric care the teen health centers provide). Which is all very well and good, but this raises a couple of questions, one asked by Tracy Clark-Flory here:

Here’s a question: Why shouldn’t a health clinic that caters to teens in any capacity provide basic reproductive care?

The second question is one I have: Why didn’t the Public Advocate disclose that?

Of course, more disturbing than the HHC teen clinic/adolescent health center thing is the fact that almost all of the sites run by the Department of Mental Health & Hygiene — which included STD clinics — were not providing EC in advance or allowing teens to pick up an extra package to have on hand. Only 27 percent of the DOMHH clinics were providing birth-control prescriptions, even for callers who stated they were adults.

That’s disturbing because DOMHH is required under a law passed in 2005 to provide EC to patients at all its facilities. HHC, which is a public-benefit corporation that provides health services to New York City residents, is not covered by the same law, but Mayor Bloomberg announced in 2005 that they would provide EC in advance and without a prescription for teenagers at its facilities.

The report gives some indications that the problem is one of implementation and staff training, particularly since many of the people answering the phone at the facilities had no idea what they were talking about. If that’s the case, work needs to be done to get that problem solved.

Ultimately, if the City can overcome the bureaucratic snafus and put EC in the hands of people who need it *when* they need it, it’s estimated that the City will save $260 million or so a year on either prenatal care or abortions for women with unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. And having female-controlled methods of contraception and pregnancy prevention are important, given recent studies that show that many adolescent boys will try to control their girlfriends by sabotaging their contraception and getting them pregnant.

Beautiful Girls

Heidi Montag of The Hills “comes clean” about her breast implants and nose job to Us Magazine. It’s a sad article generally (she talks about hating her body and getting made fun of by boys), but this part about the day of the surgery was the worst:

“I woke up, and it was like Christmas: I was a nervous wreck, but I was just so excited at the same time. Spencer said, “I’m so proud of you.” It was like he was wishing me well off to school: “Love you! Bye!” But surgery is a very big deal. Right before I went in, I was like, What if I don’t wake up? Oh, this is scary. Then I thought, I don’t care. If I don’t wake up, it’s worth it. I just wanted it so badly.”

Death > small breasts.

It’s also interesting how the article is titled “revenge” plastic surgery — as if those boys who made fun of Heidi are really getting theirs now that she’s undergone painful and expensive surgery to re-shape her body according to their preferences.

This is why the “I did it for ME” narrative surrounding plastic surgery is so troubling. Sure, you did it for you so that you would quit hating your body.* But the whole reason you hated your body in the first place was because of people who taught you to hate it, explicitly or implicitly (high school boys are certainly not the beginning and the end of bad body image). So when you alter your body, you’re doing it so that you’ll fit a more acceptable beauty norm — which, yeah, makes life easier on you and might bring you some relief, but isn’t really for you. And it’s not particularly effective revenge.

Especially since now I’m sure Heidi will undergo a good round of mocking for having fake tits.

Can’t win for losing.

Thanks to Fauzia for the link.

*Whether surgery actually solves that problem is obviously debatable.

I know, I know, I should lower my expectations because it’s the Daily Mail

But I couldn’t let this go without a comment after I saw it in the sidebar to the Jen Hunter piece. Apparently, the fine folks at the Daily Mail are just shocked, shocked! that George Clooney’s new girlfriend has a “racy” past.

The evidence of this raciness? She was a “scantily-clad” cocktail waitress at the club in Vegas where she met Clooney (apparently, her uniform consisted of a bikini), and while in Amsterdam on a trip where she was working as a promotional model, she goofed around with female friends and took some photos playing around with them.

Gosh, I didn’t realize that dating George Clooney required the kind of vetting they gave to Diana Spencer before she was deemed suitable to bear the next heir to the throne. For fuck’s sake, she’s just dating a guy! A guy, it goes without saying, who seems to like women who like to have a good time. So why the hell not date a former Vegas cocktail waitress and promotional model who enjoys going out? Especially if she’s a good sport about getting into a motorcycle wreck with you and then hobbling to a movie premiere on crutches.

And I’d really like to know what’s in those pictures that’s so unusual, or “racy,” or out of the realm of what normal 28-year-olds do. Seems to me it’s just an excuse to run pictures of a little hot girl-on-girl action and chicks in bikinis while simultaneously getting the vapors about the decline of the moral fiber of Western Civilization.

Side note: Is it me, or does it seem like there’s a certain clamoring in the media for George Clooney to get married? Is it that he says he’s just not interested that drives them nuts?

From a model who’s too thin to a model who’s considered too fat

Tigtog has a post today about Jen Hunter, a woman who was the star of a British series, “Make Me a Supermodel,” which appears to be something like “America’s Next Top Model,” which illustrates just how difficult it is for the fashion industry to see anyone over a size zero as anything but plus-sized. After being named the leading female model (which relied on viewer votes), she wound up not getting the contract from the agency selected by the show. She eventually signed with another agency, but was so ill-served by them because they had no idea what kinds of casting calls to send her on (though she did land contracts with Nokia and Avon) that she wound up leaving them for a plus-sized modeling agency.

Even though she’s hardly plus-sized (nor, for that matter, are most plus-sized models, but she’s not even that big). Hunter is 5’11” and a UK size 12, which is a US size 8. What a horse, right?


Apparently, judges on “Make Me a Supermodel” thought so:

Miss Hunter, a divorcee, was shocked by judges, including model Rachel Hunter, who described her as “fat, lazy and greedy” while competing in the 2006 reality show.

Read More…Read More…

Note to Self

When you are wearing your billowy, peasantesque skirt, try to remember not to walk over subway grates.

Trust me on this one.

Chess for Girls


It is a perfect representation of socialized gender roles. Remember when SNL used to be funny? (But they didn’t have super-hottie Andy Samberg back then, so I guess it all evens out).

Thanks to Luther for the laugh.

Justice in Jena?

The District Attorney involved in the Jena 6 case has an op/ed in the New York Times, wherein he justifies the prosecutions of the six teenagers in Jena, and claims that “The victim in this crime, who has been all but forgotten amid the focus on the defendants, was a young man named Justin Barker, who was not involved in the nooses incident three months earlier.” He also defends his decision to try Mychal Bell as an adult.

I don’t think anyone is defending the attacks on Justin Barker. But the DA obscures the point of the protesters in this article — they’re objecting to the lack of consideration of the greater context; the non-punishment leveled on the noose-hangers by the school; and the disproportionate punishments given to the black students.

The whole article is a cop-out. And I look forward to the New York Times presenting the views of the thousands of people who stand behind the Jena 6 any day now…

Saudi religious police “verbally insulted and attacked by two inappropriately-dressed females”

I know pepper-spraying someone isn’t funny, but if anyone deserves it it’s these guys. Especially in this context:

According to the head of the commission in Khobar, two girls pepper sprayed members of the commission after they had tried to offer them advice.

Head of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in the Eastern province Dr. Mohamed bin Marshood al-Marshood, told Asharq Al Awsat that two of the Commission’s employees were verbally insulted and attacked by two inappropriately-dressed females, in the old market in Prince Bandar street, an area usually crowded with shoppers during the month of Ramadan.

According to Dr. Al-Marshood, the two commission members approached the girls in order to “politely” advise and guide them regarding their inappropriate clothing.

Consequently, the two girls started verbally abusing the commission members, which then lead to one of the girls pepper-spraying them in the face as the other girl filmed the incident on her mobile phone, while continuing to hurl insults at them.

Poor religious police. They were just trying to inform some sluts about the dangers of their slutty slutty clothing, and those crazy loose sluts go nuts! I suppose modesty warriors everywhere have it just as tough.

Yeah, no, just can’t bring myself to feel bad about this one. Way to go, two inappropriately-dressed females.

via Boing Boing.