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RNC Open Thread

Fat cat watching TV and drinking beer

Are you watching? I am watching. Why am I watching? I don’t even have a TV; I’m streaming it on C-SPAN. I hate myself.

28 thoughts on RNC Open Thread

  1. No cable here. Besides, I have to save all my rage and face-palming for the next Canadian federal election.

    Instead of watching, you can come help me build a fort with all my moving boxes.

    1. Besides, I have to save all my rage and face-palming for the next Canadian federal election.

      Andie, I’m burning through mine now for the Quebec election Tuesday.

  2. Gotta love that pic!

    Jill, I thought you owned a TV. Don’t you have roommates? It’s tough to find people who can’t live without television.

  3. NO! I get enough ra ra republicans rage making at work where my coworkers seem to *delight* in talking about how Obama is going to lose the election because SOCIALISM!

  4. I’m not watching it. My roommates don’t need to be subjected to several hours of my semi-coherent ranting.

  5. that cat has perfected the “man sit”

    election season* always makes me glad I don’t have television, I just get my rage 2nd hand through npr

    *not really a season anymore, but “election year-and-a-half” doesn’t have the same ring to it

  6. Turned on the tv, and in less than five minutes I heard Paul Ryan: “…a country where everything is free, but us.”
    I just couldn’t. I went and showered.

  7. NO! I get enough ra ra republicans rage making at work where my coworkers seem to *delight* in talking about how Obama is going to lose the election because SOCIALISM!

    Good gawd. You must live down the street from me.

    I remember the day after Obama won the election, no one at my work would even speak. It stayed completely silent, all day.

    1. After all the grief they are intentionally giving me Iintend to look smug and self-satisfied when Obama wins the election. I might even celebrate with some sort of liberal food item. Only I don’t know what is considered “liberal” food.

      1. Excellent suggestions. I’ll bring mixed green salads with french dressing with yogurt and granola for dessert.

  8. I was at work monitoring a rebroadcast of the Paralympics opening ceremony. Stephen Hawking and Ian McKellen participated. Hawking spoke for science, reason, and curiosity. McKellen performed Shakespeare.

    From what I heard, the RNC was an incredible display of fabrication and mendacity. Given a choice between Stephen Hawking and Paul “method of conception” Ryan… well, you finish the sentence.

  9. Ha, I spent my night with Planned Parenthood too! As for the RNC… well, considering the Romney campaign went on record to defend their fraudulent attack ads by saying, “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers,” that pretty much deleted any reason I had for taking their campaign seriously.

  10. Since I like to go to sleep relaxed and not angry, I’m avoiding every second of it. The news stresses me out, so listening to those speeches would definitely be too much.

  11. I depend on Lewis Black to observe politics and report back. His venting and rages are so much on-point and effective than mine!

  12. Never in a million years. I’m still traumatized from Bush ’04, which my brother subjected to in the name of “opposition research” while I was stuck in a two-room condo with him. I couldn’t decide which gave me more headaches: the speakers or Bro’s incessant ranting.

    Of course, a week or two later he was all “turn on the TV! The Dems have this awesome keynote speaker I’ve never heard of . . .”

  13. To me the thing that summed it up was the awesome feminist journalist Michelle Goldberg’s tweet, which was something like “you’d think someone at the GOP pro-life event would offer a pregnant lady a seat. You would be wrong.”

    That and then Scott Walker telling Amy Goodman that her asking about reproductive rights was a ridiculous question because all the women he meets just want to talk about the economy. At least they realize that issue is biting them in the ass, I guess.

    I’m going to watch project runway tonight.

  14. I wish I had the privilege of going there. Condoleeza Rice’s speech was the best I have ever heard on foreign policy, and I wish Romney chose her to be VP instead of Ryan.

  15. That was a great convention. Incredibly well-organized with great speeches throughout. Marco Rubio did a fantastic job.

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