In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Giving Trolls The Attention They’re Looking For

Someone’s looking for a flame war. Should he get one?

Author : goodsamaritan (IP: ,
E-mail :
Whois :

1. Worship Contraception.
2. Believe in Abortion.
3. Celebrate Euthanasia.
4. Support Gays, Lesbians and Homosexual Marriage.
5. Believe that the Family oppresses women.
6. Will divorce at the drop of a hat.
7. Want the total destruction of marriage.
8. Believe that Family should defy biology.
9. Believe that Men and Women are the same.
10. Hate Men.
11. Believe that all sex is rape.
12. Believe that Pope Ratzinger is a woman hater.

There’s more. A lot more.

I think someone is bitter.

37 thoughts on Giving Trolls The Attention They’re Looking For

  1. See, what I find funny is that s/he’s right on threeish of them…and thinks that’s bad.

    I’m confused by what s/he means by

    8. Believe that Family should defy biology.

    Can anybody help me out, here?

    As for the flame war…eh…

  2. Worship contraception, yet believe all sex is rape. Support homosexual marriage, yet want to destroy marriage. Believe that men and women are the same, yet hate men. I have a pain in my eye.

    p.s. Having the preview appear as you type the comment is totally cool.

  3. Not the flame war you expected.

    This guy is just trolling by. He’ll leave. Monjo sticks around, letting his bigotry stink up the joint. You should really toss him.

  4. I got a different e-mail; Feminists:

    1. Worship Contraception with scented candles that have frescoes of IUDs that are used in homemade shrines.
    2. Believe in the Abortion Fairy, who gives women a shiny quarter for each fetus left under the pillow.
    3. Celebrate Euthanasia with parties that have little coffin-shaped cakes.
    4. Support Gays, Lesbians and Homosexual Marriage, but only the cute or old ones.
    5. Believe that the Chicago Family oppresses women, except for “Fat Joe” Cicarelli, who is good to his wife and three mistresses.
    6. Will divorce at the drop of a hat, especially if the hat is a mesh hat that says “Beaver Patrol” and holds a can of beer on either side.
    7. Want the total destruction of marriage, preferrably any that involve Tom Arnold.
    8. Believe that Family should defy biology, including the food chain, photosynthesis, and where poopies come from.
    9. Believe that Men and Women are the same, with the exception of the letters w-o.
    10. Hate Menlo Park as a vacation resort.
    11. Believe that all sex is rapetastic!
    12. Believe that Pope Ratzinger should probably not be referred to by his last name, as this will bring a plague of fiery hail and frogs from the Invisible Sky Fairy.

  5. Hilarious, norbizness!

    Does anyone else find it strange and self-defeating that the troll goes by “GoodSamaritan”?

  6. The Good Samaritan says “there’s more. A lot more” Don’t hold out on us! I want to hear the rest of it!

  7. randomliberal/Robert,
    Given the capitalization of Family, I think the troll may mean homosexual parents. By adoption, artificial conception, whatever.

  8. What I felt during reading the list for the first time was that for 1-9 they are based on something more or less correct (obviously attempted to ridicule, but based on some idea you (I) have). My interpretation of 9. being that a family naturally consists of a man and a woman and 2.3 kids and a deviation from that is defying biology.
    But then 10 and 11 are wrong.
    Thus my first interpretation is not bitter, but confused.

  9. Feminists….

    12. run these, like, ball-busting training camps in the middle east somewhere – i saw it on Fox!

    13. are all homicidal lesbian terrorists

    14. oh yeah, they also eat their children & practice witchcraft… mmm, children – thems good eatin’!

    15. and, dude, dig it, they subscribe to the principles of national socialism, but, like, in a girly way

    16. no wait, scratch that last one! no real feminist would allow themselves to follow a political system slapped together by a stupid man with a bad mustache?! men suck! no, feminists need to remember their true heritage: the willing & slavish followers of mighty Queen Azura of the planet Femnaz! puh-raze be to her terrible beautifulness!

    oh yeah oh yeah oh yeeeeah… there is definitely more, ALOT more! c’mon everybody – there’s no reason to wait for Mr. Samaritan to return!

  10. I’m confused. If feminists think men and women are the same and feminists hate men… doesn’t it follow that feminists also hate women?

    Also, if feminists want the total destruction of marriage, how can we divorce at the drop of a hat? Don’t you first have to be married to get a divorce? And how the hell did I get engaged? To a man, no less!

    Hey, at least you have to give this guy credit for sound arguments.

  11. Ah, the pain that emerges here:
    12. Believe that Pope Ratzinger is a woman hater.

    OMG, not only is His Holiness a hater, but he’s a woman, too?
    But… that means I can’t hate him, as my radical feminist agenda forces me to hate men only.
    (This message brought to you by Save the Hyphens International.)

  12. Of course I believe in abortion – I mean it exists, doesn’t it? How could they want to outlaw it, if they don’t believe it exists?

    And I’m taking an awful long time to work up to that divorce I’m so eager to get at the drop of a hat – 14 years and counting – maybe I’ll get around to it in a few more decades…

  13. 1. Use contraception. (Although I can see where a fundie of the type that uses God as an excuse for hatred, might be unable to make the distinction between worship and use.)

    2. Believe in abortion, because it has been proven to exist. (That doesn’t seem so crazy; lots of people believe in God when He *hasn’t* been proven to exist.)

    3. Celebrate anyone’s success in having their rights respected.

    4. Support gays, lesbians, and homosexual marriage. (He says that like it’s a bad thing; what’s up with that?)

    5. Believe that being forced into any lifestyle that they’re not happy with, oppresses women.

    6. Will divorce at the drop of a fist on their face, or any other abusive behavior.

    7. Want the total metamorphosis of marriage into an institution that NEVER oppresses anyone.

    8. Believe that family exists for the sake of its members, and that some abstract concept like biology should not take precedence over anyone’s happiness.

    9. Believe that men and women are equal, and fully deserving of equal rights and equal opportunities.

    10. Hate people who seek to limit their freedom, rights, and happiness.

    11. Believe that all nonconsensual sex is rape.

    12. Know that Pope Ratzinger acts like a woman-hater. (Whether he is or not is his business. Everyone has a right to hold any opinion; it is words and actions that are hurtful.)

    13. Are quite sick of trolls like this.

  14. Ah, the cool drink of an anti-feminist, who hates the word “rape” and the word “contraception”. While getting accused of hating sex and loving baby-killing, I tend to think that someone, well, thinks that bitches are crazy if we think we have a right to pick who we fuck and decide if we get pregnant. Dammit, since when did women get to own themselves and why weren’t the assholes notified so they could prepare for Armaggedon?

  15. Kyra beat me too it… besides some questionable linguistics, I’m not sure I think much of anything he said is something I have trouble saying about myself.

    Because, it’s true… I do hate men. Yeah, I am one, but I still hate ’em.

  16. If we believed all sex was rape, wouldn’t we not be having any, and therefore not have much need for the dreaded contraception and abortion?

    Or does he think feminists just have sex (with men) so we can have the joy of celebrating abortions. whatever

  17. Yeah but you did state this in the other thread Lauren:
    All answers, even the unpopular ones, are appreciated. Comment anonymously if you wish.
    Now you break that promise.

    Thomas: you just don’t like me because I have alternate views to you – but to accuse of being a bigot, that’s low – as I neither harbour nor express any hatred towards anyone, whereas you have! Towards me!

  18. Monjo, you’ve stated before that it is irrefutable fact that women are more irrational than men, that jobs go to minorities and women before merit is considered, and now you’re taking pot shots at my fellow Celts. I’m calling you a bigot because you’re a bigot.

  19. Now, in the last thread, goodsamaritan claimed he loved his wife #1, #2, and #3. He has three wives? Does Pope Ratzinger know about this?

  20. Monjo: There’s a difference between engaging the questions and making blanket statements about a group that you have no interest in. Although you and I disagree, you at least make an effort (not to mention that you’re a longtime reader). The good samaritan here thinks he’s doing society a favor by “exposing” feminism using some anti-feminist crap that has little to do with the questions I posted for discussion except on a tertiary level. Had he answered the questions I posted, I would be far more forgiving, even if his answers were unpopular.

  21. Lauren, yes. And you have to do as you see wise.
    Thomas: not irrefutable, it varies. Men who are exposed to beautiful women become more irrational, but retain rationality around less attractive women. (NewScientist Dec 2003), however, women far outnumber men for anxieties and anxiety disorder. Whilst men’s suicide rates are about four times womens, attempted suicides are at least twice as high for women – suggesting far more depression.

    As for jobs going to minorities and women, there’s no real point discussing it with you as you won’t open your eyes. Past injustices are being resolved with present injustices, we should just have no injustices and let things take shape in their own time. But we live in a results society.

    As for you being celt. Do you know nothing about British migrational patterns? In base terms the people of Scotland were red-headed, the Welsh short and dark-haired – how’s that even related? Only related in their anti-Englishness. If anything my Cornish lineage is far closer to Welsh than any Scottish lineage you have.

    bigot: a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own (from – one could point out the gender bias in the definition!)
    That’s you Thomas, I happily consider all opinions that differ from my own and sometimes even change my mind. You’re the one with the rigid belief system.

  22. Monjo, the Welsh migration was part of the Brythonic, or p-celtic group, the group speaking the languages related to Welsh today. The Picts and Scots, properly understood (the descendants, that is, of the Dal Riada migrants from Ireland) were part of the Goidelic, or q-celtic group, speaking the celtic languages that formed Irish and Scots Gaelic. Both p-celts and q-celts were part of a series of Celtic migrations from continental Europe in Bronze Age to the British Isles. Both because of the common cultural root, and because of the shared experience of struggle to maintain independence against a bigger, richer, imperialist neighbor (compare Scotland and Wales under Edward I), many Celts, especially those of us from the diaspora, feel kinship to the people of other Celtic nations.

    Normans and Saxons are, as you must know, Norse and Teutonic descendants the post-Roman period.

    For a brief history of Celts in Britain and Ireland, see Nora Chadwick’s The Celts (1979). Your “red hair -dark hair” analysis could use some work.

    You may think it’s funny to take pot shots at the Welsh. Why is what you said different from saying “we have to share it with the Pakis?” Or for that matter, from saying, “the problem with Ireland is that it’s full of Irish?”

    For the rest of you, I apologize for raising an intra-British issue that is probably greek to the readership. I’m only one generation removed from a poor coal mining town, and I’m not making an issue of this just to have an excuse to take umbrage at Monjo. When someone takes shots at the Welsh or the Irish, I take it as an insult to me and my kin.

  23. # Ryan Says:
    April 26th, 2005 at 3:17 pm

    Something tells me that goodsamaritan (#45) does not love his enemies like a good Samaritan would.

    Good Samaritan loves women. I love my wife #1, I love my wife #2, I love my wife #3, I love my daughters, I love my mother, I love my grandmothers.

    I have no enemies. Do not put words in my mouth.
    I just defined what a feminist is from my point of view.
    Go check out the actions of NOW. Crystal clear.

    Radicality is still the core of the feminist movement. It is not merely a problem of a few rotten apples tainting and otherwise equalitarian movement. Cathy Young says it best:

    “Critics of radical feminism have been often accused of exaggerating the importance of a handful of male-haters in the movement. Yet Dworkin was never relegated to the lunatic fringe where she belonged: Her texts have been widely assigned in women’s studies courses, and prominent feminists from activist Gloria Steinem to philosopher Martha Nussbaum have offered their praise, treating her hatemongering as extremism in defense of the oppressed. (I prefer the view that hate is hate.)”.

    The core feminist movement includes abortionists and an army of ivory-tower professionals who build entire institutions on replacing good husbands with feminist-patriarchal government. The core is presently comprised of women (most of whom masquerade as lesbians) who want “marriage” to become a license for any two women to marry each other and take over family and society altogether. They spawn countless reports containing false data on subjects such as child support and domestic violence – all of which are ultimately debunked ten to twenty years after the policies go into effect.

    Feminists constantly wail about marriage being a “trap” or a method of slavery. They don’t want it, or men. They pretend that husbands are a danger to women, when in fact husbands are the lowest risk group for child abuse and abuse of women. And they want no-fault divorce so they win easily without even having to prove fault on the part of the husband.

    But feminists only throw away their half of the marital contract. They still expect society to steal men’s money to provide them all the benefits of marriage. They also demand government provide all the other services that men normally provided in marriage, including parenting, health care funding, housing, discipline, and even love.

    1. Worship Contraception. (don’t leave home without it)
    2. Believe in Abortion. (killing one’s own children is a need)
    3. Celebrate Euthanasia. (NOW celebrates Terry Schiavo)
    4. Support Gays, Lesbians and Homosexual Marriage.
    5. Believe that the Family oppresses women.
    6. Will divorce at the drop of a hat.
    7. Want the total destruction of marriage. (explicitly written)
    8. Believe that Family should defy biology.
    9. Believe that Men and Women are the same.
    10. Hate Men. (explicitly expressed in the latest college paper)
    11. Believe that all sex is rape.
    12. Believe that Pope Ratzinger is a woman hater. (feminists howled at his paper.)

    I think many here have confirmed the core principles of Feminism and consider themselves as such. They even gave their explanations of those points of views.

    What is important is the results of those Feminist points of views:
    Contraception – Abortion – Euthanasia – Easy Divorce

    Depopulation, Killing of innocent lives, Wholesale destruction of families.

  24. Gee, I wonder what a “feminist-patriarchal government” looks like considering the two are ideologically opposed and cannot co-exist.

    But whatever. What are you trying to accomplish here, Mr. Samaritan? Have you read any feminist literature, or have you only permitted Cathy Young to do it for you? I’d like you to point to any mainstream feminist literature published in the last ten years that confirms your statements — not only are you railing against 2nd wave extremists with whom many contemporary feminists have issues, your analysis is horseshit.

    By the way, there is no “Pope Ratzinger.” Check yourself.

    You’re trying my patience and I won’t provide a venue for your propaganda unless you want to donate to the cost of bandwidth you’re consuming. See the Paypal button and donate some cash if you want to continue with this tripe.

  25. # La Lubu Says:
    April 27th, 2005 at 10:32 am

    Now, in the last thread, goodsamaritan claimed he loved his wife #1, #2, and #3. He has three wives? Does Pope Ratzinger know about this?

    FYI, this goodsamaritan is a God-Less, Pro-life, Anti-War, and living in Asia where marriages and families are solid.

  26. What are you trying to accomplish here, Mr. Samaritan?

    What I am trying to accomplish here is a GOOD results driven Feminism or whatever you might want to call it.

    I see that there are some equalitarian women here. That is good.

    But radicalism still runs the Feminist movement. Either to make good and expel the radicals, or you stop calling yourselves feminists.

    You could align yourselves with Concerned Women for America or Ladies Against Feminism instead of being beholden to the National Organization for Women (NOW) or NARAL-Pro-Choice.

    As it is, the basic foundations of Feminism are:

    Easy Divorce

    These basic foundations have resulted in the disastrous depopulation and family destruction of societies wherever Feminists rule, usually western societies.

  27. From Comment #28, goodsamaritan calls me out:

    Good Samaritan loves women. I love my wife #1, I love my wife #2, I love my wife #3, I love my daughters, I love my mother, I love my grandmothers.

    I have no enemies. Do not put words in my mouth.

    My understanding of the Parable of the Good Samaritan is that to attain eternal life, one must love his neighbors as one loves her or himself. A part of this, these days, is respecting the personal liberties of even your worst enemies. (And from your rhetoric, I would claim that you find the feminists you describe as (at least, ideological) enemies. You feel that the things things like abortion should be outlawed, no?)

    I disagree that the basic foundations of feminism are contraception, abortion, euthanasia, and easy divorce. (Please explain this last one lest I “put words in [your] mouth”.) Feminists have stances on these issues that are derived from fundamental moral structures.

    You may believe that euthanasia and divorce should be illelgalized, and that those who carry out abortions should be labeled as criminals. Unfortunately for you, this is not the case, and the majority of Americans would have it that these things you despise be considered personal liberties. If you don’t like it, you may leave.

  28. FYI, this goodsamaritan is a God-Less, Pro-life, Anti-War, and living in Asia where marriages and families are solid.

    Hmmm…well, I guess you’ve already left.

  29. Ryan,

    Unfortunately, your web master deems my posts as too much telling of the truth, exactly where it hurts.

    She has BANNED my goodsamaritan ID.

    If you feel that I am not a troll and would like to carry on this cerebral discussion, request that she not ban my ID.

  30. We’re on to you, Pope Benedict! Clever to use the ID “goodsamaritan” though. (And we weren’t thrown off by that “wife” business, either. You’re married to god, or some shit like that.)

  31. Lauren, I’m sorry if I offended with my reiteration of “goodsamaritan”‘s reference to the Pope. It’s just that….I am Catholic, and it pisses me off to no end that out of all the candidates, hehad to be the one elected. I guess I’m taking it personally. I feel like something is being stolen from me, or like I’ve been picked up and thrown bodily out of Church.

    Still, in deference to my calmer brethren and sistren, I shouldn’t have given in to the temptation. Consider me as “checked.”

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