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Mid-Week Timesuck

Yet another personality test. This time the test itself is entertaining because it’s gadget-y. My results:

Note the wee green “low femininity” bar (right next to the “slightly functional” bar — great).

Take it yourself. [via Kat]

12 thoughts on Mid-Week Timesuck

  1. Well – mine looked nothing like yours. I did like that the masculinity and feminity were measured seperately. I came up high in feminity, but average/high in masculinity, which explains much – like why the sliding scale gender tests can never make sense of me.

    In general my DNA looked very…green.

  2. Goodness. Here’s mine:

    I guess as a man running a company, it is somewhat accurate, maybe, but… still.

  3. I wanted to know more about me, but… I lost interest after page 3. Which probably says more about me than the test ever could.

  4. Advocating Inventor.

    What makes no sense is that it says i have slightly high masculinity. But at least i’m functional.

  5. Looks like a load of psychobabble-crap to me.

    Like a “test” to order some colour-cards.
    I naturally put them in rainbow-order red-through-yellow-and-green-to-blue-and-purple,
    And got a lot of meaningless tripe told ne about my “personality”.

    Or to quote an old personal friend, when asked the natural order of the colours said: “Yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black! – the order in which the coloured balls must be potted in Snooker, in case you were wondering…….

  6. I think the traffic from the link may have killed the host site, I can’t get to the quiz :/

  7. It’s back up. Fairly amusing. It’s got me reasonably well pegged as “Reserved Idealist,” though the questions were specific enough that that’s not really a surprise.

  8. I’m a Benevolent Director, a fairly accurate description. I thought at first it gave me too much points for style, since my clothing tastes are fairly conservative, but then I work in marketing, so my standards are likely higher than the general population. Happy to report that my authoritarianism tracked low.

    I’m more feminine than you are, Lauren. That amuses me. You have more confidence & agency. I could use a little more of both.

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