In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Inauguration Open Thread

Who’s watching? (I am watching from Paris, drinking tea and eating maracrons — it beats the hell out of four years ago when I was watching in freezing cold weather on the mall). What do you think? My thoughts are here, at the Guardian.

DNC Open Thread

So… Bill Clinton was kind of awesome, right? Like total nerd-wonk and also somehow a guy you actually want to hear go 30 minutes over his allotted time? Possibly the only person you ever want to hear pontificate on the details of the discretionary budget? One of the few politicians who is actually capable of taking policy points that are both complex AND mundane and making them both interesting and accessible? Man is gifted.

RNC Open Thread

Fat cat watching TV and drinking beer

Are you watching? I am watching. Why am I watching? I don’t even have a TV; I’m streaming it on C-SPAN. I hate myself.