In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Obligatory End of Semester Post III: An Update Because I Need a Break Already

Now with pictures that have only tertiary reasons for appearing with this post.

The good news (for me): I’m nearly done with my Shakespeare paper. And surprisingly, it doesn’t suck. The topic is homosociality and eroticism in the sonnets, a topic entirely overdone but interesting nonetheless.

The bad news (for me): I still have to edit and write a conclusion for another paper and compose an abstract explaining the dogs pooping project with matching Powerpoint. Neither are difficult, but I’m ready to lay around on the couch and knit something. All must be finished this evening.

Additional blogging-related news: I’m in the process of banning someone from the blog, not because he was particularly abusive, but because the air of bigotry and ignorance emanating from his comments so got on my nerves. I rather like the peaceful, witty disagreements we have on this blog (even though the occasional naysayer has his or her fifteen minutes of engagement) and resent someone coming along to stir up trouble. His time was up and, goddammit, I pay good money for this thing.

I have no problem with dissent, but attempting to hijack comment threads for one’s own amusement under the guise of reeducation is disrespectful and goes against the unspoken rule of blogging conduct. I think it irritates most webmasters, including this one.

In other blogging-related news, I’m considering running another silly blogging contest. If anyone is interested in perhaps being a judge and helping compile votes and whatnot, contact me for further information. My contact information can be found under the related link in the sidebar. This one will be much bigger than the last.


Crap, crap, crap.

Lots of writing and printing to do today and I have not only run out of paper, but ink as well. Crap!

The last thing I want to do is go to the store. Let this week be over.

Adopt This Blog

My new favorite blog, part personal and part political is Life, Law, and Gender by Denise Brogan. From the bio:

From high school drop-out to an MBA, from a war-time veteran to a confirmed pacifist, from bankrupt to a millionaire, from a child to a parent, from a committed married person (22 years) to twice divorced, and from a man to a woman – I am, or have been, all of these. I am a 48-year-old transsexual woman with a history and life experience that transcends labeling.

Life experience that transcends labeling? That’s my kind of people.

The Good Ol’ Party’s Version of Morality

Representative Louise Slaughter:

The Rules Committee discovered yesterday that the Judiciary Committee Report on this very bill, which was authored by the Majority Staff, contained amendment summaries which had been re-written by committee staff for the sole purpose of distorting the original intent of the authors.

This Committee Report took liberty to mischaracterize and even falsify the intent of several amendments offered in Committee by Democratic Members of this body.

At least five amendments to this bill, which were designed to protect the rights of family members and innocent bystanders from prosecution under this bill, were rewritten as amendments designed to protect sexual predators from prosecution and were then included in the committee report as if that was the original intent of the authors. The thing is, sexual predators were not mentioned anywhere in any of these amendments.

Not only do they threaten women’s reproductive rights, they believe we are friends to sexual offenders.

End Of Semester Stupidity

For some reason, this semester seems like it has been the least motivated, frustrating semester in a long while, not only for myself but all of my friends and classmates. Just yesterday, I received an email from my friend titled, “DO YOU HAVE A GLUESTICK?!” That is a sign of something, people, but I don’t know what.

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This is so stupidly depressing. I’m keeping the ones that are so true they should be outlawed.

For my fellow feminist Hoosiers, and I know there are a few of us, a moment of despair.

Read More…Read More…

Giving Trolls The Attention They’re Looking For

Someone’s looking for a flame war. Should he get one?

Author : goodsamaritan (IP: ,
E-mail :
Whois :

1. Worship Contraception.
2. Believe in Abortion.
3. Celebrate Euthanasia.
4. Support Gays, Lesbians and Homosexual Marriage.
5. Believe that the Family oppresses women.
6. Will divorce at the drop of a hat.
7. Want the total destruction of marriage.
8. Believe that Family should defy biology.
9. Believe that Men and Women are the same.
10. Hate Men.
11. Believe that all sex is rape.
12. Believe that Pope Ratzinger is a woman hater.

There’s more. A lot more.

I think someone is bitter.

Dear America

Ginmar’s letter to America confirms the liberal feminist conspiracy has finally taken over the United States. My favorite advancements:

  • The ERA will at long last be passed.
  • Casual day, every day.
  • Flex time. On site daycare. Day care workers will be paid starting salaries of 50K per annum, and get tax deductions for continuing education.
  • Football players will get hourly salaries.
  • Abortion will be legal, but given that condoms will be free and discussed, the abortion rate will go down.
  • Tax breaks will be given for people who adopt.
  • Ann Coulter will finally have to answer my questions, which I will draw up later while drunk.
  • Teachers’ salaries will start out at 100K per year.
  • “Boys will be Boys” will never again work as an excuse.
  • Anybody who uses the word ‘feminazi’ will be sentenced to tour Auschwitz. At their own expense.

Well that was fun, wasn’t it? I can only wish.

Obligatory End of Semester Stress Post, II

The amount of sleep I got last night is so little it’s just stupid. I’m so tired I can’t see straight.

On today’s agenda: Nap, walk to campus labs, caffeine, back to the computer. Let this week be over, amen.

What You Should Read Since I’m Not Writing

The Disenchanted Forest: Pharmacists Fill Gift Orders, Not Prescriptions For Treatment

Body and Soul: The German Shepherd and the Salvadoran Pastor

…talking about the pope’s past is — from a moral, if not a political standpoint — not only fair, but essential, because the way he interprets that experience says a lot about the direction the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is moving in, and why so many people, inside and outside the Church, are worried about it.

The American Street: We Need a Culture of Compassion If We Are To Learn From Christ

Culture Kitchen: What Is Mine, Virginity Can Kill You, and I Am a Whore

Suburban Guerilla: Smackdown In Tuebingen

To Be Determined: My Sandbox

Media Girl: The Rising Tone of Violence

Burningbird: Guys Don’t Link

Pam’s House Blend: What Makes Someone White Anyway? and Gay News Roundup and Incredible Sh*t Over at DKos

There is an ad appearing in the classified section of Daily Kos that is unfortunately real… We don’t have a problem with gays. They should have all the same rights as heterosexual men. They should be allowed to marry the woman of their choice. I understand you need to pay for the site, but damn, don’t you have standards?

Daily Pepper: Father Feeding Frenzy