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13 thoughts on God Hates Sweden

  1. Thanks for the plug and link. Stop by whenever you can–you’re always welcome. And if you do stop by, please click my Google ads. Not necessary to buy anything. A click makes money for the Big Laurel Learning Center in Naugatuck, WV.

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  2. Thank you for the “information” found behind the links!

    I especially noted the following sentence among the garbage on the page linked to: Scarcely a family in Sweden has been untouched by the devastation.”

    May I give you some statistics?
    – 9,000,000 people are living in Sweden.
    500 were killed in the December 2004 tsunami (about as many as are killed in road accidents each year in Sweden).

    If we assume that each Swedish victim had ten family members affected (a high number as each Swedish woman has 2.6 children), we end up with a number of 5.000 Swedes directly affected. This amounts to 0.055 per cent of the population.

    Of course, no Swede is “untouched” by the tsunami disaster, but it seems a bit stiff to imply that “thousands of Swedes” died in the tsunami when it is a down right lie! But why am I not surprised?

  3. other Ryan voiced my quandary. I read things like godhatessweden and I can not tell if it’s supremely good parody or just some nutball.

    There’s something wrong with the world when you can’t tell the sincere from the parody from the agent provocateur.

  4. Having had the distinct displeasure of meeting Fred Phelps in person on numerous occasions, I can assure you that he is not a leftist plant. He is, in fact, a really sick person. Cray, and absolutely convinced he’s doing God’s will.

    It’s rather scary, actually.

  5. Fred Phelps comes up with the craziest shit, and I’m not convinced he isn’t a leftist plant.

    Phelps is/was actually a registered Democrat, and had a career – get this – as a civil rights attorney. No shit.

    Phelps is bonkers, of course, but he is not stupid. He was a prominent civil rights lawyer for many years, arguing and often winning cases where black plaintiffs complained of illegal discrimination. “God hates fags,” he says. “He doesn’t hate blacks.” In 1987, Phelps received an award from the local branch of the NAACP, recognizing his “undauntedness” and “steely determination for justice.”

  6. Yeah, but can I really be the first person to notice that Phelps’ monument to Pastor Green consists mainly of emblazoning the good pastor’s face on a fucking huge-ass granite phallus!?

    I’d say that surely the irony hasn’t escaped Pastor Phelps, but it’s obvious that irony escaped him a long, loooong time ago.

  7. What bothers me the most is the inherent assumption that the local victims in the directly affected countries (Thailand, Sri Lanka and others) are all expendable, just to teach the Western Civilization a lesson.

  8. Of course, once you realise the Swedish royal family are actually French (thanx, Bernadotte), it all makes sense.


    if you’re completely crazed anyway.

  9. I’d laugh hysterically at Fred Phelpps’s websites, and I actually do because you must admit that if Sweden used his website quotes for their Tourism advertising (Sweden: a country of sodomy, beastiality and perversion) don’t you think they’d get more tourist’s who appreciate a good joke? But the problem is he isn’t kidding. He has 11 lawyers, including some family, who work day and night to protect his rights of free speach, so that he and his group can show up to President Clintons’ mothers funeral and yell things through a bullhorn like “your momma’s burning in hell you pervert”, not to mention when his group arrived at Matthew Shephards funeral and told his mother that her son was a sick pervert who would get raped by satan himself for all eternity. He showed up at Ground Zero after 9/11 saying that God Hates America for protecting faggots. This isn’t a plant for the left, he is like Hitle, a man with deep rooted anger, a God complex and a huge press following. The scary thing is that men (or people, but usually men) take advantage of a countries right of free speech, they slowly get their word out, and others who live in constant fear and paranoia link up, one by one, and an idea like free speech is abused and a new group created hell bent on destroying the things it fears the most, and then free speech is trampled on and propoganda created, and spread and if you pay attention to history AT ALL, you know what comes next. Genocide of the peoples who “caused all of this suffering”. And then history looks back and says “sorry we should have all stood up and never let it happen to those poor persecuted people (which ever group is being slaughtered this time) and the future makes room for the next bizarre ideology to spring forth, and hate speech to be created under the protection of free speech, and you add water, rinse and repeat. I love free speech, say what you want, but when your free speech actually TARGETS specific people for punishment, it crosses a line from SPEECH to ACTION, the very action that gets homosexuals chases, beaten up and thrown on top of a pile of burning tires. Fred Phelpps is taking advantage of this countries freedom and has threatened the safety of the Swedish royal family and it’s king, and our President is powerless to do anything about it (not that he would do anything to stop a man who also hates fags as much as he does) and our laws protect Fred and his followers and off they go, to make other suffering families and people suffer even more while he yells sickening things at them about how evil they are and how their loved ones deserved it. Yeah America rules, we’re all a bunch of winners sitting back and laughing at Fred while the world wonders about our complacent silence. Now I’m mad….Sorry about the rant, I know we all care deep down somewhere, just like the germans all cared about watching their jewish neighbors being hauled away after years of propoganda. You can hear them all now “the Nazi’s wont do anything to the jews, it’s just propoganda, keep your head down and don’t make trouble, maybe they’ll go away…..and in the meantime, lets turn our backs on our friends and neighbors, it’s their problem, they can handle it”…see there I go again….gotta shut up…gotta see this as funny….gotta stop drinking coffee..

  10. I’m kidding when I say I think Phelps is a leftist plant, but aside from hurting people’s feelings at funerals, his bizarre ranting does more good for queers than bad.

  11. As a follow up to my earlier comment a couple of days ago, I have read the sermon that initially rendered a Swedish pastor a jail sentence and, thus, caused the creation of the hilarious godhatessweden site. My comments after reading the sermon can be found here

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