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Scalito = Bad News

Really, really, really (pdf) bad news. The run-down:

The Bad
-Alito joined the Third Circuit majority opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which severely limited the right to abortion. But Alito went a step further than the rest of the court, asserting that it would be proper to require women to notify their husbands before they were allowed to have abortions. The Supreme Court, thankfully, ruled that “Women do not lose their constitutionally protected liberty when they marry.”

-Alito distanced himself from previous Supreme Court views on undue burden, writing that “an undue burden may not be established simply by showing that a law will have a heavy impact on a few women but that instead a broader inhibiting effect must be shown.” So if a particular requirement which infringes on the right to privacy — husband notification for abortion, for example — only has a detrimental effect on some women, that isn’t a good enough reason to disallow it.

-In 2000, Alito wrote an opinion which held that the Family Medical Leave Act was an instance of unconstitutional Congressional over-reach. Why? Because, he says, women are not disadvanted in the workplace by not being allowed to take family medical leave. Even Rehnquist disagreed with him on that point. (More at Angry Bear; thanks to Thomas for the link)

-Held that the Establishment Clause was not violated by a city holiday display which featured a menorah, a creche, Santa Claus, and other religious and secular holiday symbols.

-Opined that it’s a-ok for police officers to strip search 10-year-old girls.

-Alito helped write a Justice Department report supporting the “right” of employers to fire HIV-positive employees.

The Good
-Alito was in the majority in striking down the so-called “partial-birth” abortion ban in New Jersey, because the ban didn’t allow an exemption for the pregnant woman’s health. It should be noted here, though, that the Third Circuit was required by Supreme Court precedent to strike down any abortion ban that doesn’t allow a life/health exception.

-Alito wrote the unamimous opinion that the New Jersey police force had acted innappropriately in firing two Muslim officers for refusing to shave their beards.

-“A majority opinion in Fatin v. INS, 12 F.3d 1233 (3d Cir. 1993), holding that an Iranian woman seeking asylum could establish that she had a well founded fear of persecution in Iran if she could show that compliance with that country’s “gender specific laws and repressive social norms,” such as the requirement that women wear a veil in public, would be deeply abhorrent to her. Judge Alito also held that she could establish eligibility for asylum by showing that she would be persecuted because of gender, belief in feminism, or membership in a feminist group.” (via SCOTUSblog, by way of Protein Wisdom).

-Struck down a public school anti-harassment policy which included non-vulgar speech which didn’t interrupt school work (Some readers will likely have an issue with me putting this in the “good” section; while I think anti-harassment policies are appropriate, I do have a problem with them when they fully cross First Amendment lines, as this one did).

What it comes down to is this: Alito isn’t an “originalist.” He’s a conservative activist, willing to bend the law to favor his viewpoint. Of course, as much as the right-wing bitches and moans about “activist judges,” it’s kinda fun to see who actually legislates from the bench, isn’t it?

As more information about Alito comes to light, I’m sure this post will be updated.

For more on Alito (this list will be updated):
Culture Kitchen
Pandagon (so many posts on him, I can’t decide which to link to — just scroll!)
Rox Populi
Lawyers, Guns and Money. Twice.
Shakespeare’s Sister
The Rude Pundit
Think Progress

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Only Whores Orgasm

Mike Adams let us know that if us ladies have the audacity to orgasm, or worse, talk about sex outside of the bedroom (missionary only, by the way), you are a harlot. Harlot!

Guess whose fault this is. One guess.

In honor of Adams, I feel compelled to share a limerick from an old Kinsey institute book given to me by Ryan and Becky when we met last week.

Of crotches, they say, there’s variety.
It’s a shame that our modern society
Thinks it’s vulgar and lewd
To show them off nude.
To hell with all prudes and propriety!

That one’s for you, Mikey. Dirty limericks dedicated to Mr. Adams appreciated in the comments below.

UPDATE: Excuse me, that would be Dr. Adams. Yeah, I know. Tenured too.

Speaking of Our “Pro-Life” GOP…

Republicans began targeting key programs for budget cuts yesterday, from student loans and health care to food stamps and foster care.


The House Ways and Means Committee today will begin drafting legislation that would save about $8 billion over five years, eight times the $1 billion target the panel was given in the spring. To do it, Chairman Bill Thomas (R-Calif.) would cut back federal aid to state child-support enforcement programs, limit federal payments to some foster care families, and cut welfare payments to the disabled.

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Nazis, You Suck

but Doug Giles kind of understands.

Sure, he’ll take a strong anti-Nazi position — look, Nazis, you guys failed to take over the world, so clearly the movement is a loser. Better luck next time. Pick up a Marvin Gaye record and move on. But, as much as Doug dislikes people who follow dead movements (Communists, for example), he dislikes people who more actively dislike those people even more. Black people, for instance, whose constant, unending looting makes them appear “sub-human” to folks like Doug (Nazism, what?). Mr. Giles lives in fear of these folks, who inexplicably become angry when a group of neo-Nazis show up in their neighborhood to protest their very existance.

I mean . . . what’s going to set them off next? Long lines at Taco Bell, sold out tickets to Snoop’s concert, no booths available at the Olive Garden, a two-week waiting period for 22” rims?

…Because being angry at Neo-Nazis who tell you you’re sub-human is sort of like being angry when you can’t get your Taco Bell fast enough. And, really, the Olive Garden? Wouldn’t something about fried chicken and watermelon be a better racist reference? Jeez, Doug, get it together…

The cherry on top of this multi-layered, dysfunctional cake is that we’re told we have to understand the plunderers . . . yea, feel their pain. Look, I understand getting ticked off and wanting to mess someone up. I feel that way at Starbucks every morning when I’m standing behind a JLo wannabe who uses nine words to order her coffee. It’s all I can do to keep from pile driving her skull with a big French coffee press from their display rack for eating into my schedule and for polluting the atmosphere with her preening self-love.

Dude, you’re in Starbucks. If you don’t want to hear someone use nine words to order their coffee, get a 50-cent cup of black from a cart on the street (50 cent! Black! What am I thinking??). And what was that snide comment earlier about black folks getting mad about long lines at Taco Bell? Pot, kettle, etc etc.

And is anyone else disturbed that the simple act of a woman ordering her drink at Starbucks is enough to send Doug into such a rage that he wants to pile drive a coffee press into her skull? That is genuinely frightening, and it sounds like Mr. Giles needs some help.

Since this great land is still the land of opportunity, my suggestion to the violent ones “without” is this: Why don’t you take all the energy you normally exert in choosing which bandana you’ll wear to hide behind, what moving vehicle you’ll pelt with a fist- sized rock, how much crack you’ll smoke before breakfast, determining what alley has the best bottles for Molotov cocktails and what hole you can slink into post-riot and focus that get-up-and-go into getting your GED, going to college and giving your life to Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Tony Robbins, Oprah or someone of higher power?

Right. Because Doug gave his life to Jesus, and now he only fantasizes about breaking the skulls of young women who have the audacity to waste his precious time by ordering their coffee. Particularly when those women are Puerto Rican, or otherwise resemble JLo (perhaps it’s the amazing ass that infuriates him?) That, my friends, is far more productive and laudable than reacting when Neo-Nazis show up on your doorstep.


I’m thrilled to know that Focus on the Family recognizes the single mother as a valid and desirable head-of-household.

Eat it, Leon R. Kass. Bastardy and James Dobson made my day.

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An Honest Question

I’ve noticed the numbers of conservative and libertarian readership are significantly up on Feministe, and I’m generally curious why. It is because conservative and libertarian blogs have pushed you our way, did you find us on your own, is there something perversely attractive to you about our blog, or is it something else altogether?

Civil comments appreciated below.

The “Gays” Are Coming!

Hide your sons and daughters.

World Net Daily flips its lid today over the “homosexual agenda” and the horrors it hath wrought. Like suggesting that the “gays” exist, and should not have their identities placed in quotation marks. Others:
-Schools recognize gays exist; parents angry.
-David Kupelian recognizes that gays exist; is angry because he recognizes that the “homosexual lifestyle” is intrinsically evil and deranged, and why can’t people understand that he says that out of love for the gays?
-Time Magazine recognizes gays exist; WND angry because magazine did not disclose that article was written by a total homo. (Now this, I understand — I also get very angry whenever a story is published about something relating to straight people, and the fact that the writer is a hetero isn’t in huge bold font at the top of the article). Of course, this homo is the worst kind: he’s an activist

the Time journalist who researched and wrote the story is a homosexual with a long history of advancing “gay” causes, including the promotion of anonymous homosexual orgies.

The LGBT movement’s emphasis on securing the rights for all people to engage in anonymous homosexual orgies is certainly one of the reasons why I support them!

Clearly, this loose moose is a homosexual. Where will the homosexual agenda stop??

What’s a Single Christian Girl to Do?

Make the rest of us want to vomit, apparently. Here’s the premise: Single Christian Girl goes to college, is wildly disillusioned because even at her good Christian school the kids are sleeping around and doing drugs. She comes home, regretting ever have left Daddy’s domicile in the first place. Back at home, she realizes that her big mistake was letting anyone other than her father or her husband rule over her. She gets married, realizes what a silly mistake her autonomy was, and now gives her advice to the other Christian ladies. (As a sidenote Single Christian Girl is now editor of Ladies Against Feminism). Prepare yourselves.

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