In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

The “Gays” Are Coming!

Hide your sons and daughters.

World Net Daily flips its lid today over the “homosexual agenda” and the horrors it hath wrought. Like suggesting that the “gays” exist, and should not have their identities placed in quotation marks. Others:
-Schools recognize gays exist; parents angry.
-David Kupelian recognizes that gays exist; is angry because he recognizes that the “homosexual lifestyle” is intrinsically evil and deranged, and why can’t people understand that he says that out of love for the gays?
-Time Magazine recognizes gays exist; WND angry because magazine did not disclose that article was written by a total homo. (Now this, I understand — I also get very angry whenever a story is published about something relating to straight people, and the fact that the writer is a hetero isn’t in huge bold font at the top of the article). Of course, this homo is the worst kind: he’s an activist

the Time journalist who researched and wrote the story is a homosexual with a long history of advancing “gay” causes, including the promotion of anonymous homosexual orgies.

The LGBT movement’s emphasis on securing the rights for all people to engage in anonymous homosexual orgies is certainly one of the reasons why I support them!

Clearly, this loose moose is a homosexual. Where will the homosexual agenda stop??

But I Thought We Hated Europe

Sure, but we hate native brown people more. Before you dare praise any culture without European roots, heed the ladylike racism of IWF’s Charlotte Allen. Responding to an archeologist quoted in the New Yorker as saying of pre-Columbian Brazil, “All the settlements were laid out with a complicated plan, with a sense of engineering and mathematics that rivalled anything that was happening in much of Europe at the time,” Allen (no doubt an expert in archeology herself) responds with, “What?” She goes onto defend the virtues of European architecture, of which there are many, all while arguing that no other civilization compares. Heck, she says, they still don’t compare:

The Brazilians, by contrast, for all their admirable moats and roads, built no monuments of any kind, didn’t get past pottery in terms of art, and had neither reading nor writing. Their tribal descendants today, living off Brazillian government welfare, don’t do much besides run around naked, fish for piranha, wage murderous wars against their enemies, kill the occasional white intruder, practice polygamy (two wives apiece is standard), and try to keep their television-preferring children interested in the traditional customs, such as secluding teenage daughters inside the house for years until it’s time for the big fertility blowout.

Yes, those dirty naked savages still exist today! And they’re a conservative’s nightmare: they love welfare, aren’t ashamed of nudity, spit on traditional marriage, and hate white people (although they do, redeemingly, love war). She goes on to basically argue that Mayan culture has no good qualities either because they engaged in human sacrifice, their hands dripping blood “incessantly.” The Aztecs were barbarians, too. Her point: She *hearts* Europe. Or at least, pre-Columbian Europe. Because compared with them injun savages, she’d take Europe any day — assuming, of course, that we aren’t talking about France.


In true ADD fashion, I left the computer last night with a series of overheads and lesson plans written up in Word. Did I save them? Did I mention the ADD?

Lauren’s to-do list: Rewrite every fucking thing that was finished last night. Take Ritalin.

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What’s a Single Christian Girl to Do?

Make the rest of us want to vomit, apparently. Here’s the premise: Single Christian Girl goes to college, is wildly disillusioned because even at her good Christian school the kids are sleeping around and doing drugs. She comes home, regretting ever have left Daddy’s domicile in the first place. Back at home, she realizes that her big mistake was letting anyone other than her father or her husband rule over her. She gets married, realizes what a silly mistake her autonomy was, and now gives her advice to the other Christian ladies. (As a sidenote Single Christian Girl is now editor of Ladies Against Feminism). Prepare yourselves.

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Who Needs Roe?

…when rich women have California and poor women have Cytotec? In an unbelievably offensive article, a writer for the Times assures all of us that even if Roe is overturned, we have no reason to fear a return to the days of knitting needles and coat hangers — we’ll have this great ulcer drug that we can use to illegally terminate pregnancies! And the best news — the chances of infection with Cytotec are way less than they are if you go the old-school coat-hanger route. Aren’t we gals so lucky that technology helps us out, and that the Times is looking out for us?

They even have the nerve to title the article “Abortion Might Outgrow Its Need for Roe v. Wade.”

Because it’s not like the government will catch on and pull Cytotec off the shelves, or make it much more difficult to get (I mean, it’s only been featured prominently in the New York Times; who reads that?). And it’s not like there are any problems with forcing women to misuse an ulcer drug in order to covertly terminte their pregnancies — hey, little lady, as long as you can try to terminate your pregnancy, you have nothing to complain about. The shame, you say, of having to get an underground procedure done, and being scared to go to the hospital if something goes wrong? You should be ashamed! You did have sex, after all. It doesn’t matter that you might be married, might already have kids to support, might not able to afford another child, might have been raped, might have been impregnated by a family member, might be 12, might just not be ready or able to handle having a child — you got yourself into this mess, and you shouldn’t be whining about having to undergo a shame-inducing, dangerous method to end the pregnancy. And when you show up at the hospital with an infection or when you give birth to a child with severe birth defects because that’s what Cytotec sometimes does, and the doctor is treating you like a criminal, well, you should have been more responsible.

Cytotec works 80 to 90 percent of the time when administered by a doctor in clinic conditions — it’s not as if women who are getting it illegally will have any problems knowing what dosage to take, or when in pregnancy they can take it. Clearly, this article is onto something — who needs Roe when we can have illegal abortions that aren’t as dangerous as before?

Finally, this is one of those articles that leads me to ask, “What’s the real story here?” From this set of facts, the Times gleaned, “If/when abortion becomes illegal, women will still be able to have them, just illegally.” I read the same set of facts and I find, “Women are already having illegal abortions in this country. That says something about access to medical care for low-income women.”

In 2000, researchers at three obstetrics and gynecology clinics in New York noted that low-income immigrant women were already using misoprostol as an alternative to going to an abortion clinic, because it was easier and less expensive. They got the pills from doctors, pharmacies, relatives and from contacts in other countries.

That gets one paragraph. One. The news isn’t what might happen if. It’s what is happening and why. And what is happening is that low-income and immigrant women lack access to healthcare in this country, and are turning to illegal methods instead of being able to get safe, legal procedures. That’s a story, and it’s a tragic one. But I suppose the plight of poor and immigrant women isn’t so important to the staff at the Times; more valuable is issuing a good sedative to middle and upper-income women — you know, the women with more political power — to remind them that their rights aren’t really being threatened.

Where’s the “liberal media” when we need it?

Even More on the SG Front

From the Suicide Girls FAQ:

1.06 The staff wasn’t fair to me, who can I make an appeal to?
No one. Whining about things not being fair is for grade school kids and college professors. Those of us who live in the real world think you should shut up and move on.

Things are becoming more and more clear.

via another excellent analysis at Shrub

Banning Books Only Makes Them More Lovable

Happy Banned Book Week!

When I was reminded at Roxanne’s last night (during yet another bout of insomnia) I took a look at the list of most challenged books of 2004 and laughed aloud.

Dav Pilkey is a household staple around here, especially for the Captain Underpants series. If it gets the little one reading I have absolutely zero complaints, especially since it also inspires him to write and draw. Maya Angelou’s book, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” is taught as regular high school curriculum right around the block. For many of the young women I know who attended that school, that book choice was one of the only ones that stuck with them over the years. You just don’t ban brilliance like Maya Angelou. And for what it’s worth, I eked through high school by doing a bad report on “Of Mice and Men” in lieu of attending class.

Even in my education classes, one suggestion for teaching reluctant readers is to teach the controversy, so to speak. Let them know the books are “banned,” read them anyway, and discuss the literary themes and the social themes surrounding their challenged status. Reports by those who have tried this method have been nothing but complimentary.

Banned books be damned. And thus, wholly lovable.

UPDATE: Heretik writes an ode to Toni Morrison, one of my all-time favorite authors.

Looney Bin Round-Up

The craziest of the crazies. At least, the ones who are published today.

Sound the Alarm! screames Rebecca Hagelin. It’s time to intern the A-rabs!

Dennis Prager sez, “The Left is hysterical.” Example A: They said that Bush mislead the American public about reasons for the war in Iraq. Which, clearly, is crazy, given that the president told us from the get-go that we were going in because Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and we all now see that… oh wait.

Barack Obama is insane
for wanting poor people to not be poor.

Mike Adams says, “If you get a gun, it’ll make you feel like more of a man. It worked for me, at least.” And yes, he actually does end his column with the phrase, “Welcome to my world.”

Contrary to history and all evidence, the Republican party has never been racist. (Southern strategy, anyone?)

I’m sure there’s more out there, but it’s time for class.

Dr. Phil’s Son to Marry Ho-bag

Well, that’s what the “pro-marriage” Christian right will tell you. To anyone interested in being thoroughly disgusted, I introduce to you Fredrick the Epistolizer, who I like to think of as Dr. Laura’s long-lost twin (yes, he too over-uses the term “shacking up”).

Interesting an episode the other day was about the evils of judging by appearance.
As with those that claim they read Playboy for the articles, I suppose he became smitten by this tramp through her personality.

Because she posed for Playboy, she must be a tramp with no personality. And these ladies must be oozing charm…

For those charmed by the puny, ditzy model type, be warned. They don’t strike me as the kind that will do much housework or happily do as they are told like a proper wife should.

Right. No need to respond to this…

Any satisfaction to be derived from having such a showcase bride based upon contemporary standards of beauty idolizing malnutrition and an emaciated look will no doubt be eaten up by divorce settlement costs a few years down the road.

Yeah, I’m not a big fan of malnutrition either. But I feel like eating disorder awareness is not his primary concern here.

Glamour wenches seldom make good companions and hardly the best selection as mothers.

Everyone knows: Ugly women raise better kids. (Now, if I were the kind of good Christian woman who would marry a character like Fredrick, I’d probably be a little insulted by this. Luckily, I am not).

As I once read in a Christian book on youth ministry, when it comes to basing a relationship primarily on appearance, fine feathers clothe an expensive bird.

…why do I get the feeling that that “bird” is always an attractive woman?