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Chess for Girls


It is a perfect representation of socialized gender roles. Remember when SNL used to be funny? (But they didn’t have super-hottie Andy Samberg back then, so I guess it all evens out).

Thanks to Luther for the laugh.

11 thoughts on Chess for Girls

  1. Pingback: Rox Populi
  2. Are little girls like that? I wouldn’t know. I was looking for Indian arrowheads back then. Cryptic, or tongue firmly planted in cheek?

  3. Hah. Reminds me of my grandpa teaching me the regular Man-Chess when I was little. He had to keep telling me that the knights were not “horsey pieces.” (I did love the fact that the Queen had the most possible movements, and could do pretty much anything, unlike the boring king who could only go one space at a time or maybe castle, and probably not even that because then you’d end up in check.)

    I did eventually get impatient with all the rules and strategy and made up “Unicorn Chess” which was pretty much a chess version of Calvinball.

  4. Elaine’s post (#7 above) gives the title of a cool book, Chess Bitch. Author is Jennifer Shahade, who holds the title of Master in the United States, and Woman Grand Master world wide.

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