In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Thursday LOST Roundtable: Across the Sea

Spoilers below!

A close-up photo of the Man in Black with blood and bruises on his face.

This week on LOST, we learned more about Jacob, MIB, and the mysteries of the island. Read our discussion below and add your own thoughts and theories in the comments, just be sure not to include spoilers to the last 3.5 hours of LOST!

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Defining Sluttiness

What sluts!

Chloe at Feministing has a run-down of the “slut panel” at Harvard’s Rethinking Virginity conference, which featured our own Sady Doyle. Chloe talks about how we define sluttery:

The panel opened with a discussion of what slut-shaming is, and Sady, who was the first to offer a definition, was careful to note that being labeled a slut can happen to anyone, even to people who have never had any sexual contact of any kind. Slut-shaming is often the result of perceived, rather than proven, sluttiness. As Therese then noted, sluttiness itself is entirely relative: In some cultures or among some social groups, she said, having slept with ten people over the course of your life is considered a pretty tame sexual history. In others, it makes you a dirty, untouchable slut. I added that, with definitions of what’s acceptable and what’s slutty being so malleable and poorly defined in our own culture, you often don’t know where the line between the two is until you’ve crossed it. And then – poof! – it’s too late: Other people have decided that you’re a slut, and you’re stuck with this damaging, divisive and damn stubborn label.

The fact that anyone can be labeled a slut, at any time, with any level of sexual activity under their belt, and the fact that sluttiness is a moving target, makes it clear that slut-shaming isn’t just about controlling how much sex women have*. If you can be called a slut without so much as kissing another person, then it stands to reason that your slut status must be based on something besides your level of sexual experience or activity. And often, it is. It’s based on what people assume about you just by looking at you – at your body, your clothes and the way you move through the world. Once you realize that, it becomes obvious that the slut label isn’t just about controlling how much sex women have: It’s about controlling how we dress, how we walk, how we talk, how we dance, how much we drink, who we talk to, how we feel about our own desires and so on and so on. And crossing the invisible, culturally-determined “slut line” in any of these arenas is enough to earn you a label that, no matter how much we denounce and detest it, no matter how well we understand its purpose and its perniciousness, somehow manages to seep into our brains and eat away at our certainty and self-assurance.

I used to joke that the definition of a slut is generally “Someone who has had more sex than me.” But Chloe’s right that it’s about so much more than that — sometimes confusingly so. And sometimes hilariously so! Like when the college student who is writing a sex diary for New York Magazine, in which she documents a week of doing it with three different dudes and suggesting threesomes left and right, updates her diary with the following:

11:34 p.m.: At the cast party for another show. My slutty friend is changing her panties in front of a few men we know. They ask me if I’d like to do it too. I don’t know how to reply without calling her a skank, and/or insinuating as much.

Panty-changing girl = slutty. Actual having-sex girl = ?. I can’t keep up!

I always feel a little silly engaging in these conversations, because I am apparently at an age where the word “slut” just isn’t a common insult anymore — it’s not a word that I’ve heard used seriously in years, and I can’t tell you the last time I called someone a slut in total seriousness.* I’m guessing that’s a factor of where I live, the kinds of people I surround myself with, and the fact that I am no longer in high school, which is where “What a slut” was a pretty common (and pretty devastating) way to insult a girl for anything at all. It’s up there with the phrase “that’s so gay” — kids said it a lot when I was in middle and high school, and then I just stopped hearing it completely, and now when people toss it out seriously it’s jarring not just because it’s offensive (although it is), but because it’s so retro. I want to respond by yelling, “WAAASSSUUPPP!” It’s kind of like when my mom decides to insult someone by saying that they look “loose.” Wrong, yes, and rare for such an insult to come out of my mother’s mouth, but unintentionally hilarious because, really? Loose, mom? Oh mom, you’re such a square.

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Thursday LOST Roundtable: The Candidate

Spoilers below!

The cast of LOST walks on the beach.

This week on LOST, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse decided that they wanted to alienate every last one their fans — and it worked! We vent our continued rage below. Feel free to express your own anger in the comments (or talk about other LOST things, if you feel like it), so long as you do so without spoilers for future episodes.

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Friday Random Ten – the Good Taste In Music Is Clearly Genetic edition

Haven’t done one of these in a while, but I could sure use something mindless and not-stressful or infuriating today — how about you?

Set your MP3 player to “shuffle” and post the first 10 songs that come up. Friday video: Harlem!

1. Neko Case- Vengeance is Sleeping
2. White Denim – World As A Waiting Room
3. Elvis Costello – Deep, Dark Truthful Mirror
4. Tom Waits – New Coat of Paint
5. Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson – Woodfriend
6. The Cure – Boys Don’t Cry
7. Cat Power – Islands
8. Van Morrison – Fool For the Spirit
9. Thao – Geography
10. Lykke Li – Tonight

More videos, mostly of songs that have been stuck in my head this week, below the fold.

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Molly Ringwald Can Help Me Any Day

Don’t know if y’all know this but Molly Ringwald has a new book! And I actually want to buy it! Like, right now!

It’s being labeled a self-help book, which, okay… Part of me realizes that Molly Ringwald isn’t exactly a self-help expert, and another part realizes I’m not actually a fan of self-help books anyway, but my love for Molly Ringwald is so deep that I’m looking for ways to fit this book into my enormous pile of books to read. Whatever life lessons she has for me, I’m taking notes.

I have to admit, it’s funny even to me that my brain takes the words “Molly Ringwald book” and automatically thinks “MUST BUY!” The Breakfast Club is still one of my favorite movies and Sixteen Candles isn’t that far from the top (and, yes, I realize the gender, race, class, etc. issues in those films). I mean, I realize that the characters she played were not her, but my connection to them is so strong that my brain seems to not process that thought.

(Confession! The day I saw her walking with a friend and her kid in SoHo was the only time I’ve ever been excited about seeing a celebrity!)

Has anybody read this book or plans on reading this book? Am I alone in my Molly Ringwald girl-crush?

ETA: It occurs to me I never said what the book was called or what it was about – woops! It’s called “Getting the Pretty Back: Friendship, Family and Finding the Perfect Lipstick” and is about beauty, friendship, motherhood, etc.

Any Project Runway Fans Out There?!

Is anybody else totally excited for the Project Runway finale tonight?!

I haven’t watched a full season in a really long time and, I admit, I didn’t watch this season in full either. But I started watching the episodes a few weeks back (thanks, Lifetime on demand!), and this cast of characters got me hooked again.

I have to admit that a small part of the appeal is the fact that I love Emilio Sosa! He’s a great designer, I find his cockiness amusing, and he’s Dominican! Which is incredibly awesome because, hello, Dominicans rock! (Completely biased there, but whatevs…)

I also really like Seth Aaron. His designs are great and I really enjoyed seeing him interact with his family. Anybody who owns a trampoline wins instant cool points.

I’d really like to see one of these guys win tonight. I’m not the biggest fan of Mila, mostly because I like color and she likes black and white, and also because some of the big, drapey stuff leaves me feeling bored. Don’t get me wrong, some of her pieces have knocked it out of the park, but others, meh.

Does anybody out there still watch Project Runway? I know that’s, like, so 5 years ago but there must be somebody out there who shares in my excitement… right?!

WARNING: There are now spoilers in the comments! SPOILERS IN COMMENTS!

Thursday LOST Roundtable: The Last Recruit

Spoilers below!

A still from LOST: Lapidus, Sun, Hurley, Kate, Claire, and Sawyer stand in the ocean while wearing wet clothes.

This week on LOST, most of our Losties try to leave the island, while Jack just wants to stay. In the sideways world, our characters are finding themselves either drawn or forced together.

Check out our reactions below and leave your own in the comments, while remembering no spoilers for unaired episodes.

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Don’t Forget: Bowling for Abortion Access!

The National Network of Abortion Funds is holding a bowl-a-thon to raise money for abortion care, and we’re bowling in ONE WEEK! NNAF is a network of abortion funds — grassroots groups that work to provide abortions for low-income women.

Feministe has a virtual team and an in-real-life team — we’ll be bowling on Monday April 26th at The Gutter in Williamsburg (NYC). To support us (and NAAF, really) you can go here to donate and help us reach our goal of $2,000. Or, if you want to come out and bowl with us on Monday, go to this page and join our team (we’re called The Barrier Method).

So go donate, or join the team! I’m trying to think of something creative to sweeten the deal if we reach our donation goal… any suggestions? (Bowl in something ridiculous? Solicit someone fantastic to guest-post? What do you all want?)