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The “Gays” Are Coming!

Hide your sons and daughters.

World Net Daily flips its lid today over the “homosexual agenda” and the horrors it hath wrought. Like suggesting that the “gays” exist, and should not have their identities placed in quotation marks. Others:
-Schools recognize gays exist; parents angry.
-David Kupelian recognizes that gays exist; is angry because he recognizes that the “homosexual lifestyle” is intrinsically evil and deranged, and why can’t people understand that he says that out of love for the gays?
-Time Magazine recognizes gays exist; WND angry because magazine did not disclose that article was written by a total homo. (Now this, I understand — I also get very angry whenever a story is published about something relating to straight people, and the fact that the writer is a hetero isn’t in huge bold font at the top of the article). Of course, this homo is the worst kind: he’s an activist

the Time journalist who researched and wrote the story is a homosexual with a long history of advancing “gay” causes, including the promotion of anonymous homosexual orgies.

The LGBT movement’s emphasis on securing the rights for all people to engage in anonymous homosexual orgies is certainly one of the reasons why I support them!

Clearly, this loose moose is a homosexual. Where will the homosexual agenda stop??

21 thoughts on The “Gays” Are Coming!

  1. Don’t let the WorldNuts know, but the infiltration is farther along than they thought. I live in the suburbs, and one of my neighbors is a police officer, and he’s…


    he’s gay.

    (“You have the right to remain fabulous!”)

  2. It’s not just the homosexuals! Why, the entire Left is united in an Unholy Alliance To Destroy The American Way of Life! It’s a Socialist Cabal of gays, commies, pinkos, liberals, fuzzy-headed one-worlders, environmentalists, feminists, abortion providers, Muslims, terrorists, Osama bin Laden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Mummy, Dracula…I could go on and on! Well, actually I’ve gotta run…the Unholy Alliance is meeting tonight and I promised I’d bring the Cheetos and Dr. Pepper! Ta!

  3. “[…] including the promotion of anonymous homosexual orgies.”
    Does one need to get a business license for that? What kind of listing does one get in the yellow pages to advertise such a business? Does he also promote heterosexual orgies, or are things that specialized in the orgy-promotion game?

  4. You have the right to remain fabulous!

    *coffee take*

    Andrew, those are orgies of anonymous homosexuals. The poor things never got names from their parents.

  5. “one of my neighbors is a police officer, and he’s…
    he’s gay.”

    (Ok, at the risk of exposing that I EVER saw any of this show)

    I so thought of Dawson’s Creek where the gay guy was kissing Pacey’s cop brother on the beach and an older couple walked by and the brother yells to them, “It’s ok, I’m just kissing my boyfriend!”

    I just remember thinking that in real life, he’d have been fired before he brushed the sand off his butt.

  6. “Andrew, those are orgies of anonymous homosexuals. The poor things never got names from their parents.”

    No, they got names, but when they came out the parents demanded the names back.

  7. Where were all you pro-gay feminists 10 years ago when I tried to run with the womens studies crowd? All I got was “Men can’t be oppressed in a sexist america” and kicked out of WS 101.

  8. Chris, have you read Waking Vixen? She has in fact blogged pseudonymous pansexual orgies.

    Other Ryan, you must have gone to the wrong school. I did a W&GS minor and lots of org work with GLBT folk, longer ago than mid-90’s, and I’m straight.

  9. Can’t we have pseudonymous pansexual orgies for once? Where are all the women pseudonymous pansexual orgy bloggers?

    I know that Morgaine Swann identifies as pansexual, but I don’t think she does the orgy thing. I suppose you could ask her.

  10. “[…] including the promotion of anonymous homosexual orgies.”
    Does one need to get a business license for that? What kind of listing does one get in the yellow pages to advertise such a business? Does he also promote heterosexual orgies, or are things that specialized in the orgy-promotion game?

    No, no, that was an orgy at a Homosexuals Anonymous meeting.

    You know how those Friends of Dorothy W. are…

  11. No, no, that was an orgy at a Homosexuals Anonymous meeting.

    That’s dreadful. How will they ever be able to file paternity suits if necessary?

    Oh, wait…

  12. I have nothing to add to all this funnieness except that I’m laughing so hard out loud my sister is looking at me very funny!!

    But seriously, now they are promoting anonymous homosexual orgies? Good grief, what will they think of next?

  13. Best way to inhibit anonymous homosexual orgies is to marry ’em all off to each other…. Jesus, Christian Right, why haven’t you clued into that? Gay men are going to get ass, Lesbians are going to get ass, just like straight people get ass. Why not give up ont he sin bullshit and co-opt Gay marriage like you have straight marriage? Let marry and have their sinful gay marital lovemaking, but fear-of-god them into being monogamous! It’ll _so_ work.

  14. Why let WDN even get name recognition? Let these fringe lunatics with a following remain in limbo, year after year, until they eventually realize their anger, ignorance, and misinformation belongs in a different century. Heeding their temper-tantrum polemics only slows down their inevitable decline and final recognition that World Daily Net–no matter how many hit today–is a futile effort that will end in complete failure. Sooner the better, I say. Stay above the fray and watch the ship sink. -Willard

  15. Maybe they should promote homosexual orgies, but with pre-registration… Easier to hunt down and get fired and all that.

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