In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Dutch Oven Gathering

The Scene: The Chef and I are parked in front of the computer watching the last of the Cooking Up a Story videos. We wait for this one to load.

Chef: You know, I would really like to have a dutch oven.

Lauren: I can give you one if you’re really interested.

(laughs hysterically for the next ten minutes, continues to laugh at every mention of dutch ovens, blows snot bubble)

Chef: (unamused) You’re a fucking dork.

Related Reading: Le Pétomane


I’ve decided that I’m not going to address the topic of my panel directly (too much Me Talk), but if anyone has any questions following the panel discussion and live-blogging of Next Level Naked, feel free to post them here and I’ll answer them the best I can.

Tastes Like Burning

Running around like a mad person isn’t good for one’s health. Left work early today after becoming 90% positive that I was about to vomit, and lo, I did. I’m trying to catch up on my blog reading without horking again despite fitting six hours of sleep into the afternoon. Jet lag? Bad eggs? 24-hour flu?

Record heat does not help.

Beat this: 103 degree heat index with 60% humidity.

A Real Hot Fundraiser

Jessica Valenti from Feministing invites everyone to a party/fundraiserto honor the REAL Hot 100, which list includes our own real hot little Jill Filipovic.

Here’s the info:

The REAL hot 100 is celebrating 2006’s hottest women with a big old party in New York City. It’s going to be an amazing event, so get your ticket now!

If you can’t afford to come (it is a fundraiser, after all), then please pass the info along to folks you know in New York. We want to make the inaugural party one to remember, so all your support is much appreciated!

Here’s the info:

Saturday, August 12, 2006
9:00 PM to 2:00 AM

KFMK Galleries
515A West 29th Street
New York, NY 10001

Hope to see your hot selves there!


Some things worth reading:

Shakespeare’s Sister on how gay-bashing is pervasive yet strangely invisible.

Helena Silverstein and Wayne Fishman have an article up in The American Prospect that sheds light on just how useless the judicial bypass procedure that theoretically allows minors seeking abortions in parental-notification states is in practice.

Take the New Yorker’s Bush Quiz. Via Punkass Marc.

Punkass Marc also has a post about that article in the NYTimes about men who’ve stopped looking for work because they don’t want to take a job that’s “beneath” them — yet are perfectly happy when their wives do so to support the family. (Ann at Feministing gives it her treatment). Oh, and a lot of them aren’t doing any housework, either.

Speaking of unequal housework burdens, Rebecca Traister in Salon has a piece about the never-ending Second Shift.

Also in Salon, Michelle Goldberg takes a look at the efforts to shut down the last abortion clinic in Mississippi.

Are You a Toxic Parent? — and why everyone loves a good Parent-from-Hell tale.

Tiffany at Blackfeminism comes out as a straight woman . . . and has some reservations about doing so.

Bitch, Ph.D. on the recent ordination of several women priests in defiance of the Vatican.

The battle for creationism in the classroom still isn’t over in Kansas. Though I suspect that it will be once college acceptance rates start going down and property values soon follow. PZ Myers has more.

Speaking of property values, Amanda has a post about the coming economic disaster that will surely follow the collapse of the housing market — and which has already started in the form of predatory debt collection practices, as Sheelzebub reports here.

Making It Universal Would Cut Down on the Slut-Punishing

Doctors now urging that the HPV vaccine be offered to boys:

A government advisory committee agreed a month ago to recommend the vaccine for girls ages 11 and 12, for girls and women ages 13 to 26 who have not yet received the vaccine, and for women who have had abnormal pap smears, genital warts or certain other conditions.

Bradley Monk, associate professor in gynecologic oncology at the University of California at Irvine, said the best use of the vaccine would include giving it to girls and boys and all women and men, regardless of individual risk factors.

“We need to move toward a paradigm where this is a universal vaccine,” he said in a commentary published in the latest issue of the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Giving the shot to both boys and girls will do even more to build up herd immunity than will giving it to girls only. Plus, it neatly sidesteps the promiscuity argument, since wingnuts tend to be concerned with preserving the purity of their daughters, not their sons.

Men can pass on the virus to their sexual partners, so it makes sense to vaccinate boys against HPV, and it would also protect them from genital warts, Monk said.

He dismissed the argument that vaccinating people against a sexually transmitted disease would encourage promiscuity.

“Just because you wear a seat belt, does that mean you drive recklessly? Or just because you give your son a tetanus shot, does that mean he is going to go out and step on a rusty nail? Of course not,” Monk said.

And since the vaccine has been sold as a way to prevent cancer, here’s something else to consider:

The virus is usually harmless, but it can lead to abnormal cells in the cervix lining that can turn cancerous. It can also cause cancer of the penis.