In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Friday Random Ten – The Coolness Self-Audit Edition, Delayed

The King Of Listmaking has given us a new assignment for the Friday Random Ten, and I quite like it.

In light of the Music Queen’s inability to fulfill her regal duties this week, it’s time to take the random music thing in a new direction. As opposed to most of the other times I post the random songs off my Windows Media Player (9 GB, 5500 choices), this list is actually random… I’m not skipping over the odd ditty Hall & Oates or Primus-after-everyone-in-the-world-had-the-sense-to-stop-
listening-to-them. As true, inner coolness can only be measured this way, it’s time to take stock. Deep breath.

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The Next SCOTUS Abortion Case?

A decision by the Fourth Circuit on Friday may set the stage for the next test in the Supreme Court of the constitutionality of laws that ban so-called “partial birth” abortions. By a 2-1 vote, the Circuit Court nullified Virginia’s 2003 law seeking to outlaw that form of medical practice for terminating pregnancy. A strongly worded dissent by a conservative member of the Fourth Circuit panel, Circuit Judge Paul V. Niemeyer, could embolden Virginia state officials to take the case on to the Supreme Court – very likely reaching it ahead of other “partial birth” cases, now awaiting rulings in three federal circuit courts, that test the federal ban on such abortions.

Read the rest.

Take Back the Language of Empowerment

This is actually a real advertisement:

Take Back Your Saturday Morning

This spring and summer, Mr. Clean MagicReach™ is empowering women across America to free themselves from the tiresome task of household cleaning with the plea to Take Back Your Saturday Morning!

Mr. Clean MagicReach is a new and innovative tool from Mr. Clean® that makes cleaning the bathroom easier, faster, and less physically demanding. So, now that you won’t have to spend your Saturday morning cleaning the bathroom, Mr. Clean MagicReach invites you to spend your newfound time celebrating you!

In each Take Back Your Saturday Morning city, Mr. Clean MagicReach will be hosting events at local spas where you can concentrate on yourself, rather than cleaning your bathroom. Activities will include:

  • Free manicures with our exclusive CoverGirl® shade I Took Back My Saturday Morning
  • Demonstrations of how to use Mr. Clean MagicReach
  • A Take Back Your Saturday Morning workout designed by celebrity fitness expert Kathy Kaehler
  • …and much more!

I can think of one cleaning product I won’t be buying in the near future. Or ever.

via Teen Pulp


It’s finally time.

After years of gazing at the computer screen, 1 1/2 years of knitting, and realizing that I can’t read anything five feet away from my face, I absolutely have to get glasses.

In fact, the problem is so bad that I need them today. Today. I’m tired of the headaches and the strain. Unfortunately my eyeballs are so oddly shaped I can’t wear contacts, so glasses it is. I can’t even afford the things, but I can’t put it off any longer.

My wish is that the shit place in the mall will have some cute, funky frames that I can rock without too much shame. Glasses have always been something that other people can wear and wear well. But me? I just look like a tool.

For the first time in years I will able to see my pores. Wish me luck!

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So Sad, But Not

Alas, there will be no kitty blogging or music blogging this Friday, though Doug would be proud of his kibble-hunting pictures and Pablo has a great deal of vomit to show off. My computer is in the shop. Soon I’ll be able to access all my programs and files and burn CDs again.

Oh, glorious day!

Anti-Suffragist H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E

Meet Phyllis Schafly II:

I think the 19th Amendment, while it’s not an evil in and of itself, is a symptom of something I don’t approve of. The 19th Amendment is around because men weren’t doing their jobs, and I think that’s sad. I believe the man should be the head of the family. The woman should be the heart of the family.

— Kansas State Senator Kay O’Connor, 2001

Today she announced that she is running for Secretary of State.

But what about the children?!

The good general weighs in on her campaign as well with a letter addressed to Ms. O’Connor:

I have to wonder just how committed you really are to ending women’s suffrage. After all, if you’re unfit to vote, how can you possibly be fit to serve in public office. Have you considered serving the people of Kansas in some other way? Perhaps your time would be better spent if you stood at the polls on election days and screamed the word “harlot” at every woman standing in line. Heck, I bet you’d end suffrage for more women that way. It’s what the French call thinking globally but acting locally.

via DED

Buy Ford

Why? Because the AFA is boycotting them.

The AFA, the nonprofit group run by the Rev. Donald Wildmon, criticized Ford for donating money to gay-rights organizations (Ford offers to give up to $1,000 to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination for every Jaguar and Land Rover it sells to a member of GLAAD, the company said this week). The group also complained that had Ford sponsored gay pride celebrations, advertised in gay-oriented publications and was “redefining the definition of the family to include homosexual marriage,” Randy Sharp, the organization’s director of special projects, said Tuesday.

If anything, Ford says, the AFA is not giving it enough credit.

Marcey Evans, a spokeswoman for the company, said in an interview Wednesday that the AFA was misusing “diversity” by treating it as a code word for “homosexuality.” But “to Ford, diversity is a much broader definition than simply homosexuality,” she said. “Diversity is very important to Ford, and it goes beyond homosexuality.”

This move by Ford may also be about the new turn against buying large trucks and SUVs, but then, I’m a cynic.