In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Only Whores Orgasm

Mike Adams let us know that if us ladies have the audacity to orgasm, or worse, talk about sex outside of the bedroom (missionary only, by the way), you are a harlot. Harlot!

Guess whose fault this is. One guess.

In honor of Adams, I feel compelled to share a limerick from an old Kinsey institute book given to me by Ryan and Becky when we met last week.

Of crotches, they say, there’s variety.
It’s a shame that our modern society
Thinks it’s vulgar and lewd
To show them off nude.
To hell with all prudes and propriety!

That one’s for you, Mikey. Dirty limericks dedicated to Mr. Adams appreciated in the comments below.

UPDATE: Excuse me, that would be Dr. Adams. Yeah, I know. Tenured too.

82 thoughts on Only Whores Orgasm

  1. I love this:

    In other words, she wants college women to become whores without being ostracized.

    yeah, we have to keep the stigma on female sexuality because women are natually whoreish (which is, of course, really bad) and the only way to keep us in line is by making sure sex is unpleasant and we feel really guilty about it.

    I feel proud to be a UCSD alum, since the women there get his panties in such a bunch.

  2. I was wondering when you guys would notice this and post about it! 🙂

    Yet another embarrassment by my fellow right-wing types. It really does seem like some religious conservatives truly believe that married women don’t enjoy sex or use contraception.

    I can see someone maybe questioning the appropriateness/public decency factor of a public sexuality fest, male or female (I don’t really care since I’m a libertarian, but I can see that someone might). But he wasn’t doing that. He seems to be objecting to the idea that any woman would want to orgasm, masturbate, or use contraception.

    I mean even if they do support waiting till marriage, waiting until marriage does not have to = nonorgasmic, natural-family-planned, obligatory sexuality for women. Crikes.

  3. God, could he sound more like a whiny, sniggering 12-year-old?

    Aren’t the grownups supposed to be in charge now? Why are the wingnuts far more obsessed with sex — more importantly the sex others are having — than any liberal?

  4. Guess he isn’t aware that Victorians considered orgasm the cure for a wide variety of feminine ailments, and that the vibrator was developed for this purpose?

  5. What a creep. Nice how he puts the student’s email right at the top of the “column” too, just so she can get inundated with people calling her a whore. Threats with deniability (what? if it wasn’t a public email she shouldn’t have sent it out? what?), beautiful.

    And he needs to give up on that asylum thing. That dead horse has been beaten so long even the stick is broken.

  6. Guess he isn’t aware that Victorians considered orgasm the cure for a wide variety of feminine ailments, and that the vibrator was developed for this purpose?

    (Sigh) I think he’s more of the clitoridectomy school of Victorian medicine.

    In other words, she wants college women to become whores without being ostracized.

    Yeah, this was the part where I went, “Whoa.”

    But a word of warning to the young feminists of FSU is in order. Their events, which are geared toward women, do nothing to include certain groups that are suffering a crisis of “gender identity.” And that is potentially problematic since Chancellor Moeser is now under pressure to add “gender identity” to UNC’s non-discrimination policy.

    This new initiative would enable transsexuals in all stages of transition, such as cross-dressers, “inter-sexed” persons, and “inter-gendered” persons – groups that all deny their birth sex – to be included in the non-discrimination policy.

    The Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor recently met with Moeser to discuss what he should do and how students “feel” about this issue. Needless to say, if “gender identity” is added to the UNC non-discrimination policy, it could have serious implications. For example, the creation of gender neutral bathrooms and special counseling to help students “transfer” gender could follow.

    1) You’re an asshole.

    2) The word is “transition,” you asshole.

    3) Transwomen use vibrators, too. Some transwomen have clitorises. They tend not to have as much trouble locating their happy areas, though.

  7. Guess he isn’t aware that Victorians considered orgasm the cure for a wide variety of feminine ailments, and that the vibrator was developed for this purpose?

    Funny–even the conservative anti-feminist author Carolyn Graglia admits this. She’s one of the first on our side to point out that many women were actually MORE aware of their bodies and how to pleasure them during the Victorian era than they were in the 20th century. The stuffy, Victorian, “lie back and think of England” sexuality is more or less a myth. I’m willing to bet even women in the 50’s who did wait till the wedding night still had orgasms and got horny here and there.

    What I find interesting is the similarity between many theocratic right-wing pundits, and Muslims. I specify theocratic, because this stuff seems to prevail only among certain right-wing groups.

    Same view of suppressing women’s sexuality, and shaming women into waiting til marriage and sex as “your duty.” I recall reading something recently that distinguished from “women you slept with vs. women you married” in the “good old days,” effectively admitting that men don’t have to wait til marriage, just women. (I think that was Vox Daily, but not sure).

    This is exactly what an Iraqi friend of mine from home told me he was taught back in Iraq.

    What we are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, we are actually bringing to the US. this is why theocracy is evil, in whatever form.

  8. OK, so the guy does impress me as something of a weiner. But honestly, who has a festival about orgasm’s? I mean, really.

    Now I’m not knocking it…truthfully, I find it amusing. In fact, I wish I could attend. But I just don’t get the ‘myth’ in this day and age. I know I’m most likely a bit older than most of the visitors here, but I just don’t know anybody in my age group that doesn’t appreciate a woman who has an orgasm.

    I’m a 44 year-old bouncer and ironworker, and I get middle-age women and up (or even all the way down to 21 in some cases) leering at me like a glistening popsicle on a hot summer day every week-end. And believe me, I’m no prize!

    So who still stigmatizes women’s sexuality? I know I don’t and I’ve yet to hear any man or woman complain about it. We say, “Let the Juices Flow!” (not to be rude…)

  9. Guess he isn’t aware that Victorians considered orgasm the cure for a wide variety of feminine ailments, and that the vibrator was developed for this purpose?

    I’ve always gotten the impression that, as remarkable as it may seem, “hysteria treatment” wasn’t seen as a sexual matter, apparently neither by the patients nor the doctors. In fact, the electric vibrator was invented because the doctors were sick of manually stimulating women all day (around the time of its invention, it was in the Top 5 of household appliances). Maybe I am especially credulous, but I could see it being either way — underground sexual awareness, or doctors becoming bored with what they saw as a non-sexual treatment for hysteria, because after all Women Just Aren’t Like That.

    I am fascinated by sex in history and I’m always trying to get an understanding of how it was viewed in different time periods, and by the way, if any of you are on LiveJournal I recommend joining the fantastic vintage_sex community, which does its part in showing how much earlier generations enjoyed taking and having dirty pictures.

  10. In fact, the electric vibrator was invented because the doctors were sick of manually stimulating women all day.


  11. On a side note, on one of the erotica sites I occasionally check out, there was a great riff on the “hysteria treatment” idea (email me if you want the link). I think a recent BUST “one-handed read” had that as a theme too, although I might have gotten those two confused.

  12. I’m a 44 year-old bouncer and ironworker, and I get middle-age women and up (or even all the way down to 21 in some cases) leering at me like a glistening popsicle on a hot summer day every week-end. And believe me, I’m no prize!

    Bullshit. The grammar, the punctuation in your post is almost flawless (middle age is not hyphenated, but middle-aged is). Moreover, your diction is not of the sort a middle-aged iron worker and bouncer would use. You, sir, are an imposter, most likely a 20-sumptin’-year old college student trying to fly in under the radar to razz some feminists. Even your handle, Masculiste, takes a jab at the site.

    Either that, or you’re a wielder with a Ph.D.or M.A. who quit every teaching job you’ve ever had because you couldn’t stand working with all the liberals who infest practically every department of every college in the U.S. I suppose it would be better to throw toothless drunks out of a bar rather than deal with Phyllis W. Everstein, who holds a Ph.D. in Rainbowology, at every staff meeting.

  13. So who still stigmatizes women’s sexuality? I know I don’t and I’ve yet to hear any man or woman complain about it.

    Most likely, most people don’t in practice, but they sure write a lot about it. There are a whole slew of pundits out there who keep hammering us about how sex is for life-giving and not pleasure, and a lot of them put out this intellectually inaccurate dichotomy of “either you’re single and sleeping with 10 guys unprotected, or you’re married and “open to life.”

    Discussion of birth control in education is discouraged in that crowd because hey, you should be waiting till marriage, and then you won’t need it anyway. Theocratic pundits leave little room for an unmarried yet monogamous-for-many-years couple, or for a married couple that isn’t enthused to have a kid.

    In reality though? Most of my friends and acquaintances, Republican and Democrat, have had premarital sex, and use contraception whether married or not. Ironically, that includes the ones who are vocal against that stuff. I have religious friends who will in one conversation say that premarital sex is evil or that contraception leads to promiscuity, and then talk about the sex they have with their boyfriend or the birth control pills they take. And, I suspect most of them have orgasms, either self-given or intercourse-induced.

    It’s more talk than action, mostly, I suspect.

  14. Wow, his bar for “whoredom” is pretty low. Apparently, all you have to do is think about masturbating!

  15. Wow, his bar for “whoredom” is pretty low. Apparently, all you have to do is think about masturbating!

    And be a woman at the same time. Otherwise, you’re not a whore. You’re Mike Adams.

  16. What’s sad though is that he’s married. I can understand a virginal teen thinking sex is “icky,” but I can’t say I’d want to be married to a pundit who thinks sex is icky.

    My husband is a registered Republican and member of Young Americans for Freedom. But he likes sex and is able to discuss it in a mature fashion. He also wants me to like it as much as he does, and is disgusted by men who don’t want women to enjoy it.

    Again, I’d imagine that the anti-sex pundits who are married don’t practice what they preach, for the most part. Including Mike Adams.

  17. In other words, she wants college women to become whores without being ostracized.

    I stopped reading after this sentence. Exactly what does women’s sexuality and orgasms have to do with…gah…nevermind. Pointless to ask this question. I guess I should ask, exactly what is this guy afraid of?

    But a word of warning to the young feminists of FSU is in order. Their events, which are geared toward women, do nothing to include certain groups that are suffering a crisis of “gender identity.” And that is potentially problematic since Chancellor Moeser is now under pressure to add “gender identity” to UNC’s non-discrimination policy.

    This new initiative would enable transsexuals in all stages of transition, such as cross-dressers, “inter-sexed” persons, and “inter-gendered” persons – groups that all deny their birth sex – to be included in the non-discrimination policy.

    The Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor recently met with Moeser to discuss what he should do and how students “feel” about this issue. Needless to say, if “gender identity” is added to the UNC non-discrimination policy, it could have serious implications. For example, the creation of gender neutral bathrooms and special counseling to help students “transfer” gender could follow.

    Ok. I must be stuck-on-stupid (again) because I don’t understand what all this has to do with celebrating women’s orgasms.

  18. I now have one more reason to be a proud citizen of Chapel Hill and future Tarheel (assuming I get into the graduate program I want there). There is no sarcasm at all included in that sentence, in case anyone was wondering.

    Some people certainly spend a lot of time and energy worrying about other people’s sex lives.

  19. is there a reason why I need moderation again? Have been posting here for weeks!! perhaps I had a change of IP address?

    WordPress just does that sometimes, inexplicably. I occassionally have to moderate my own comments. It’s nothing personal!

  20. I always thought “Orgasm Festival” was just slang that my former girlfriends used for their time with me.

    I wonder if they have actionable copyright claims?

  21. But a word of warning to the young feminists of FSU is in order. Their events, which are geared toward women, do nothing to include certain groups that are suffering a crisis of “gender identity.” And that is potentially problematic since Chancellor Moeser is now under pressure to add “gender identity” to UNC’s non-discrimination policy.

    This new initiative would enable transsexuals in all stages of transition, such as cross-dressers, “inter-sexed” persons, and “inter-gendered” persons – groups that all deny their birth sex – to be included in the non-discrimination policy.

    The Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor recently met with Moeser to discuss what he should do and how students “feel” about this issue. Needless to say, if “gender identity” is added to the UNC non-discrimination policy, it could have serious implications. For example, the creation of gender neutral bathrooms and special counseling to help students “transfer” gender could follow.

    Oh no! Not counseling for transgender students, who on the whole are more likely to need it with the amount of harassment they get! (As well as need it medically before they transition, which is probably what he’s trying to argue, but whatever. It would be nice to have a real queer/genderqueer counselor on staff anyway.)

    What will those wacky homos think of next?

  22. WordPress just does that sometimes, inexplicably. I occassionally have to moderate my own comments. It’s nothing personal!

    S’ok. I thought maybe my use of the word “virginal teen” put my post through some type of porn filter or something. 🙂

  23. Bullshit. The grammar, the punctuation in your post is almost flawless (middle age is not hyphenated, but middle-aged is). Moreover, your diction is not of the sort a middle-aged iron worker and bouncer would use. You, sir, are an imposter,

    On the one hand, perhaps I should ignore this insanely offensive elitist piece of tripe because it’s always fun to watch the trolls argue among themselves.

    On the other hand, fuck you.

  24. Dr. Adams, you think that it’s true
    orgasms rid girls of virtue.
    When I let myself go,
    and reach the big O,
    it’s hereby dedicated to you.

  25. What I don’t get is why he thinks women can’t be both into orgasm and be intellectuals. The two are not mutually exclusive, after all. Does he think that attending orgasm festivals will disable the part of your brain that studies, say, physics? If anything, I would think frequent orgasms would give you remarkable clarity and calmness, making studying much easier.

  26. Marksman, that guy thinks the appropriate way to denote the plural of orgasm is with an apostrophe. Any allegation of flawlessness on your part is frivolous.

    In fact, Masculiste is Michael Capanzzi of Chicago, Illinois. He’s not anonymous. Rather, he cries out for you to read his entire life story (or his version of it, at any rate) and weep with sympathy for him.

    Also (echoing Chris) before I got all my higher education, I grew up on a construction site swinging a hammer. Careful proofreading is not class specific.

  27. This new initiative would enable transsexuals in all stages of transition, such as cross-dressers, “inter-sexed” persons, and “inter-gendered” persons – groups that all deny their birth sex – to be included in the non-discrimination policy.

    Wait, how do you deny your birth sex if you’re not sure what that birth sex is? Or is this guy just completely ignorant that what was once called hermaphroditism does, in fact, exist?

  28. This is obviously outrageous, but I’ll take a more humanistic approach to this guy. Think about it. To make such comments about women and orgasms probably means that he hasn’t ever had really great sex in his whole life. Further, it means that if his wife has ever had an orgasm, it hasn’t been with him. He most definitely has performance issues and is probably a little bitter about it. His wife is obviously not a whore because she’s never had an orgasm, something which I can’t help her achieve. Sad, sad, sad.
    I wonder if he’s one of those “evangelicals?” That would explain a lot.

  29. I think the article is really inappropriate.

    For a professor to call members of the student population whores creates an uncomfortable environment for female student learning. Imagine if you were a member of the FSU and enrolled in Dr. Adam’s class?? How comfortable would you feel approaching him during office hours? How certain would you feel that he was assessing your work objectively and fairly?

    As someone who teaches college students, I think it is very important to maintain a semblance of objectivity, and to treat all students similarly. Through this article he’s demonstrated that he thinks little of female students, especially those who are open about their sexuality.

    Oh, btw, he’s won faculty awards!

    I’m disgusted.

  30. For a professor to call members of the student population whores creates an uncomfortable environment for female student learning. Imagine if you were a member of the FSU and enrolled in Dr. Adam’s class?? How comfortable would you feel approaching him during office hours? How certain would you feel that he was assessing your work objectively and fairly?

    That would depend on whether or not I were having orgasms, I suppose.

    Seriously, though, this is an excellent point.

  31. This new initiative would enable transsexuals in all stages of transition, such as cross-dressers, “inter-sexed” persons, and “inter-gendered” persons – groups that all deny their birth sex – to be included in the non-discrimination policy.

    Wait, how do you deny your birth sex if you’re not sure what that birth sex is? Or is this guy just completely ignorant that what was once called hermaphroditism does, in fact, exist?

    Most probably. On the other hand, he could feel that it’s inappropriate for intersexed and intergendered people to complain about having been arbitrarily assigned a gender at birth.

    Either way, what an asshole.

  32. The guy is obviously a joke but have wonder if he feels that men who masterbate are pervs and those having sex outside of marriage are man-sluts/sinners.

    I was on a message board and this 16-17 year boy was talking about how nuts he was going after giving up masterbation when he realised he’d go to hell if he didn’t. The wing-nuts really believe this stuff and live it.

    Crazy or not, he could be as negative about a “Yank The Lizzard” event (not that I know any men who have needed lessons;)). I’m not a big fan of assuming sexism, or any ism when there are other likely explanations. This is the first time I’ve heard of the man so maybe he really is sexist throw-back. And of course, using the loaded term “whore” doesn’t endear him to anyone including me.

  33. I just want to say that as a man, I have no fear of the female orgasm. I have worked, strived and worked some more to enable as many as possible!

  34. A tenured prof, Michael S. Adams
    Calls women who come whores and madams.
    If he causes you stress
    You’re still far more impressed
    Than all of the women who’ve had him.

  35. For a professor to call members of the student population whores creates an uncomfortable environment for female student learning. Imagine if you were a member of the FSU and enrolled in Dr. Adam’s class?? How comfortable would you feel approaching him during office hours? How certain would you feel that he was assessing your work objectively and fairly?

    Really good point, although I’m not sure how seriously to take his bio, which includes this choice line: “He graduated from C.L.H.S. in 1983 with a 1.8 GPA. He was ranked 734 among a class of 740, largely as a result of flunking English all four years of high school.”

    While the UNC administration is undoubtedly thrilled that these coeds are turning out to be nymphomaniacs rather than intellectuals

    Because clearly you can’t have a healthy sense of sexuality and actually have a brain…

  36. Does he think that attending orgasm festivals will disable the part of your brain that studies, say, physics?

    Seems like a revival of the “Women can’t go to school or they’ll divert blood from their reproductive organs into the brain” stance, doesn’t it?

  37. Seems like a revival of the “Women can’t go to school or they’ll divert blood from their reproductive organs into the brain” stance, doesn’t it?

    Hmm… Men have been diverting blood from their brains to their penises for eons, and it hasn’t stopped them from, you know, doing all that man stuff like math and science.

  38. There once was a professor in the Carolinas,
    Who couldn’t equate orgasms and vaginas,
    He best avoid strife,
    When it comes to his wife,
    Or he will be polishing his knob to a fine patina.

  39. The best line in the whole thing?:

    And all of this should make Chancellor James Moeser of UNC-Chapel Hill very proud. For years, he has been jealous of the University of California system because of its reputation for academic lunacy.

    Oh yeah, baby. Tell you what, let’s just line up the total number of Nobel prize winners in the UC system, then let’s compare that to all the Nobel, Guggenheim, MacArthur, and whatever other academic distinction you care to use in the UNC system. Even better, let’s just compare flagship campuses, Cal (Berkeley) vs. Chapel Hill, with the same criteria.

    Maybe there’s a clue here as to why James Moeser might be jealous of the UC system. Besides the obvious sexual attractiveness being a Cal grad imbues one with (psych!).

  40. “But honestly, who has a festival about orgasm’s? I mean, really.” Can anyone think of a better reason to have a festival? I sure can’t.

    He is no fan of arts de amore,
    Thinks a woman who comes is a whore
    When such sentiments arise,
    Is it such a surprise
    If he doesn’t get laid anymore?

    (Pardon the terrible excuse at French. Or whatever language it is I’m trying to imitate.)

    “In other words, she wants college women to become whores without being ostracized.” More like, she wants college women to *be able to* become sexual people (not whores) without being ostracized. And she wants college women to be able to make an informed choice about it.

    “So who still stigmatizes women’s sexuality?” Uhh, well, let me think . . . let’s see . . . maybe . . . MIKE ADAMS?

    “Either that, or you’re a wielder with a Ph.D.or M.A. . . .” Hate to point this out, Marksman, but it’s probably not the best of ideas to mispell a word in a post whose purpose is to correct someone else’s mutilation of the English language? It’s “welder.”

  41. A professor forgets about teachin’
    So he could do a bit of preachin’
    As he called women whores,
    My God, the man bores
    So us bitches tell him, stop your beetchin’!”
    Ahh, lymericks. Such fun, aren’t they?

  42. “In other words, she wants college women to become whores without being ostracized.” More like, she wants college women to *be able to* become sexual people (not whores) without being ostracized. And she wants college women to be able to make an informed choice about it.

    Mm-hm. I love how the only example of a sexual woman he can come up with is a historically lone, destitute, endangered woman whose sexuality is in the service of paying male customers.

  43. OK, that should be “limericks.” Hoist by my own petard, it seems, but at least not in the same post.

    Wait, what’s a petard, and do women even have them?

    This nutcase misogynist twit
    Spews out nonsense, and not just a bit.
    His complete load of bull
    Is deserving in full
    Of the response “You’re so full of shit!”
    Hmm, seems I have to write on this line, otherwise an extra space appears between the last line and the one above it.

  44. I neglected to say it before
    Being busy with retorts galore
    But this man’s chief success
    To his utmost distress
    Is to make ME proud to be a whore.
    Thank you.

  45. Said Adams, “Sex isn’t a toy!”
    You’re a whore if it’s what you enjoy!
    You women are sluts,
    No ifs, ands, or buts,
    It’s disgraceful if you’re not a boy.”

  46. “A woman’s a maiden by birth.
    Her hymen is all she is worth.
    So lock up your chachi,
    And toss your hitachi,
    Or the trannies will conquer the Earth!”

  47. I wish I could do the rhyming thing.
    But it is like a knot in a string.
    If I had vagina I’m sure I could.
    But thinking of of vaginas has given me too much wood.

    I really tried to keep up but I had a few drinks tonight and that is the best I could come with!

  48. whose sexuality is in the service of paying male customers

    Like in the good old days, when co-eds could be counted on to trade a lay for an A. No, I’m sure the good doctor isn’t nostalgic for that area. Nosir.

  49. “You’re a whore if you get past third base,
    Or you get the big O anyplace.”
    If this asshole ain’t jokin’
    Then what’s he been smokin’
    Or is his brain in outer space?

    The man puts his career in its coffin
    When his penis beginneth to soften
    When he can’t come, it’s true,
    He says “Neither should you.”
    In response, I shall have them more often.

  50. A woman’s a maiden by birth.
    Her hymen is all she is worth.
    So lock up your chachi,
    And toss your hitachi,
    Or the trannies will conquer the Earth!”

    piny, I think I just fell in love.

  51. oh! i LOVE YOU ALL. so much.

    i am the woman who this guy decided to put in the hot seat. i have gotten many a scathing e-mail today alone from right-wing men about why this event is disgusting, smutty, promoting whoredom, and i even got a guy telling me that he hopes i get an STD and die. but this is only after he told me that condoms don’t protect from AIDS, to which i of course replied with a long information piece about the different kinds of condoms and their levels of protection…. blah blah blah, the point is,


    thank you. thank you, thank you, OH thank you.

  52. As if I weren’t already insulted enough by Adams’ original tripe, now this moron decides to degrade the entire state of North Carolina? Methinks he missed the point…

    Oh yeah, baby. Tell you what, let’s just line up the total number of Nobel prize winners in the UC system, then let’s compare that to all the Nobel, Guggenheim, MacArthur, and whatever other academic distinction you care to use in the UNC system. Even better, let’s just compare flagship campuses, Cal (Berkeley) vs. Chapel Hill, with the same criteria.

  53. now this moron decides to degrade the entire state of North Carolina?

    The thing about Adams is that he is a prof at a minor branch campus, and spends most of his time throwing rocks at the main campus aka flagship university of the system. Aside from the usual right wing pap he tries to get readers to ingest, there is a steady stream of Chapel Hill hating in a lot of his writing. Nothing like an academic inferiority complex.

  54. The sad thing to me is he has made some good points in the past about the institutionalized suppression of free speech and conservative views, but he then makes them appear frivolous with completely over-the-top bombast like this.

  55. “A woman’s a maiden by birth.
    Her hymen is all she is worth.
    So lock up your chachi,
    And toss your hitachi,
    Or the trannies will conquer the Earth!”

    We’ve established that “whoredom” is swell
    Since Mike tells us we’re going to hell
    Now that “One bit of flesh
    Is worth more than the rest,”
    Then it’s great to be “worthless” as well.

  56. The sad thing to me is he has made some good points in the past about the institutionalized suppression of free speech and conservative views

    Well, except that most of his points on that issue dissolve when you actually look into them. For instance, he’s claimed that certain students were failed for being conservative, when they were really failed for not doing the assignment as assigned.

  57. Too funny, I just read Davd newheirts blog orcinus where he eviscerated a Dr. adams column about how republican women are better looking than democratic women and he reason why so many democrats are gay is because of said dearth of attractive democratic women ( I think adams is attempting a weird form of sarcasm, but not sure).
    Then I come here and read another absolutely terrible article by the same wanker! jesus christo !

  58. Why does Dr. Mike rule out the possibility that maybe married women might be attending the conference in order to enhance their conjugal relations with their husbands? Did he check his own wife’s calendar for that Thursday?

    And although he says: “she wants college women to become whores without being ostracized” — isn’t the point of the festival almost the opposite? Women will also learn how to pleasure themselves in private — I should think Dr. Mike would find that preferable.

    Oh. Wait. I guess just having an orgasm makes a woman a whore in his eyes.

    Funny, I can imagine that one of the hallmark skills of an actual whore is FAKING orgasms.

  59. “Funny, I can imagine that one of the hallmark skills of an actual whore is FAKING orgasms.”

    Which means they go to this festival in order to learn to have an orgasm so they can learn how they react when they’re having one, so they can perform the same actions in order to effectively fake one.

  60. Liza,

    I did not in any way shape or form mean to denigrate the great state of North Carolina, a state whose beauty, grandeur and cuisine I have explored from Asheville to the Outer Banks. I am in particular an admirer of North Carolina barbeque, a dish unique in its identification of technique rather than its contents.

    My snark was aimed solely at the infinitesmally small intellect of Mike Adams, whose concludes that Chancellor James Moeser could only admire the University of California system because of an invented hypersexual atmostphere. I meant to point out that there are actual academic achievements that Moeser could admire, which of course mean nothing to Adams, as he lucked into a position that allows him to saw away at the branch that supports him. He is thus an avatar of what can jokingly be called “conservative intellectualism”.

    If my sliming slopped over to North Carolina, it is because I am a poor humorist, and even worse at editorializing. North Carolina has enough of a burden in paying Mike Adam’s salary, and I apologize if I added to those burdens.

  61. Which means they go to this festival in order to learn to have an orgasm so they can learn how they react when they’re having one, so they can perform the same actions in order to effectively fake one.

    Logic like this forces me to question if Kyra may be a Falwellian agent.^^

  62. ‘Smatter with Haiku?? Huh???

    Chicks who come are whores
    says the uptight teacher
    who never gets laid


    Fear the vagina!
    The clitoris spawns evil
    Cold showers can’t kill

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