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The Good Ol’ Party’s Version of Morality

Representative Louise Slaughter:

The Rules Committee discovered yesterday that the Judiciary Committee Report on this very bill, which was authored by the Majority Staff, contained amendment summaries which had been re-written by committee staff for the sole purpose of distorting the original intent of the authors.

This Committee Report took liberty to mischaracterize and even falsify the intent of several amendments offered in Committee by Democratic Members of this body.

At least five amendments to this bill, which were designed to protect the rights of family members and innocent bystanders from prosecution under this bill, were rewritten as amendments designed to protect sexual predators from prosecution and were then included in the committee report as if that was the original intent of the authors. The thing is, sexual predators were not mentioned anywhere in any of these amendments.

Not only do they threaten women’s reproductive rights, they believe we are friends to sexual offenders.

6 thoughts on The Good Ol’ Party’s Version of Morality

  1. AND have the chutzpah (or bald-faced arrogance) to re-write things after they’d already been voted on. That gets me the most — that something that should be neutral and accurate has been used to score partisan political points. These people really don’t have any respect for the rule of law, do they?

  2. Not stupid, I don’t think. Our society depends on things like respect for law and politicians who at the bare minimum give public lip service to it, no matter how venal they are in private. Otherwise we have anarchy, and not the utopian version radical libertarians dream of.

    It’s not the lack of integrity that astonishes me so much as the utter selfishness and short-sightedness combined with arrogance — it’s as if they truly don’t believe that laws have any value except as ways to score points — which is a terrifying thing for a politician, whose job is to make, amend, and uphold the law, to believe.

    It’s too easy to believe that they want nothing less than the utter destruction of the social and legal institutions that have kept this country working as long as it has. It horrifies me.

  3. of course if you support women’s reproductive rights (women’s rights to ignore “biblical morality” and be brazen hussies not under the control of men) you also support other forms of non-hetero & married sex ( missionary position). everything that deviates from that is sick…. homosexuality is akin to child molestation or rape and dog humping, and female sexuality not under the control of men is almost as bad. Democrats are defenders of all godless perverts! And also, they’re communists. so the Repubs are just trying to help people see this.

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